The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1827 of the Three Kingdoms

In the Golden Army array, the chisel is open, the remaining gold soldiers, the 13 full scared!

A gun kills dozens of rides, such martial arts, special or people! ?

"Your Majesty, win more!"

Zhao Yun's heart is also an enemy and a sense of honor, it is awe-inspiring, whistling: "Da Han Zhao Yun, let's take a slap!"


The Bailong firemmun shot, accompanied by the sound of the dragon, a white dragon, which he reached the treashed, and hinds tenants!

From Liu Wei, I was practiced that the Sublogon God, the first Zhao Yun's army will receive a long progress!

The two are like the most sharp cone, and the !

"The Emperor Weiwu, I will wait until you fall behind people !?"

I saw Liu Wei's ahead, rushing to kill the enemy, the big man three military soldiers will be completely boiling!

"I hope to break the emperor!"

"I hope to break the emperor!"

"I hope to break the emperor!"

Tens of thousands of big guys rides behind Liu Wei, in the gold army, and the horse knives are high and kill the gold troops!

Zhu Xian Town.

Following the high place, watching the Han army crazy shock Zhu Xianzhen, taking a breath!

"Military division, this Han army, too horrible ..."

Standing high, see clearly.

The Hanjun group was united into a complete battle.

The gold tape in the north is directly hitting the Han army, and there is no room!

Happiness, the pupil, pointed to a direction in front of the front line, shouted: "The Hall of the Prince, see, it is the Han Dynasty, the red dragon flag !!"

Emperor Huang News Flag, Aoyi Battlefield!

The hegemony guns are all, and the golden troops are swollen, who is dead!

I can see it at a glance!

"He didn't live in the Han emperor. I dared to go to the battlefield. This is the war of hundreds of thousands of troops. The arrow is angry. Today, this respect is the emperor!"

It's soaring and surprised and happy, called: "Haha, this is a heavens help me!"

: "Please order the prince of the prince, Zhu Xian Town is full, killing the emperor!"

It's not hesitant to hesitate: "Da Jinzhong will listen to the order, the time is arrived, ready to counterattack, kill the Han Dynasty, Feng Jue, enjoy 100,000 gold !!"

Zhu Xian Town, murderous!

As soon as I got a good golden country, after getting a championship, the strange strange was killing!

The first member is a golden bullet!

This body is more than his brother, there is still a strong, high feet, waist, live off a pile of meat hills, ride a horses, and walk toward the big Han Tiandi flag!

"Complete Chen Chen is here, the Han Emperor is a certain!"

A nine-foot strong and strong man, killing towards the Han Tiandi military flag!

"Complete Hall here, the emperor you have time !!"

Another Tiger's Bear's golden golden will be, regardless of all the Military Emperor of Liu Wei!

The Tong Dynasty, which is windy, is as if it has become a meat in the eyes of the golden country, and he wants to bite a bite!

Golden Guizhong will have no other person in his eyes, only Liu Wei is one person!

"I can't hold it in it?"

Looking at the Jinjun who bled it from Zhu Xian Town. Liu Yao's mouth haunned a disdainful and laughed. The Tintang was standing, but he did not refund, but the horse was killed in front of him, whispering: " This, who dares to die !? "

Kill kill!

Dealing with these golden soldiers, Liu Hao is not in love.

The Jinjun will, the heart is full, but Liu Hao is so independent, everyone wants to be crazy.

They are also indistries, and they have launched a fierce offensive from all directions!

"Your Majesty, beware!"

Wen Tianxiang and other civilians still pinched a sweat.

In addition to the game, they can see that there are dozens of golden countries, but they can't kill.

On the battlefield, Wan Ma Pentium kills, one ride is full of dust!

The snoring of the horse, the snoring of the soldiers and the tragic screams 307, gathered into a music of Jin Ge Tiema, moving!

Follow Yan Chen Shu Shang - Wuli 92, Intelligence 78, Political 77, Positive Rate 85!

Technical,: The golden country of the luck, the leader, the martial arts, the martial arts, the force +2, the power + 2!

Complete Powder - Wuli 88, Intelligence 82, Political 79, During 77!

Stunt, Yingcai: Hope is a non-profit, Wenwu, Shuangquan, proficient in government affairs, and leading the soldiers!

Follow Yan Zongwang +1, political +1, not worth +1!

Tiandi Dragon, it is not anevant in the battlefield, observe the situation.

All enemies' attributes have been completed in the eyes of Liu Wei, and May Day.


Liu Yao gradually cooled, and his mouth was suspended with bloodthirsty means, and he didn't drink blood, and he felt!

In front of the air, like a mirror, being punctured by the tyrants, the whole void is shocking, broken!

boom! ! !

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