The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1859 of the Three Kingdoms

I feel that there is a feeling of great injuries ...

Only when I said that I didn't come, I immediately came back to a bad news, and too hurt!

[Third, stable and updated, seek automatic subscription, poor, and add ...].

The first thousand six hundred and forty-eight chapters Hongmen feast!


Dubei Hui took a serious photo, and the case in front of him should be folded.

"Grass, it is a waste!"

Mongolia is inevitably, it is already an urgent rule .........

Wirong Hua Li wiped out the cold sweat, while the hand said: "Sweating, winning defeat is a military family, no need to be angry, this defeated is not a good thing, the minister has seen the flaws of the Han army ..."

Dubei asked: "What a flaw?"

The eyes of Mongolian Wenwu also gathered to Muhua Li.

Muhua Li said: "Han people are good at conspiracy, the soldiers have clouds, arrogant, the first our army has committed the weakness of the enemy, the soldiers I second, let the treacherous Han people find the opportunity to break, speed is not greedy The merits of the war, the sin of the war, if you can be unbeaten? "

I booked to nod, and I would like to say that Muhua Li continued.

Donned, Muhua Li said: "Chen believes that there is a few games, and the morale of our army has fallen. If it is ran to train soldiers, it will inevitably, it is better to fall into the Han people. Send and books, both parties agree, all the alliance will stop hanging ... "

"What, ask?"

"Is Huahua Li, is your brain?"

"Mong Mong Ancient Empire, vertical and invincible, how can you ask?"

The accounts of the account inner Mongolia are called.

Usually habiting, Muhua Li said that it is necessary to bow to Liu Wei, nature is no one can accept.

Dubei brow wrinkled, asked: "Mongolian Empire is in the grassland, how many tribes of the iron ride conquer, only others are served in Mongolia, do you have a Mongolian empire?"

"The sweat listener said ..."

Muhua Li's right hand holds a punch, smiled and laughed: "To deal with the Han army, you can't disperse power, you must gather all the strength together, with the Yong Yong of the Mongolian Warrior!"

"The minister heard that the Dynasty, the Dynasty, there was still no settlement, as long as His Majesty can find a way to remove the emperor, the Han people's imperial court has a power struggle, that is, the time of our Mongolian empire, will be completely thoroughly Twisted! "

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

Mon Huang Shi Li suddenly smiled and said three words.

"It is the smartest mind of the Mongolian Empire, actually can come up with this way!"

"Yeah, Hanhuang wants to break your head, I am afraid that I can't think of this!"

"Hey, as long as you remove the Han emperor, it is the group of dragons!"

Muhua Li's plan has been recognized by Mongolia.

"Dahan, assassination of the Han emperor, give it to someone!"

Behck behind Kublai, suddenly came back.

Everyone looked at eight feet, the tiger's back, his face was born with a lap, and there were five materials that were different.

It is the golden wheel of Mongol!

After this year, after the end of Liu Wei, he returned to the Tibetan Daxue Mountain. After the last time, he didn't come, but he jumped out this time.

The Jinshi Fa Wang is rushing, walking out, holding a boxing: "Sweating, in the past ten years, day and night, it is already the secret of this door to the eleventh, one palm, There is the power of the eleventh dragon, can be flat, this time, let me go! "

"National masters to all domestic masters ..."

I suddenly moved slightly, I was half a sound, said: "When I come, I will pass the sweat book to the eighth Master, this is very tight, and I will not have to be lost, let the Eight Tribaire must take advantage of it!"


There is a man's order in hand.


The original calm has no longer existence, the recent Cangzhou, the wind is flooding.

The people in the city are hot discussing one thing: Mongolia has recently defeated, helplessly sent a stop book, I want to talk to Hanmine in Zhangzhou.

"I heard it, Hanhuang killed millions of gold in Zhu Xian Town, and also piled up the head of the Golden Emperor with the civil and military ministers!"

"Scared! Southern Han people, when is it so fierce?"

"The Han Huang's star is coming to the world, but the emperor is coming, is it that the southern Song Dizon can be better?"

"Too good, our Zhangzhou people, finally saved, I hope that the Han Emperor will not agree to talk, play his mother's dog!"

"Hey! Be careful of the wall ..."

After more than half a month, I suddenly gave people eight hundred miles to send and talk about it and talk about it. Liu Wei did not think.

The history of Kublai, is the union of the world, Nanzheng North Expedition, one hand pushed the Mongolian Empire to the peak, the Southern Song Dynasty was treated, why did you look down from people?

Liu Wei's army, is not far from Zhangzhou, since Kublai is not afraid, Liu Wei is of course pleasing to the meeting.

Ciwi, Xu Wei two big male bodyguards, one left and right, tightly followed by Liu Wei, went to the righteous dragon mountain.

"Dubei rushed to set up Hongmen Banquet ..."

Liu Wei released his appearance in the mountains, and went to observe it, and it was already in his heart.

Tiandi Longyi, Tongxin Yin Yang, can distinguish the fierce!

There are no big stock horses on this dragon hill, but the West is a fierce, rushing up.

Dubei is unique, Liu Hao naturally has a full arrangement.

"Cao Shaoqin, the spoilage of the multi-military machine went to the Western exploration news, if there is any news, directly reported to Yue Shuai, no mistake!"

"Lower minister, obey!"

Cao Shaoqin holds a punch, rolled the hairdry, and the income, retreat, to the shadow, for Liu Wei ...

During the command of Cao Qinqin, Liu Wei said in the two people in the Cai Wei and Xu Wei: "The oldest, Zhong Kang, ready to come together, go to this Dragon Tiger points!"

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