The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1812 of the Three Kingdoms

If this is, if Ye Zhao is divided into the body of Jin Jigang, otherwise, ten eight and nine will not be such a strike, to be killed on the spot.

"I haven't established a big work for His Majesty ... I didn't expect to die this day ..."

Under the bronze mask, Ye Zhaohua was bleak.

At this time, her heart has been calculated. When I was completed, I was a hammer, and my breath was a bit, and I couldn't resist this hammer. I didn't even have the possibility of a life.

In the last moment of this life, Ye Zhan's brain sea is over, it is Liu Yanya Handsome!

"After the birth, Ye Zha is willing to be Han Chen, and the Justice!"

The corner of the mouth is smile, the Ye Zhaqing's knife is delivered to the left hand, and the sorry does not flash, with the left hand, and the bear waist of the colorful silver.

This is the play of life.

The colorful silver labs have been mad, and there are so many people who are still struggling!

At the time of the silver hammer, the air suddenly came from the air in the air.


Outside the air, there is an arrow as a meteor!

The void is torn, and the sound of sounds!


This arrow just shot on the hand-made silver-e-mastic-held hammer's wrist, the end of the arrow penetrated the past, actually brought the left hand wrist of the colorful silver bullets to the roots!

Hand is broken, the hue is naturally weak in the air, and Ye Zhao is a danger.

At the same time, Ye Zhao's green knife also went to the waist of the colorful silver, the sigh of breath, the belly was cut, the intestines flowed out ...

Oh, ah!

The colorful silver lays have been mad, and the intestines are placed in, and the right hand is single and hand, and the Ye Zhao 's bluemetar is brought into two paragraphs!

"This is a good life, and you will be happy!"

Only a few breathing skills, Liu Hao has rushed to Ye Zhaomi, and the emperor's gun is like lifting the mountain, with the speed of Thunder and excitement, piercing the throat of the colorful silver bullets, and picking him to the spot!


Congratulations to the host, the Tiandi Long Yi is expected to use it!

Golden Guo will complete the silver bolus - force 97, intelligence 32, political 25, the rate is 52!

Stunt 1, violent: Faceless silver-placed faces the basic force is lower than the person, the force is extra +2!

Stunt 2, the death of death: When he is suffering from fatal and severely injured, the colorful silver pitch intelligence-10 is easy to be docked!

Basic force + 2, continue to death!


Self-explosive man! ?

Liu Hao observed the ability of the colorful silver bullets, and reached out and went to Fu Ye Zhao ...

If you don't leave God, your tentacles can be, it is actually a soft and delicate!

As an old driver, Liu Hao, I don't know what this wonderful feeling?

I don't hurry, I will help the Ye Zhao, so I asked, "Ye General, okay?"

Liu Yu face is like a city wall, and his face is still a rainy.

"More ... more ... Thank you, you will save it!"

Ye Zhao is a pretty red, and his hand does not know where to put it. If a complete sentence is not exported ...

Ren, she is a sand field, and there is countless, after all, it is still a yellow flower big marriage, encounter such a thing, only one shy in my heart, where can I calm down?

[Second, stable and updated, ask for free flowers, evaluation tickets, and support].

The first thousand six hundred and four chapters are super bride, Ye Zhao is at homemaster!

Inadvertently, the heart of the secret touched the crisp ...

Ye Zhao is slightly red, and it is more beautiful, and it is more fierce.

This feeling is like being on the calm lake, put a small stone, swaying a piece of fine crash ...


Liu Wei also felt a bit awkward.

This is not intentional, but it is such a coincidence, it is more difficult to explain ...

However, the two people were interrupted soon.

There is a brocade sweater in the distance, and the flexible shuttle in the battlefield, stepping into Liu Yao, holding the boxing: "Your Majesty, the golden reimbursement army, does it continue to pursue?"

"Is there a helper?"

Liu Hao hit the topic, said: "The command is commanded, kill this shared army, Mingjin to collect troops ... Jin Yiwei is in the battlefield casualty, report as soon as possible!"

"Lower minister, obey!"

Jin Yiwei is holding a box, rolling the cloak.

At this time, the soldiers under Ye Zhaowa were reacted, and the knee and kneeping in Liu Wei, she hugged, and Ziguo said: "When you see your Majesty, I wish you a long life!"

"On the battlefield, don't have to be more gifts, put it out!"

Liu Wei put his hand, Huang Huang, said: "The corpse of Li Cheng will converge, bring back the good life to be buried ..."

The sand grouped, naturally, it is inevitable to win the corpse.

This colorful silver bullet is crazy, which is a standard that is unparalleled, and Ye Zha is very hard, it is really not Li Chengneng ...


The Han army soldiers began to clean up the battlefield.

Ye Zhao smiled and said: "If it is not a pro, the end will live a little, this golden national will, a good martial arts ..."

Ye Zhao is inside the general, the existence of martial arts.

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