The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1837 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Hao got the Kowloon Tiandi's chariot, with Zhou Yu, happy and happy.

Zhou Yu heard the hooks of the hooks, and sighed: "Your Majesty is the world, Yue Pengju is also the famous manager, I am not as good as!"

"Why is the public?"

Liu Wei smiled.

Liu Wei made Yue Fei hosted the West Line War, and the golden festival was defeated. Zhou Yu, and the river of the river, and smashed the Jin Guo's eastern defense line.

Today, there is an unexpected joy. Zhou Yu uses the soldiers, and it is directly in the Nakhe Mountain!

The stick is a shelling running, or I was caught up by Lu Wenlong!

The golden monarch and the civil and military group, it is really a family that is complete, one is not less!

On the side of the Lu Xun, "Your Majesty, now there is since the golden country of the Golden Guo, then you can send one member, directly lead the light ride, straight down the Huanglongfu, hit the gold country, here!"

Liu Wei smiled and got this little scorpion. If you think about it: "Bo said, do you want to lead the soldiers?"

Lu Xun spirit, : "The end will be in this point, please ask Your Majesty!"

Not bad!

Liu Wei nodded slightly, his little scorpion Lu Xun, after this national war, the overall attribute ability, there is a certain improvement, it is time to send him unique!

Liu Hao Lao Ren said: "Lu Xun listens!"

Lu Xun single knee squatted, she hugged, and said: "At the end of!"

Liu Wei said: "You will give you eight thousand light rides, lend eight thousand light rides, take the tiger Lu Wenlong as a pioneer, straight down Huanglongfu, can you dare to use?"

Lu Xun said: "The end will be willing to make a military order, swear to Huanglongfu!"

Liu Wei nodded slightly, smiled: "You hurry to go, go, wait for your good news!"


Lu Xun also said that he led Lu Wenlong to the soldiers and horses.

The Golden Kingdom Central is almost made by Liu Wei, and there is a difference, with Lu Xun's ability, breaking down.

Han army bid.

Lu Xun hit the soldiers and horses, after killing the Huanglong House, Liu Hao failed to compete for the Chinese civil and military heavy ministers, and held a military conference in the middle of the middle army.

At this time, Zhu Xian Town Wars has passed a whole day.

The battlefield list and finishing, etc. have been done, and Li Lianying has a military report that Li Lianying presented the army, and he reads: "Zhu Xian Town is a battle, Yue Shuai Dynasty is a party, command the three army, and the military division Meter, each set of volts, golden courts, civil and military, no one escape ... "

"Our army hook toll soldier broke the military servant, only more than 3,000 people, one war, the first gold soldiers more than 10,000, the captive gold troops tens of thousands, the rest of the grain and grass is equivalent, countless, the golden country is bonding, In order to kill Lu Wenlong under the Niu Tu Mountain ... "

Liu Wei listened to the entire battle, slightly.

The Han army has cultivated the birth of the Qianlong and inspired the human body, and the combat power has gone, and it has got a battle in the battle. This battle is not exaggerated than a little!

Tens of thousands of white bones, blood flow into the sea, in Zhu Xianzhen, this is a strong scene! ?

However, one will become a harder, in order to the rise of the Dynasty, the blood is killed, it is never lost!

Liu Wei looked up his hand, according to the emotion, Li Lianying stopped and read the military newspaper.

I only listened to Liu Wei, I said: "I have sent a general straight to the Huanglongfu, March, has been settled, all relying on the power of Aiqing, there is such a prominent fruit!"

"Your Majesty, the success of the minister, did not dare to boast!"

The big man in the hall, the Qi Qi, Qi Qi, and hold the box, the face is all filled with joy.

The old general Ye Zhong, but the red light is full, the tiger is out, holding the box: "Your Majesty, the old man has something to say!"

[Fifth, the addition of rewards, ask for free flowers, evaluate the ticket, one wave, this month is over, the flowers are almost plus more ...].

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-seventh chapter straight Huanglongfu, the battle of the country!

"His Majesty, the gods of the saint, the world, the end, it will wait for the merit to the end, why to the road ..."

Suddenly, Ye Zhong's face said: "Just now there is still Mongol, but also want to relax, and the emperor is inexpensively, but the world is the hero, and it is more hello, Boore, Mu Hua Li, Guo Jing, Guo Yu, Chi Laowei, etc., is not easy to be in the generation! "

The veteran is old, and it is indeed the old way.

It is often the most dangerous time when the victory is the most dangerous fruit.

At this time, winners usually expand in mind, so, so I will find a machine that can be taken by the poisonous snake, and bite a bite!

Ye Zhong is actually changing and advised Liu Wei, don't expand too much.

Liu Wei is very calm, laughs: "The words of the old generals, the heart of the heart, the golden country is destroyed, Mongolia is unsperite, the West Line will be urgent, and the old general is flat. General, Cheng Jin is a pioneer, lead Yun Yun, He Yuanqing, Yan Cheng, Di Lei, etc. will be first, let Meng Yu, prepare to deploy the front, hit Mongolia, and the old generals "?"

Ye Zhongbai must be 13 and move, : "The old man, will hit the Mongolian!"

Looking at Liu Wei, the eyes were calm, the eyes were clear, the old general Ye Zhongxin, it is also very emotion: God can encounter such a Mingjun, this life has no regrets!

Liu Wei arranged Ye Zhongchi to help Meng Yu, the civil and military group, and began to win the victory of Zhuxian Town.

March is extinguished, hit millions!

Even in history, there has been no such a precedent, so promptly recorded, it will load into the history of the Dynasty!

In the laughter, Liu Hao's mind is floating to Lu Xun's side ...

The head of my little wheel is independently leading the army, but I don't know how the situation is.

North, Huanglongfu.

It is roughly a county in Changchun, the future of Jilin, and is a thousand miles away from Zhu Xian Town. It should be reasonable to be a calm, but Huanglongfu, but a dark tide.

Some people rumored that Jin Guo was killed by the Han army in Zhuxian Town.

It is also said that the Golden National Military Army has defeated the whole line, the prince is more beautiful, the golden court of the golden court of the Jin Guo, who has been invested by the army, all by the Han army to catch life, only the country is sticking to the birthday ...

In short, all kinds of words are in the Huanglongfu.

The Han people in the city, but the joy of joy: "Han Huang Yingwu invincible, knocking the golden national army, how long can it take, can directly save everyone ..."

"Tianzhi Shengjun, everyone has saved !!"

Han people, under the rule of the Golden Court, remove a small number of people, ordinary people, are all being exploited.

The East is dawn, and there is a micro-light, which is on the wall of Huanglongfu.

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