The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1853 of the Three Kingdoms

Almost just one step, cross the first gods' mark!

"Your Majesty is the blind man!"

Guo Wei and Guo Fu, Shuangyutian Sisters, in the body, in the body, run through the hole, a few uncomfortable meridians, was poured by this spiritual rain, suddenly smooth!

The two women are in the best, looking at the Britishness of the big man on the stage, the beauty of the beauty, the vicinity, and infinite obsesses.

The people in the Ziyi Palace, all in the Wulin Legion, so they all got a great benefit ...

In addition to several major masters, Guo Wei sister, there are many masters in the martial arts, such as Dragon into the sea, Mo Siyu, Chen Eagle, all true seven sons, etc., was baptized by the flying rain, also obtained True benefits!

Tens of thousands of soldiers in the martial arts army began to swallow the rain, improve yourself!

"Haha, happy, hurry, thank you!"

"The Holy Emperor is unique, I have given a lot of money, and I will swear to kill the loyalty!"

"Cool! I caught the mountain in the mountains, and I will open the mountain, I don't have the words!"

"There is no shadow leg in the following move, straight down!"

A good life rain, baptism, and tens of thousands of people in the martial arts army boil!

Liu Hao felt a bit unfortunately, because this kind of arrogant benefits, only people who have not opened the human gods have a role.

Like him to open the human gods, you can always swallow the heaven and earth.

Liu Wei stunned up the gas, and he has been able to discover the promotion of the power of the martial arts of Wang Zhongyang and the Rambouries.

As far as this fantasy, it is equivalent to letting everyone practicing a gang cheat, and it is only the advantage, there is no harm.

"Thank yourself, I will wish you a long live!"

Zhong Shen Dong Wang Chongyang went back to God, excited single knee fell, she hugged, Gong said: "Chen, willing eternal life!"

For Liu Hao, help the rise of the Dynasty dynasty, can get such a creation, it is a person who should be in the sky!

The arrogant male sheep is also solemnly embarrassed, and the first dragonfly, I said: "His Majesty is the life, the ram is willing to work!"


"Congratulations to the host, the loyalty of the Ram Yu reached 100 full value, Congratulations to host the master of the masters, and the extra reward is 5,000!"

A series of loyal promotion system prompts suddenly sounded, and tens of thousands of people provide more than 20,000 worships for Liu Wei, which is also a small back to a blood.

After the improvement of the martial arts, the mutual understanding of mutual cooperation has also gained a certain increase, it seems that the formation is more complete, and it is still moderate ...

Liu Wei nodded, raised his hand or ordered: "Take the troops, blood is blood, !"

"Take blood, !"

"Take blood, !"

kill! kill! kill!

Wulin Third Army, morale crazy boiling!

Mongolia and Wang account.

Kublai and left and right civil and military groups, I gathered together, and the military discussion was carried out ...


One of Mongolian Sijun, Bolcraft, said: "Sweating, I heard that I was defeated in Kaifeng, Zhu Xian Town, I was buried for hundreds of thousands of elite, the strength of the Han army, absolutely not under our army!"

Hua, Hua Li, who was ignored to the Zhizhang, also said: "Now that the golden country has been destroyed, our army will fall into the point of the fortune fight, Chen believes that this time the Han army is not asked, Mongolian iron riding is cheering Chengdu House, You can complete the goal of the stage, it is not advisable to go deep into the army! "

Mongolian Tiger will come to the boxing of boxing: "Mu Hua Li, Borcao, where is your courage to sweep the grassland? The Han people are weak, but they occupy the southern land, must all grab it. That's! "

It is also said that it is also said: "Dahan, now the Han army has a million military fire with the golden country, it must be hurt. The whole western line, the body can consider the rush of rushing Dali, in this way to the Han Dynasty to form a glimmer! "

These people, all are the people who are listed in the world, and even have the distraction record of the landing of the country, absolutely no one is a general manager.

[Second, stable and updated, to automatically subscribe, take more than a dozen plus, seek book friends to help ...].

The first thousand and six hundred and forty-three chapters are smashed, the emperor is shocked!

Suddenly, he said: "Being Xiugawa, it is a crushing of the iron plate. Muhua Li said good, as long as it attached to the strategy of Xichuan, it can cause a great threat to the Han Dynasty." "

Red is warm and said: "Dadang Yingming, still adds to send him, to explore the Han army news, as long as the Han army is grateful, Mongolian iron ride can set foot in the Central Plains, hegemony!"

When a few people are warmly discussing strategic deployment, there has been a buzz in the account.

"Chengdu Hupu News!"

A Mongolian scorpion has walked into the account, , hug said: "Sweating, bad, our army, general Shi Tianze was gave up by the Han army general, pioneer 30,000 ride, misunderstanding Han army Ambush, the whole army is not covered ... I only have to return hundreds of rides! "

A stone aroused a thousand waves!

Within the Mongolian, it is awkward!

"Pioneer full army is there? Shi Tianze is still built?"

Borr abortion calls out!

"Not good, things have a big change!"

Muhua Li's face has changed, and he began to leave cold sweat before the amount.

His power is interactive, for the head of Mongolia, has thought of this message may have a terrible result of 153.

Pioneer ride, is the elite army of Mongolia. Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of people have been folded, just in the side confidering the power of the Han army!

Originally thought that when the Golden Guard and the Han Dynasty, sneak attacking Xichuan, it is a crimist on the board, and the result is really a big fell.

Kublai smoked a cold breath, only barely pressed the stormy waves in my heart, asked: "Who is the Chengdu House?"

Sprint said: "This person named Meng Wei, I heard that it is the general of Han Emperor, and the general of Tianze is the first person!"

Kublai is ambusted, and it is a rare hero. However, he encountered strong Mongolian, his hiji will take the head of Meng Yu! "

Suddenly, I will come. "Sweating, Meng Arch kills me tens of thousands of Warriors, this is waiting for blood, only the blood, the last request rate, must kill Meng Yu!"

The Mongolian general is also a tiger, and the Tiger is coming, said: "At the end, as long as the 10,000 cavalry, the starry night struck Chengdu, must be the sweat Meng Wei!"

Mongolia was originally sentimental.

Outside the vertical plug, from an invincible, now the meanti is a tiger, and suddenly broke out.

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