The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1868

This person is majestic, holding a big iron gun, only one of the strange temperatures.

It is the in the martial arts, the gun picks Southeast Long into the sea!

"There is Ai Qing shot, you can have no worries!"

Liu Wei, the first, looked at the dragon into the sea, the gun, the horse mad, and the fate of the fate was unable to say.

In the Kunlun book, it seems that Long into the sea is in the hand, but now, the dragon has cultivated Liu Wei's dashness, the martial arts flying, has been introduced into the peerless master!

Bo Yan has nothing big, this is going, the gap is coming out.

After the thirty tricks, the Bo Yan has been in the case, and the dragon into the sea is the more and more brave, suddenly drinking: "Killing you, big man in the sea is also!"

Thunder is mad, a shot of the dragon into the sea, the assassination of the best in the Wanjun!

"My God, this Han army is too fierce !?"

"Hey! The sweat is killed by the Han Dynasty, and the generals of Bo Yan are also dead. How do you play this !?"

"It's over, sweating and several generals are killed by Hanhuang!"

Good news will not go out, bad news is flashing thousands of miles.

I heard that Kublai was being killed, hundreds of thousands of Mongolian soldiers, lost above the battlefield, I don't know how to retreat.

Today, I will be assaulted by Wulin Jun, and then by Yue Fei and Zhou Yu strike from the left and right wings. The prestige of Monujun can command to move the army, and the death is almost the same. Defined as a mountain ...

Good news doesn't go out, bad news is nothing to do, you can pass the mouth, the blink of an eye, it has spread throughout the battlefield.

There are dozens of miles of Mongolia, and a piece of it is.

I heard that Kublai was killed, hundreds of thousands of Mongol soldiers, lost on the battlefield, breathe, I don't know if it is back.

Today, I will be assaulted by Wulin Jun, and then by Yue Fei and Zhou Yu strike from the left and right wings. The prestige of Monujun can command to move the army, and the death is almost the same. Defined as a mountain ...

The battle lasted for a long time and is still in a crazy killing.

Sublooking the Dragon Mountain layout design Liu Wei, it is the policy of Wanquan, and I don't know the big man of the Dadan Seven, and smartly, and I have a conspiracy of Mongolian Muhua.

Will count, take advantage of this opportunity, three military unity, completely defeat the Mongolian army.

One day, the Mongolian emperor Dubei is four dogs below, all fierce.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of Mongolian Empire's elite cavalry, or death or scattered, and the Han army who was strongly fiercely made a falling flowers ...

Liu Wei took off the head of Dubei in his hand, he didn't start again.

There are so many fierce orders in the army, I can't have the emperor's respect, everything, I will grab their things over the past?

Above the Tiandong Chariot, Liu Wei and the seven Bird of Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Jia Wei, etc., relatively, warm wine.

"Your Majesty, after the war of today, it is enough to Ding, this world is only a big man, and there is no war again!"

Guo Jia was full of wine, drinking a bite, looks quite good.

Liu Wei looked at the case, slightly frowned: "The military machine is reported, this Uhaburg, there are still 100,000 Mongolian army stationed, and the next step is to deploy the relevant strategic of Uhasa, and you. How can any good policy to break the enemy? "

To completely complete the chain hidden mission, we must completely fight the Mongolian military's army.

This Uhastel is the last Guanyin of the Mongolian Empire. As long as it breaks, it can work hard.

Guo Jia's sleeves, smiled and smiled: "Your Majesty, now Mongolia is similar to the stars, the rest of this Wuha Fort, is the golden knife, Hua Guo Jing, the minister heard this person is pragmatic, it is good After a generous generation, it is also a Han people, if you can take it, it is natural to be fine ... "

"System, query Guo Jing's attribute ..."

Liu Wei pinched his eyebrows, ready to first check the attributes of Guo Jing.

Mongolia Golden Knife Ma Guo Jing - Wuli 90, Intelligence 59, Politics 53, Positive Rate 82!

The tricks, the big man; the big man, for the country.

Guo Jingzhong is very good, pragmatic, although the golden knife of the Mongolian Empire, but there is a heart!

Guo Jingmei +1, intelligence +1, political +1, not +1!

"Guo Jing Zhili is not high, but the win is in practice!"

Liu Wei is quite approved for Guo Jia's proposal to take Guo Jing.

The war has arrived in this, and then he killed Guo Jing and rewarded a few thousand worships to follow the value, not worth mentioning.

If you can take Guo Jing, the province has saved the casualties of the attack.

Jia Wei, who has been silently diving, suddenly came out: "Your Majesty, the minister recommended one person, you can don't cost it, break the Uzha Fort!"

Liu Wei asked: "Who?"

Jia Yu smiled slightly, said: "If you want to persuade Guo Jing, the most suitable candidate, is Guo Wei!"

Liu Wei suddenly realized, almost forgot, Guo Jing removed the heavy identity of Mongolian gold knife, or Guo Wei, Guo Fu's father ...

"Guo Wei is in the mouth, can say good deeds, if it is a great righteousness to Guo Jingxiao, you must persuade Guo Jing and Damn."

Liu Wei's slightly, said: "If you follow the text and the words, you will go to Guo Wei to see you!"

Li Lianying came in outside the account, whispered: "Your Majesty, Miss Guo, has been waiting for a long time ..."

Guo Jiama got up, sorted out the crown, Shi Shi Ran said: "Your Majesty, Chen suddenly remembered, Yue Shuai, there is still a military administration, first refund."

Jia Wei and Zhuge Liang and others, and they will also, got up and show their hands, laugh: "Your Majesty, there is still an emergency military in the army, and the minister will refund ..."

After one, after the excuse, the big car was left, and Liu Wei was left.

The seven big military division, one is all human, knowing that Guo Wei sisters and Liu Wei are quite embarrassing, specially letting the space, let Liu Wei communicate to deepen their feelings.

Liu Hao swear, he absolutely didn't think so ...

Ok, still think about it.

Guo Wei, Guo Fu, this pair of sisters, is beautiful, and temperament is very different.

In general, it is Chunlan Qiuju, all kinds of victory, can be a big beauty in all thousands of miles.

In the face of such a beauty, I am only afraid that the ten men have to move, the remaining two people are in the next two people, one is not lifted, there is no strength, another happy Longyang.

Liu Wei 2.1 is a very normal man, and I don't want to hide my feelings.

Guo Jia and others have not long, Li Lianying went out to report, Guo Wei and Guo Fu sisters, boarded the Kowloon Tiandi, and a fragrance spread in the carriage.

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