The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1800 of the Three Kingdoms

The sea is horizontal, in the million army, will win the flag, is the natural color!

The high pet lifes the gun: "Straighten the dead, the enemy is the first, come with this general!"

Under the order, the dead camp is tightly followed by the high pet, and then the trend of the trend of the embankment is in the back of the Golden Shui flag.

It is the gold tie in front of it, and it is directly killed by high pets.

Yam Lion camel, just in front! !

[Fifth, the addition of flowers is more, seek automatic subscription, the difference is not added, seeking the book friends to open automatic subscriptions ...].

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-two chapters of the row of the emperor!

The high pets are fascinated, and the mountain lion camel is also filled with indignation. It is necessary to take the high pet this shake and fierce armor, with the moisture ...

One is a heart, an emergency, and a sharp edge of the Han army thorns, the two sides will meet in the battlefield of crazy killing ...

"The master is here, the horse is killed!"

Yoshusiang suddenly arrogant, legs, one clip, drums!

When there is more than ten feet away from the distance, the Yoshus camel is horses, flying in the sky, people borrow horsepower, the horse, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the golden, the golden trend, The fierce fell into the head of the high pet!

It's not afraid, and the iron face is facing up. The golden tiger head in the hand is in the hands of the sky, the air is arrogant. go with!


The two weapons have no flowers, this is a pure powerful competition!

Yoshusiang original 13 thought that his arms had a thousand power, it should kill the high pet, but did not think of it, the strength of the high pet this gun, like a huge tide, tide!

There is no shower, get it from the gun, just like the thunder, suddenly bombard, but it will give the Yam Lion's !


The mountain lumps 'smoking' is a cold, and the eyes are wide as copper bells. They don't dare to pay attention to their own !


The horse is sad, and the horseshoe has passed a few deep gully on the ground!

"This kid ... This kid is a monster, how can there be so struggle !?"

On the arm, the Yoshi camel really did not lose, and it was crushed by high pet today.

But now riding a tiger, the Yam Lion camel did not come to the shock, because the high pet shot and retired him, immediately dialed the gods, and re-headed the horse to kill!

A shot of a shot of a shot, natural, murder, there is no chance to give the Mountain Liong!

The mountain lissah is called a connected, which is simply broken the steel teeth, and exhale the strength of the whole body.

Sub-gods, open the potential of human body, in the future of high pets, open the human body gods, nearly a step!

The Mountain Lion camel is a stunt, and it is like a tiger, and it is also used as a high pet.

The two sides fight in the battlefield, the world is discolored, and the sun and the moon are light.

The flying sand on the ground is stunned by the fierceness of the two people, and the people are fascinated.

The soldiers in the second side automatically let a large circle, let the high pets and mountain losays, so that they are allowed to be impressed, but tired Qingqing life.

Blinking, thirty rounds have been.

When the battle, the mountain gamstick was soft, and the sweaty of the high procurement was only supported ...

The high pet is the more and more brave, the spirit of the wolf smoke takes the hole, and the Wei is the God!

"Come down!"

With a rock, the high pet wrist flipped, the palm of the Golden Tiger head came from an incredible angle, the ghosts were not tied to!

Finished! !

Can't stop!

The mountain lumps are unstable, and the heart is more panic, I want to fight, but my heart is coming, I can't move in my hand. The high pet this gun has been rumored to assault to the mountain lion hump!

Just between this electro-optical stone fire, the Yoshusiang has stunned with his endangered muscular memory, and it suddenly reversed his body, an iron plate bridge, and wiped the high-ranking gun ...

Double horse intertwined, the Yoshus camel is an escape, but he reached out, but he touched the blood in front of the amount, the top of the head was cold, it was the lion gold helmet has been picked up by high pet ......

"The master is in the spirit of today, and I will win in the next day!"

When it is now, the Yoshus's head is scattered, and the back is retired, and where there is resistance! ?

He throws a sentence, turned to the horse, let it go ...

"The thief is a dog head here ... is caught in the way, there is no retreat, there is no life, and will kill it!"

The high pet golden tiger head lifted and picked the lion golden helmet and roared.

"There is no retreat, there is no life, kill kill!"

"There is no retreat, there is no life, kill kill!"

Behind the camp, starting the chest, killing violent, such as the frenzy, to completely crush the enemy!

The fight will greatly win, which is very good for morale.

The heroic morale, making the Han army's combat power, has received additional strengthening, the three armies unique, the gold military wolf walking, mourning!

The soldiers are defeated!

I can only use such a word to describe today's battle!

After the mountain lion hump will fail, there is a lingering, but it has not been able to slow from the shadow of death, and the command force is also absent-minded.

On the side of the gold army, the general said: "The big handsome, the big handsome! It's not good, the Han army is in the general, and then kills down the Chinese troops!"

Under the high-pet led, the camp is like the most sharp sharp knife with a knife, and it is stunned into the Golden Bing!

"This person ..." Can't force the enemy! "

Yoshusheng hunch and gallblatte, hurriedly ordered: "Today's battle, then carry out, I am afraid it will become a big collapse, pass the handsome military order, Mingjin to train the soldier, speed assembly of the left and right second wings, don't follow the Han army Do more entanglement, first retreat! "

Mountain lion camel!

He knows, then correct it with high pets, I am afraid that it is not so good luck, it is going to be highly assassinated!

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