The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1963 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei suddenly said: "Let's take a look at it, see how this is the palace."

"Chen Yu complied."

Xiao Yu naturally took Liu Yuxiong's arm, and Liu Hao took the palace.

The eunuch palace in the palace is squatting on the ground, and the head is not lifted, but it is dumbfounded.

This is not the Liang Guo, who is the Liang Guo, Wenwu, Shuangquan, I heard that I have been in charge of the suspension division, how can I become the hometown of the Han emperor! ?

In fact, after that night, Xiao Yu has also moved other minds, but when she was made by the palace girl by the side of the palace, she was uncomfortable to accept her destiny. ......

Going to the Yangxian Temple, there is white cloth, everyone, all the white lines, Xiao Yu footstep, suddenly slightly low, said: "Is it a place where the father is driving?"

There are many children in Liang Emperor, usually to pay for Xiao Yu. However, how is the feelings between the father and women, it is also a father who has a bloodline ...

The big eunuch, who is on the side, Gao Zhan, carefully looked up with Liu Wei, replied: "If you return the princess, the emperor ... is indeed in the Yinxin Temple, Linyi ..."

Liu Wei suddenly thought of what, sideways told: "Since Liang Emperor has died, it will take the ritual of the national monarch, prepare the embarrassment, buried in the Xiao's Huangling. Xiao's family, there is Chang Lin Wang, Xiao Jing, Xiao Gui Waiting, there is a rare talent, and it is also a big man in the future, go to the home of the home ... "

[Fourth, there is also a more additive at night, ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets, and support].

The first chapter 762th chapter power shuffle!

"Chen Yan, thank you, you will be grace!"

Xiao Yu immediately fell to the ground, and he felt the gentle feelings of Liu Wei, but the heart was uncontrolled to show a dish of sweet ...

"Chen, etc., thank you."

Xiao Jing is two people with Xiao Ce, but also worshiped into the ground, even dagged, and he is full of admire and gratitude.

After Liu Hao, there is no counted, this can be jealous of the root, never suffer, but he doesn't do this, but it is grateful.

Jiasi on the side of the cold eye, the heart is also secretly praised: the emperor of Your Majesty, really high, a little means, will have a harder!

In fact, Jia Xi took the transparent. The bottom of the Liang Dynasty has been finished. No matter how it can't set off, Liu Wei kills these people, and if you don't kill, you can do your heart ...

"The Jun, Saint Dezhi, Jun!"

The eunuch is grateful, and the head is like a garlic, and the white jade ground is awkward!

"Gao Gonggong, go to do ..."

Liu Wei put his hand and said.

"Old slaves, the ai!"

The eunuch gods gathered in tears. After receiving the Liang Emperor, everyone scattered.

Liu Wei and Mei Chang Su, Yan Xi and other contenders, came to the palace in a quiet and enema.

The words of the words: "Your Majesty is so broad, it is really ancient times, and the words are not high and thick, try to fight against the big man, now I want to come, it is really the arm, not self-strength."

After unlocking, he stretched his mind and he looked like a young age.

Liu Wei smiled: "Oh, Liang Guo is not a person who is not a person, I am afraid that I have been swallowed by the West Wei, Bei Yan, Nan Chu."

This is not fake, Guo Jia, Jia Wei and others looked at the military map of the temple, and nodded.

From the geographical situation, the West Wei, Bei Yan, Nanchi Three countries surrounded by Liang Guo, and the three national coalitions were engaged in the hife knife in March, that is, the words are stringing, and the three countries will be out of the army. Reverse wins ...

The monarch is talking about laughing in the temple. He suddenly stood up, pointed to the map, showing: "If there is no near, there is also a long worry! Now Liang Guo has been knocked down, and the aunt of several towns is defeated, and the state belongs to confusion. State, I am afraid that it is the West Wei, Bei Yan, Nanchun Three countries will not let this opportunity, and hope to preparation, prepare for it ... "

Guo Jia, Jia Wei and others have expressed their affirmation to the words of the words.

By the world, it is not a play.

As long as there is a balance between interest, the balance between power, it will break, the war will continue, the old man is heavy, it is obviously the wonderful development.

"People do not have problems, there must be far away!"

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrows and said: "Yan Qing said that it is known that the West Wei, Bei Yan has reached the alliance, Yin Shan mouth may suffer from the two-KRONA 's attack, as for Nanchu is also a strong horse, Stupid, if it is not preventive, it may be sneak ... "

Western Wei, Bei Yan two countries, after Liu Yul lost Long Lin Jun, Chu Qiao sent news to say that these two alliances, now Liu Wei defeated the Qin Wang army of Liang Guo, and after a while, the West Wei and Beiyan may also have to do way.

Ghost Guo Jia said: "The top priority is the urgentity, or first will clear the whole Liang domestic department, wait until you sit down the Emperor King, then the trend has become, then the teacher will fight the north and south, broken the Si Wei, Nan Du and other countries, and there is also a relationship between ...... "

"Feng Xiao said is good, Chen also thought that there is a tree in the northern Yunzhou, which can be said to be unlucky. As long as the eastern side will guard the South, it will inevitably, it is necessary to fight for the time ... Waiting to integration It is done, that is the time when the Dynasty Dynasty Dragon is nine! "

Wolong Zhuge Liang is also an architecture.

The words in the temple have been amazing in the heart: This person is the feather fan towel on the day, and the youth romant who is equipped with the Qian Duality! ?

When the emperor is squatting, it is really a bedroom!

It is still in the hands of Wolong Zhuge Liang, but it is natural to be in the hands of the heart.

Several Mad military teachers discuss, Liu Wei finally stood up and went out of a hammer, said: "The military machine is planned to be willful, and Xu Huang Xu Gongming is stable to Town Yunzhou, preventing the Yinyama port enemy, and then order the five tigers to lead the army State, prevent Nan Chu soldiers and horses ... "

"Chen, the next!"

Mili Machine, the head of the military machine, Mei Chang Su Shi, turned to arrange it.

Donned, Liu Wei continued: "Nowadays, the big man, the big man, the big man, and the sorrow, and Xiao Cao, you can come forward to conjecture the old minister, stabilize the people. Feng Xiao, Wenhe, Kong Ming, etc., you can start Prepare to replace the new government in the new government ... "

"Your Majesty, so, up and down, the shuffle of power is over."

Guo Jia, Yan Yu, Jia Wei, Zhuge Liang and others, have been attacked by Liu Wei, balanced.

During the next period of time after laying in Jinling City, there was no big action, but it opened down.

First of all, by the words, Xiao Ce came forward to the old Liangzhong, and the mood of Liang Guoshen gradually gradually became smooth, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and other seven major military divisions, nor free, gradually put the big Han Xinzheng, won a wide range of Praise.

Since the Han army entered the city, the proactive army of the original Jinling City has been removed from the emperor, and began to gradually pick up the city defense ...

There are countless people in the hand, and Liu Wei, as a nine-five, reverse it, starting the frequent banquet, please, the palace, the night and night, the song and dance, let the old Liang Dynasty, some old stubborn, in the heart : Han Emperor just got on, you will be greed, so so so soon as you lose your home!

Liu Wei is still in my life, it is not a bird.

This day, the Palace door opened, and a luxurious extraordinary carriage slowly rushed to the palace.

Liu Wei met a robe, he was a crown, his head is like a moon, and she is looking forward, and the temperament is as deep as a star.

On the side, I'm going to be confident, I couldn't help but have a different feeling. I shook my head and smiled: "Your Majesty is the British, Gu Pao Ru Long, the minister is around you, just like firefly shining, falling Some self-embarrassment ... "

"Old Hu, you are also big handsome guys, why bother to be a self-purple?"

Liu Wei is slightly happy, does not pay attention to it, actually called the wrong mouth.

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