The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1957 of the Three Kingdoms

Li Shi Xiaohu is a flash, and it is said: "Flying Tiger Army listens to the orders, and break through the Yang!"

"I am willing to break the Tung Yang!" 180

Three thousand flying tigers army.

Way Rui claimed that Liang Guoda will be, and it is also the list of listed, although the body is weak, it is quite Confucian Shuai, and the troops are still very hand.

Under his scheduling, Ten 10,000 Zhaozhou Army is unrest, respectively, divided into a few, ambushing on the side of the Miki, just waiting for Li Shi Xiao's flying tiger army to kill the sun, one, The instant is a dozen roads, and the flying tiger army is surrounded.

"The elite of this Han army is too strong!"

With 10 thousand people to kill three thousand enemies, it was just a place to hang, but Wirui was secretly surprised: the Han army was in the heavy, and there seems to be unrest, a Han army soldier I am degree, I can resist more than ten Zhaozhou soldiers.

Especially the general of the Wan Wuhan army, there is also the courage of Wanfang!

In the 10,000 army, it is like a tiger into the collier, even the armed member Liang Junxi will sweep a large piece of Zhaozhou ...

Under the flag of Liang Jun Shuai, Wei Rui sat on the board, and the look is getting more and more dignified, and it sighed: "The Han army is full, it is not strong!"

[First, stabilize and update, continue to subscribe to the reward, the ticket is coming to the bowl].

The first thousand seventy hundred fifty-five chapters Li Shunxiao smashed the 170,000 army!

Will Rui finally knew why the Han army pushed everything on the front battlefield, so fierce combat power, even more than 100,000 Zhaozhou soldiers did not stop the signs of thousands of Chinese army chargers ...

"Who is willing to have a handsome battle with this general !?"

Li Shi Xiaoxue's blood stains, the long-term horses in the hands reflects the distance from the distance from the distance.

"Flying Tiger Military Wishes will take handsager, only dead!"

"Flying Tiger Military Wishes will take handsager, only dead!"

A flavor of the tiger army, the shock of the Zhaozhou Jun, such as the Thunder.


Li Shi Xiaoxou turned the horse, starting with the madness of all, the flying tigers under the hand forth afterwards, and instantly set up a five-line Ruijin cone, and under the brave and universal Li Shi Xiao, like the most Sharp sharp knife, poke in the Zhaozhou military array! !

"Can be evil!"

"Have a crazy, kill !!"

Two Zhaozhou Military will see Li Cunxiao Feihu single ride, such as entering the unmanned, mad and sword.

The horseshoe is heavy, and the two people will move to the left, one person to the right, and launched a mad 310 offensive from the second side of Li Shi Xiaoxiao. The blade is shining, and the knife is wrapped in the sharpness of the knife.

These two double knives have to get a stunning and stunning. If it is in the , Li Shi Xiao is only afraid to fold the second arm, and only see Li Hui Xiaoyu, the corner of the mouth, a sloppy, blood, the left and right hands, the king At the same time as Bi Yan Yos, I flew this two long knives to the nine clouds. I took a touch, my double god soldiers bloom, and killing double will be above the horse.

Overbearing a force drop!


The two Zhaozhou Army slammed by Li Shi Xiao, knocked down the Zhaozhou Jun, who came up, in an instant, poured more than 20 pairs.

Zhaozhoujun is shocked!

What kind of braveness will be! ?

"The broken army won the handsome, and I will open it !!"

Li Shi Xiaoxiao is squatting, and the Zhaozhou army lost this moment, and Wang Wei danced with Bi Yan Yan, regardless of everything to catch the Zhaozhou Jun's Warui's Chinese troops.

"General Flying Tiger!"

"General Flying Tiger!"

The Flying Tiger Army followed the bunch of Li Shi Xiao, the hife knife shines with the tattoo, just like the sharp grass, Zhaozhou Jun fell into a large piece!

However, there are more than ten thousand Zhaozhoujun, the scenery, and the place of the eyes, and the dense Ma Ma is, the successful Liang Jun soldiers are still not afraid of death!

A person died, there is a person on the body of the robe, and the knife is angry towards the front!

On the battlefield, the killing is like thunder, the land of the Yang, like the most cruel violent meat grinder, unlimited swallowing the life of the soldiers!

"This person ... can not stand up!"

Wei Rui deeply sucking, the back ridge was cold, but he told the soldiers, but he did not see the longness of the force. He saw Li Shunxiao, and suddenly made a decision: "The two wings skew, the middle army back!"

Unfortunately, Zhaozhou Jun also went in the future, Li Shunxiao's gods were so long, and a moment of speed broke out, such as a stadium generally brushing to Wei Rui ten feet, twilight: "Li Shifep is here, who dares to come With a battle !? "

The sound is like a spring thunder bloom in the tip of the tongue, and he has a sunny.

This fierce, is not informed in Zhang Fei Storm Drinking Long Ban Bridge, Zhaozhou Bing, who is close to Li Shi Xiaoyi, the eardrum shock, crazy.

Next, Li Yuanxiao will start the king, and then kill the two members guard Way Rui's , Bi Yan Yan, hooked the Warrow's belt, put his whole person from the wooden board, and suddenly in the air, release Laughed: "Zhaozhou Hou Weir is here, don't have to live, even though!"

So horror, who dares to be enemies with Li Shi Xiao! ?

The three thousand flying tigers were killed, and the rest of the pawn was centered on Li Shi Xiao, and it formed a soldier, and he said: "The Tiger General Shen Wei!"

"Flying Tiger General Shen Wei!"

Ten thousands of Zhaozhou Jun, all discolored


Jinyiwei rolled the cloak, the flexible shuttle in the account, the disease came to Liu Wei's emperor account, single knee, hugged, Gong said: "Your Majesty, Li Huixiao will lead the army three thousand flying tiger army, In tens of thousands of army, he was born with Zhaozhou Hou Viri, shocked by 10 million Zhaozhou Jun, successfully dragged to Chen Qingzhi's support ... "


The civil and military inside the account is all.

"Flying Tigers Li Hui Xiaoyu is too powerful!"

"General Li Shi Xiaoyu is only the battle, will be the three armies of the Wei Zhen!"

"I will have a seat in Kowloon, it seems to have a vacant, is it to leave for General Li Shi Xiao !?"

"Flying Tigers will be included in the Kowloon, and one of the first parties!"

The Han army has many civil and military heavy ministers, and there is a thrilling and excitement of the three thousand flying tigers in the army.

Only by three thousand tigers, you can strive into a handsome man in three thousand people, no doubt, Li Shunxiao's martial arts has already standed the peak of the Greater Dynasty.

Ghost Guo Jia is standing up: "Your Majesty, Li Shi Xiaoxiao this war rate of three thousand flying tiger army captured Wai Rui, dying through the entire Zhaozhou army, but also destroying hundreds of thousands of grain grass in Jinling City, but the country The merits, the minister will take the general of the flying tiger into the Kowloon! "

"The minister, is also a pair Li Shunxiao into the Kowloon!"

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