The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1875 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei took a chapter of the Hall of the Hall, and I didn't know that the sky was getting brittle.

In fact, the Dynasty system is complete, the entire empire has been formed, and Liu Wei is the nine-five, as long as the employer will do it.

As long as there is a party, it is not necessary to kiss.

Liu Wei saw only a brief summary on the report of the books.

"The military executive secretary, Xiqiang Guo, hidden, the national leaders, the gods, the gods, the three hundred countries of the Western region, the conspiracy combined with the power of the country, invading the big man Xihuang) ..."

Liu Wei's memory of the brach, the corner of the mouth gradually suspended a cold curvature.


Not the big dragon set inside the three countries, and the hand is more than ten thousand soldiers, and I don't know what my surname is.

To say that this is the same, like the Xiongnu, you have some since ancient times.

However, the Xiongnu has been taken out by the Liu Hao army, but the strong slaughter, this West Dai did not catch the Mission of Sima Zhao, so I was still in the Western region.

Now that the national strength of the big man is, Liu Wei, can Liu Hao, can you get rid of the jumping beam clown?

"Come, Zhuang Shang Bai Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang two adults into the palace used."

Liu Wei put down the briefings and said.


Among the shadows, naturally, the Jinyiwei, who has a military machine, will go.

"Jiang Dong Lu Su, respectfully worship, Jiangdong, the population is rising, last year's food is harvest, the harvest of the two years, now the warehouse is rich, can be used for the use of 200,000 soldiers for the big Chinese ..."

"Yizhou fee, respectfully worship, in the middle, the grain is rich, the granary is sufficient, the people live together, all of them are delivered to the Emperor Emperor ..."

I saw the news of granary full of granary, Liu Wei is happy!

The ancient use of soldiers, but it is not casual.

In addition to the population, the food is also a big constraint. This is also the ancient war. The brain should be highlighted to stand out of the strangers, and the enemy's replacement will be detached. Can indirectly disintegrate the enemy's heart.

In the history of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao is the master of the broken grain, the battle of Guandu, burning Yuan Daxi, the warehouse, and then, Yuan Dadou's military heart, and he killed him.

Liu Wei is not worried about the newspaper of the briefings sent by Lu Su.

After swallowing the dragon, after the rain falls, Ze was treated by heaven and earth, and the wind was smooth, and food income was natural.

Jiangdong, the second granary, all of them are full, and it is also an expectation, which means that the big man can shift at any time, do not have to worry about food.

Liu Wei wrote a reading in Lu Su and the Feids of Fisheri, and then annoted a few kids: the granary of the big man, there is active!

After approaching, Liu Wei put the play table aside.

This is just a big direction, how is it, Shangshitai naturally answered.

Then, it is a table of songs, Liu Wei's ten lines, and appreciate the kung fart from all over the country, and they have a smile.

what! ?

I saw a list of plays, I finally saw a quite interesting table.

"Chen Lu Xiufu, today recommended one person, named Xin Qiqi, poetic words, the world is unparalleled, internal military military service, and there are more involuntary, after investigation, you can use the Emperor ..."

This envelope is from the Southern Song Dynasty, and it is mainly to give trouble.

Xin Qiqi, this name may be very familiar with the world, and there is a lot of famous poems in his life, and there are thousands of Chinese textbooks.


Liu Wei suddenly remembered, when in Xuzhou, when Xuzhou, I also borrowed a new jade case for Xinxiao.

"System, look at how to abandon the attribute ability!"

Xin Qiqi - Wuli 82, Intelligence 87, Political 74, During 79!

Technical 1, Wenhua: Xinhua: Xinhua, reading the book, the literary talent is more superior, there is a chance to create the poems of the name!

When it is poems, intelligence +5!

Stunt 2, loyalty: Xinzhi loyal liver, life is a country, if you encounter Minglo, never give up!

Xinqi Diwary +1, Intelligence +1, Real Estate +1!

"Not bad, I said that it is a first-class talent, it can be used!"

Liu Wei reviewed the attribute of Xin Qiqi, and the pen wrote on the table: this person is talented, it can be used!

In this way, it is also an opportunity to make this hot pillow to report the state.

Historically, the abandoned disease can be a big cow, the art can put a spirit of the spirit, and the military on the horse, it is a talent of a civil and military.

[Fifth, the addition of monthly tickets, continue to ask for flowers, evaluate tickets, and seek big friends.

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-four chapters Guo Jia ten strokes and lost theory!

Just prepared to tell the man's chapter to send Shang Bai Station, the big part of the total talents whispered at the door: "Your Majesty, Guo Jia, Kong Ming, have been in the door."

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang wait for the core of the world, all can enter the chartered, swords, this time, I will come into the palace, I will come directly to the Wen Dynasty to find Liu Wei.

"Several Ai Qing came in."

Liu Wei twisted his neck and thought of what, told: "That told the aater, prepare the dinner, Feng Xiao and Kong Ming and others, there should be no dinner, there should be no dinner."

"Old slaves, leading."

Li Lianying lowered his body, holding the dust and retired, see Guo Jia and others, respectfully, greece: "Seeing Feng Xiao, Kong Ming, His Majesty, I have already told the anchor, I have prepared the dinner, and several adults also invited Hall. "

"Thank you Due."

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang and others, there is no shelf, and change it.

Although Li Lianying is a junior company, 13 is a large-scale general management, take care of Liu Wei's living, has been a few years, and the intrauterine affairs will arrange a handy well, the ability is absolutely not to be underestimated.

"Chen, etc., please see you, long live you old!"

After Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang entered the temple, they were squatting, and they were squatted, and they were respectful.

After coming back from the southern Song Dynasty, I also picked up the horizon. They also found that Liu Yizhen has removed the strong emperor, and there is still a vast Wenyu.

Liu Wei put down the play in his hand, and he was arbitrarily put on the hand, said: "You love Qing, put it, take it."

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