The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 1780 of the Three Kingdoms

To tell the truth, the Han army has a unparalleled martial arts, and the victory is not a rare thing. Liu Wei even hides a hand of the Qinglong chariot!


Liu Ji took the resilience and greeted the direction of Luoyang City.

On the shoulders, a knife was in the back, this back is also arrow, the bone cone, hot pain!

"General, the Han army soldiers are peerless, today our army defeated, the archer is already lost, what should I do next?"

The part of Liu's part will be awkward.

In the past few days, I was dragged the rhythm of the Han Jun quickly siege on the archery.

Now I haven't had a Arrow, and Liu Jun lost a strategic point. Luoyang City became a lonely city, completely difficult!

Liu Jiranuo said: "Hurry back to Luoyang City, if it is in the field, it is very likely to be chased by the Han army's light cavalry, and it is difficult to think about it!"

After this battle, Liu's intention is to experience the power of the big Chinese army.

It is completely the front of the light cavalry, and the result is blown by the whispering lion of the big man.

However, Liu's rectification led the dismissal, just rushed to Luoyang City, he saw Luoyang City Gate closed, the city is above, the big Han, the hemathellon flag, fluttering in the wind!

"This ... this ... this ..."

Liu's mouth is straight, the face is big, and the gold troops behind him are full of safety, and the results look up at the scene of the city, and they are also Qi Qi, simple skin hair!

Luoyang City, when was he hit by the Han army, change the banner? !

Liu Jun drives the horse to the city, has not come and open, the city wall, a height of nineth, the red face of the heavy jujube must be a general, and it is said to call: "Guan Yu He, Luoyang City is Hanjun City Why did Liu He don't get down? "

Down and sinister horn, suddenly sound!

The Han army on the city, holding the Zhuque, is looking for the direction of the city, just waiting for Guan Yu, prepare the arrow immediately.

Liu's face was painful, and he laughed.

I saw Guan Yu, who had been killed in Yan Shou at that time, Liu Jian walked over, and also pushed Liu Wei with the seven-year-old military division to knock out ...

Guan Yu stood on the city, holding a Qinglong, the moon knife, laughing: "You will always love talents, and Liu Jun, you are also a rare, this is a Han, why not drop the big man !?"

"One step is wrong, step by step, this life is already! If you have a chance, Liu is again with the general of Tong!"

Liu has a first way: "You can reduce the big man, if you mean, reorganize Huaxia Mountain River, will be a big man!"

Left and right leaders, I am tearing: "The big trend is so, the general is down!"

"I have already decided, and I will advise it again!"

Liu has laughed and laughed: "Big good people, send a lot of achievements with the general!"

After that, Liu Jie felt the sword, headed by his neck, the head of the head, the bones, the blood is like the fountain, and the epitaxial ...

Cry with the soldiers behind Liu, crying Qi Qi.

They followed Liu Jun, and they were awarded the old brothers of Liu.

Guan Yu was in the city wall, and he sighed: "This person is also a rare will be happy, but unfortunately, it is mistaken, voted from the enemy, self-stalled festival, today's self-sufficiency, it is also a dead!"

[Fifth, the addition of automatic subscriptions, continuing to automatically subscribe, more than 20 plus more, seeking assistance].

The first thousand five hundred seventy-two chapters rewards, the next step is closely planned!

Jin Guolong Liu, looking at Luoyang City, and finally die.

The deputy side of the side will ask: "Father, the Liu, the soldiers, there are thousands of people, do you want to kill?"

Guan Yu shook his head and said: "I hope to drop the big man, put down the weapon, remove garnor, stand on the left, don't want to fall, stay in the same place ..."

This sound, it is a bismuth, such as the lion tiger roaring, the earthquake of the golden army eardrum is hoistered, the liver is lightened ...

"A, I hope to drop the big man!"

The first deputy will put down the grip, then take off the garnails, stand on the left ...

Then, Liu Ji, more and more people, began to put down the weapons in his hand, choose to stand to the left, surrender the big man ...

Guan Yu raised his hand ordered: "The military plane is speeding up the military newspaper, Luoyang City has already won, the golden national general Liu is self-sufficient, the rest of the soldiers, the will be surrendered!"


The military Jin Jiwei fly quickly.


"Congratulations to the host, within the time of the task, successfully attack the arrow, the task is determined, the reward will be sent later, please pay attention to check!"

"Congratulations to the host, Guan Yu fraud Luoyang City, and kill the defenders, the extra reward is 1000 points, the extra reward value is 2000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, the front hits the gold tie up the army, the general Liu Jun defeated, the extra reward is 60000 points, the extra reward value is 12000 points!"

Listening to the system constantly emerged, Liu Wei is beautiful in the heart, and even the military newspaper in front of the squad is Jinyiwei forget to pay attention to it ...

The worship value and the merits of the merits were previously added, and I slowly added it, and I went to the golden army, but it was appetizer.

According to the news passport of the military, the overall strength of the entire gold country, at least 800,000, then there is a big meal waiting for yourself!

"Go to Liu's corpse, so born!"

Liu Wei turned to think, told him.

Liu Hao's strong strength, leading to a mess of historical process, Liu's speculation is also wrong.

However, as an opponent, Liu's finish is really a good place to have the ability, it is worthy of respect.


Jin Yiwei is holding boxing, leading.

The Han army wins, Li Lianying also hiped in color, Xu Xing: "Your Majesty, I heard that this time I gathered hundreds of thousands of gold to reduce the soldiers, how to dispose?"

Liu Wei changed his way, asked on the side: "How is these people killed?"

Guo Jia smiled: "Gold Bing is more than Qingzhuang, Your Majesty, and then reorganizes Shenzhou, you must send people to repair the city, are these people not Bai's hardship?"

Listening to Guo Jia said, Liu Wei's killing converges, the heart is in a pros and cons, and finally makes a decision: "It is reasonable to make a piety, then the Han people can serve after astitutional service, and the armor is returned to the military Among the people of the golden country, it is a slave! "

At this time, the golden army is not all the people who are a female tribe.

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