The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1810 of the Three Kingdoms

This big scene unless it is a commander, otherwise it is not a power of one person ...

The stick is still not fever, the hands are shaking, and the words are very difficult to spit out: "Collection!"

Under the order, the gold soldiers in the mountains in the mountains began to roll!

"How is the iron floating buttery, is elite!"

The entire opening ceremony, flowering around the ground, is already a pot of porridge, Liu Wei has some hands itchy.

Since the big summation, Liu Hao has not been able to do it.

"Kong Ming, Feng Xiao, Wenhe, you will look at the Chinese army, there is a sudden thing, you can ruling with Yue Shuai ..."

Liu Wei took Li Lianying to hand over Zijinlong helmet, and he had a sentence.

Under the successive dispatch of Yue Fei, the Han Jun Mini kills, which is already a thorough control of the situation of the battlefield.

There is also Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and other peerless wisdoms, Liu Wei, this handkerchief, is the heart of peace ...

Turning around and stepping on the dragon phoenix, Liu Wei suddenly said: "It is advisable to chase the poor, you can not be famous, Xiwei, Xu Wei, kill!"


The figure, the original, the mountain, the Qinglong, the Qinglong Temple, and turned over to sit on the mount of Shenjun, followed by Liu Hao.

"The end will, lead!"

Xu Wei is even more fierce, and the shoulder, and the garlic armor is not worn. It can be seen from the muscles, such as steel cast, hand whipped the white tiger, killing!


Finished! ! !

Under the banned guard, the stunned horses gallop, whistling the sound of the ear, and the tragic scream of the golden soldiers ...

He is cool in his heart, and the mind is also a mess.

Today, this battle, it is too big to stick to stickiness ...

Tens of thousands of military soldiers defeated such as mountains, this situation, the strong Jin Chao has never met ...

Monter Ten miles of Jin Bing hit, was swallowed by the Han army!

The key is the generals of the Han Jun, like a shaded shark, tightly followed behind the stick, poor chasing ...

There is Liu Wei's order, sticking this man, but worth even!

The Dynasty Dynasty, a general!

No one wants to miss this big wealth!

[Fifth, the addition of flowers, continuing to seek flowers, evaluation tickets, reminders, various addresses, support].

Chapter 1,662, God, flying, Cai Wei's rush!

"The king, you will go first, let the last will be broken!"

Golden Kingdom horses Zhang from the dragon, holding an octagillic gold hammer, screaming on horseback.

Nothing, I didn't think much about the Golden Guard's arms, and they retired from the rear, leaving Zhang Zonglong with a group of golden soldiers to fight against the big man.

Liu Wei ride, rides, the snow, the speed is unparalleled, and there is a Ciwi and Xu Wei will open the road. A wrinkle.

I lost a look at the time.

Golden Guo Ma Zhang Conglong - Wuli 92, Intelligence 67, Politics 63, During 77!

Technical, Marching: After Zhang Zonglong is a Han, he has grown up since he was boy, and learned martial arts.

His people are brave and good, when they rush, the force +2!

"Looking for death! Do not make a good person, don't give the scorpion as a dog!"

I saw Zhang Zonglong's Han army who was swinging, and the people who hit the horse. Between Liu Yunzhuang, swearing cold and cold, sideways: "Cai Wei, replace this first level!" 13


Diwei snorted, killing the machine, first step, horses, galloping to Zhang Zonglong!

In the Kowloon, Cai Wei has always been responsible for Liu Wei. When it is rare to kill, today I will find the opportunity to find the opportunity ...

"What kind of garbage is the Han people !? It is completely hit!"

This pair of eight ribs hammers from the dragon, and killing the rise of the Sam, but suddenly heard the big sound of the tiger's lioness, the heart of the slight shock: undoubtedly!

"I am the big golden horse Zhang Zonglong, who dares to come with a battle !?"

Zhang Zonglong's self-sustaining martial arts, but he did not retreat, turned to a hammer, and he called towards the Tianshi of Cai Wei!

The number of roads will be open, it is a big way, and it is a force to drop the road. Zhang from the dragon's arms have a thousand power, and the ordinary soldiers will, where is it?

Unfortunately, he met the Cai Wei!

The peak of the big man is also one of Kowloon!

Ciwi angry, Qinglong Temple Shuangli Qingtian, I'm going to the top of the top, and I won't know where to fly. ...

Under the hit, the tiger mouth shock!

Even the guy who eats is off, Zhang Zonglong almost begun to doubt life! !

Laozi handy horsetail, you can take a slap in the horses, and it is hanging today! ?

However, Zhang from the Dragon Head, but it is still in the future, and Xiwei has already gone, and his neck is coming!


Zhang slammed the Long Ting Mammer, the hardcore, this hegemony is like a mountain, the arms are soothless.

When I now, where did he dare to be crazy?

The legs have a horses, returning to the horses, escaping in their own bolets ...

"Grass Grass !! This Han will have such a strike, is it a monster ??"

Zhang Zonglong opened a certain distance, and the heart gradually relaxed, and the heart was secretly lucky.

After playing again, he suspects that his ten tricks will be killed by this mighty, the people of God, will kill a spike ...

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