The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 1778 of the Three Kingdoms

You must know that Liu Wei can be the first year of force to force the Lord of Wen Hou Lu Bu!

Not long ago, it was more than the martial arts of the martial arts, and crushed a group of martial arts.

Ye Zha is concerned, in fact, this is worried, completely excess.

Liu Wei did not take a break, enjoy the feeling of such a big beauty, and then observed the battle, Yang Zexing has begun from above the cloud building, and it is vertical arrow.

"Follow Yang General, win the arrow!"


Big Han Tiger is a pawn, and the hand is always the end of Yang Zaixing, and the tiger has on the Golden Golden Taller.

Originally, this arrow is extremely high, even if there is a ladder, it can't climb it. It will be as high as a battle, and the Shen arm bow is like a target.

It is very embarrassing that is very embarrassed by the cloud building.

Yang Ren, one of Jiulong, is like the gods, jumping to the archery, big killing!

A long gun in the palm of the palm, it's invincible, and directly cuts the gold tie's arrow guard!

"It's evil, this Han is so fierce, in the shoulder, fight with this guite !!"

"Kill him, hold the arrow!"

The golden army of the two tigers will, the face is suffocating, and Qi Qi raises the long knife in his hand, and he has strengthened the past.


The knife is sharp, and the two members will, one left one right, one person is head, one person stops, I want to pull the knife to stop Yang Zi Xing.

The wind burst, the power is not good.

Just Yang Zi Xing will put them in the eyes, and a clear smile: "Turkey woooti, ​​come to find dead !?"

Along with anger, Yang Ren is rushing to the tiger, dancing, shuttle on the arrow, and the madness is in general, and the soldiers are killed!


There is between the rifle ghosts and the gods, the gunshots are very strong, just penetrating the gaps of the two knives, the cave wear the throat of these two members, picking them!

Such a might!

The tiger behind the tiger and sorrowful: "Towels will be on the Dragon, the vertical and invincible, kill!"

"I will be on the Dragon, the traffic is invincible, kill!"

On top of the archer, killing.

The tiger is flying, just like cutting melons, the murder is screaming!

The gold soldiers above this archer, even if they want to run, but this arrow is as high as dozens of meters, if it is falling, is it not a bloody bone?

However, by Yang Ren, he led the Han army crazy slaughter, and there is no temper ...

[Third, stable and updated, continue to seek flowers, evaluation tickets, various addresses, support ...].

The first thousand five hundred seventy chapters will lead Ye Zhaowei, hero's end!

"Unsuccessful, become a benevolent!"

Liu Dynasty took a sigh of breath, glanced at the direction of the arrow, and then stared at the direction of the Chinese army, and his face passed a heavy haze ...

"People die, do not die thousands of years ... The public will listen to the order, click Qi Tiefuqi, prepare for the general, and hit the Han Jun Emperor Huangqongqi !!"

Liu He is holding a long gun, which is ignorant.

The gold tie behind, Qi Qi shii: "This ... this is going to hit the Emperor Zhongjun !?"

"My day, crazy !?"

"This plan is really an adventure!"

He chooses to stay with the Han army, which is the incomparable gamble.

Gamble, Liu Jiwei shakes the world!

I am gambling, this war is lost, nine dead is not available!


The horses hit the Han army side, attracted the strength of the Han army, and Liu has personally brought the iron float to the Han Jun Emperor, and launched a charge.


Liu Hao stunned, laughed: "Sure enough, Liu is coming to send death, who is willing to be , take this level !?"

Ye Zhao took a green eyebrow knife and arched: "Your Majesty, the end will be willing to fight for a battle, if you can't take his head, willing to be disposed of military law!"

Liu Zhen nodded and said: "The Liu is given to you, kill!"

"Dragon Camp prohibited the army, in the future!"

Ye Zhaoxianeelently made a truly, he pulled down the bronze faces above his own play, and called the horse to let the knife.

Three thousand arch of the Emperor Huang Wang's dragon camp banned the army, following Ye Zha.

- -

The big riser under Liu's hand, the nose is sprayed out, and the four hoofs are flying, the speed is already the limit ...

Behind the five thousand iron float, even people with horses, there are hundreds of pounds, the assault, the power shocks the world!

Ye Zhao is to wait, and the beauty is cold.

In front of Liu Wei, Ye Zha only wants to express himself, what is your iron turnt? !

"Dare to block someone, death!"

Liu's mad, hit the leg, the legs, the whole person, the whole person shoulder, like the mountain, the palm point steel rifle is full of chaos!

Faced with the madness of the cracks of heavy armor, Ye Zhai is not afraid, the palm of the eyebrows, the turmoil is a group of green shadows, and the long guns of Liu is hit together.


After the golden iron is loud, Ye Zhao and Liu have two people, even people bring horses, interlaced, and run a few meters, only to stop the body!

The first round of confrontation can be said to be unblocked.

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