The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extraordination of the Three Kingdoms Chapter 1847

"Thank yourself, I wish you a long life!"

"Thank yourself, I wish you a long life!"

Women who are busy in the palace, they have fallen into the ground, some people are still a little virtual, for fear that Liu Hao will be angry, after all, everyone hopes that it is a son.

"Little Guizi, you are rewarding!"

Liu Wei is a reward, and the dragon and tiger stepped, and the dragon is closing to the crowd. I have passed my second daughter.

Newborn baby, crumpled, constantly crying.

But the body of this little guy seems to have a faint fragrance, very good, people feel close.

"Your Majesty, let the minister hug."

The is pale, whispered.

A child is extremely lost, even if the repair of is a little weak.

Liu Wei put his child in his arms, slowly entered a gentle emperor, helping to warm the inner veins.

: "Your Majesty, I will give my daughter a name."

This baby is born, accidentally brought himself a Spring and Autumn Holy Demale, the name of his daughter, Liu Wei, I have long thought of it, and I said: "The daughter of the, there is a gas transport, such as the moon, It must be extraordinary in the future, and the little name is called ... Mingyue! "

Mingyue, Mingyue Princess!

"I listen to myself ..."

The ... ... ... ...


This thing affects the heart of the big man.

Finally, I will born the woman, the Mingyue Princess is even more embarrassed.

However, after all, it is the holy father, but is a big event in the whole country.

Shang Shuo immediately announced that in order to celebrate the birth of Mingyue Palace, the Daxie Dynasty pays taxes, which is one year.

This decree conveyed to all parts of the world, and immediately triggered an unreasonable wave.

Many big men, people, started to cheer.

They don't look at the right handle, but can you have to eat well, there is no other grain at home ...

Shang Shuetai, this reduction is to launch, and for the people, it is natural to be good.

"Your Majesty is really the sage of the sages who don't meet!"

"Yeah, the spirit of the soul, the world is chaos, the people have been killed in millions, causing the warlord to manalize, thanks to the death of you, save the people in the water!"

"When you are still in Jiangdong, Nash is full of city. Now I respect the nine-five, I still don't forget the people, it is really rare!"

"Everything doesn't say, I hope that you will have no borders!"

"There is no regrets in this life, and the Emperor is long-lived!"

I don't know how many people are in the direction of the northern Great Han Dynasty, and they are sincerely worshiped.

The benefits of the people are also obvious.

The first is that the worship value is soaring, this wave of worship is high, let the worship value after opening the dragon, once again, once again returns to more than 100,000 ...

Then the DPRK group, began to congratulate Liu Wei again.

Congratulations to the emperor, there must be a gift, which has become an alternative climbing of the big man's court ...

"The old man prepares the golden lion, one hundred pairs, from the hands of the monks, and the other white jade unicorn, the world is unparalleled, just asked the Mingyue Princess Birthday!"

"Oh! Mongolia under the promotion of business, I am also a thin family production in my home, I will send gold nine hundred and fifty pounds, 2 million yuan, and I am talking about my mind!"

"Are you born in Jiangdong, what is the installation? Your Majesty is the god of the gods of the opening of the land, seeing the openness of Wanli, a generation in the stuffy warship, this passed the Yanmenguan, specially sent five thousand good fortune, The blood of the blood is ninety-five, give the little princess, help the impermation! "

The big man is full of people who are squeezed to give gifts.

This is just a corner of the iceberg. The big and small families from all over the big man, all sent people to send the most weight-rich gifts, and they were born by Liu Wei, there was no time!

The Emperor of the big man, only two women.

When Liu Wei, Liu Wei was only sitting in the town Jiangdong, and he was fighting Jingzhou.

Now sweeping the wild, clearing the Liuhe, naturally the same day.

In the bustling and boiling cheers, there is a person, the heart is like still water.

"The ancestors of the ancestors, I don't want to forget ... I have no external objects, only this!"

Kong Rong has experienced a bathing dress, after incurred sacrifice, the ancestors of the ancestors, until it couldn't pick a short-haired happened, they boarded the carriage, driving in the direction of the palace. go with……

After experiencing six nine-child official reform, the fate trajectory of Kongolong has also changed its corresponding changes.

In the original history, Kongron is a big man and death, repeatedly violates Cao Cao, and finally was done by Cao Cao, falling a misery.

Nowadays, the Dynasty Dynasty, but the Chinese days and six, there are also newspapers, responsible for controlling the world's public opinion, and Kongron is a senior leader in the newspaper.

However, Today's Kong Rong, just like the birthday of this street, it is to send gifts.

The narrow rosewood box held in his hand is a gift.

I am going to the Palace. After the cars get off at Kong, I said to the palace Jinwu Wei: "Kong Rongshi requests, please inform the tall service!"

Kong Rong is also the center of China, the well-hole, the Dragon Camp banned the Guard, and after the weapon, the HICE will meet the entrance to the palace.

Kong Rong holds the narrow crowbowns in the arms, the high crowns, and row.

[First, stabilize and update, ask for free flowers, evaluation tickets].

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-seventh chapter, Confucianism, Huazhang, Spring and Autumn Holy Dynasties!

Kong Rong all the way through the jade step, walked into the waiting hall, and saw the colleague Chen Qun in the crowd.

Chen Qun is also an old good person. In the same year, the six nine products were official system, and the work was in the Qianqiu, and became a rookie in the Dangdang Dynasty, and the status was still on the well.

Chen Qunping's relationship with Kongolla is also quite good. I saw that Kong Bin was slow, and the trick was called: "Wonderful (Gong's expression), here ... here!"

"I have seen Chang Xia brother (Chen Qunfang) ..."

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