The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1993

On the side, I served Li Lianying, and I got the gods to take the pen ink paper. Liu Wei shook with hand, and wrote eight big characters.

At first glance, it is " , Qing Yin Mountain" these eight big characters!

Liu Hao has a blessing, and the striker hooks, it seems that there is a fierce killing straight paper back.

"Your words!"

Guo Jia hits the treasure.

Jinyiwei, the military machine, put Liu Wei's personal book, and retreats outside.

Xie An Xinli, Liu Wei is the initiative to give Yinshan battlefield, completely handed over Chen Qingzhi, and then discussed, it is a for Nan Chu.

"Xie An, what do you think about this?"

Liu Wei, the sleeve, asked.

Xie An came back, arched, gang said: "Huanglong Water Shrine is the waters, and the first brand of Nanchu, the first brand of Nanchi is no longer, as long as the steady advancement, control the Dongjiang soldiers Defense, then take the tiger and dump directly into the South Chu, there is a help of flying thunders, the broken city is like eating drinking water, within January, you can crush Nanchi ... "

[Second, stable update, seeking flowers, evaluation tickets, and support.

The first thousand seventy hundred and ninety-four chapters Nan Chu Chao, a dead!

After listening to Xie'an's suggestion, Liu Wei nodded slightly.

Xie An is very good, after several wars, for the overall power of the Han army and combat mode, Xie An Xinli is still a few ...

Ghost Guo Jia is coming to the side: "Ante said is right, our army controls Dongjiang line, from the big top, in fact, it has already taken advantage of the absolute advantage, the next is to schedule the soldier and horses into the south of the south. All police, start the lightning battle, attacking the South Chuzhi Town! "

"Feng Xiao, this words, good!"

Wolong Zhuge and others are also in favor, now, now, don't need anything, as long as the absolute strength, completely crushing the past, this is the positive positive positive positive!

Several Military Sites Qi Qi, Liu Wei's last clapper decision: "Xie An listening!"

Xie An is very vibrating, Lang Yong said: "Chen is here!"

Liu Hao played, said: "Hell against the Battle of Nanchu, will use you as a commander, dispatch, to hit Nan Du in the shortest time, is there confident ?!"

Xie An spirit is oscillated, and the boxing will be said: "If you can't hit the South Chu, the ministerial will lead the military law!"


"Good! There is no journal in the army!"

Liu Wei took the shoulder of Xie'an, and the eyes were full of rewards ...

The spring has passed, the weather is gradually hot.

Nan Chu is sitting in the south of the east, and there is a Dongjiang, which has a Dongjiang. It is said that the Dongjiang is called Jiang Z. Jiangzhou, and the south of Dongjiang is the land of Kizhou, Nanchu.

The state of this world is not a concept, and there are several big counties in the land of the big man, and one of the stations in the second or third county is the county town.

Therefore, Nan Chu is a huge thing like Liang Guo and West Wei, and it is short, and it is only a watermaster, and attacks Jiangzhou.

Now, the situation is completely twisted.

South of Dongjiang.

A Zhao Ziqi flag, under the hunter, hunting.

On the five tigers, Zhao Yun handed the white dragon gun, looked at thousands of silver lions, and couldn't help but praise: "Xie An, the ring of the boat, fruit is really effective, the cavalry boarding is like flat, straight Dongjiang! "

The Guan Yu on the side is a hand, and the long-term, one hand, the first, the first, the road: "Zi Dong said good, see Xie Anshi, it is a rare handsome, so you have to reuse it."

Another member of the five tigers will also smile and smile: "Yun Chang is not often playing, the old man is, I think Xie An, some Confucianism, maybe the second week of public blood ..."

This time, the final decisive battle of Nanchi, Liu Wei gave Xie Anhang Baojian, and the whole command, and Xie An is also very big, and the four digits of the Great Han Dynasty five tigers directly.

Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei Four members will lead their respective leaders, only Ma Chao is still staying in the big man, did not present.

Even these four military majors are all ink to Xie An Xin, and I will not tell the tiger. Who knows Xie An not next Zhou Yu?

The Daxan Third Army advanced, and Nan Chu is in the country, but it has become a pot of porridge.

The 100,000 watermaster is almost all the army. For Nan Chu, it is already a meat, Liu Yizhen, Xie Yue Ze, but Yue Xize is returned to the charter, nor well.

In Nanchunang, there is also the right to stand out to play the mother and Yue Xize, and the country will ask Nan Chu Wang to govern him.

Of course, some people talk to Yue Xize, the prince Yu Wenzhao stood up and stood up, Yue Xize, the two sides became a group ...

Chu Wang smashed her eyebrows, and the head of the head, a table, loudly: "What is it !?"

Everyone is squatting, and I don't dare to say more.

The brain of Nanchu is still awake, Shen Sheng: "At this time, the big man is invincible, I am just using people, if you kill General Yuejun, who do you go to the army of the big man?"


The ministers of the guns in this knead are not talking. There is a head iron, standing out and talks: "Your Majesty, even my military and watermakers are not the opponent of the Han army, why not start talking with the Hanshi? We express enough sincerity, believe that the Hanhuang will definitely retreat ... "

Also said that there are still many people in the dynasty.

"Drag out and cut ..."

Nan Chu Wang Hui stood up and smiled: "Who dares to propose and, if you don't have a general, you will have a general, and you will be 20,000, as long as the city is still born, he is afraid that the Han army has a wings and can't come in?"

"Dawang Yingming!"

"I am afraid that he is an egg, and it is finished!"

"Say that the surrender is the dead end of the ovary!"

Among the South Chu Dynasty, the voice of the main battle.

Chu Wang showed a rare power, waving order: "Yue Xiuze is the general master of the three armies, and the whole country has 20,000 soldiers and horses, and welcomes the Han army!"

"Prince Yu Wenyu Junjun War, there is no mistake!"

"Shaozhou general Ma Yin, Nanzhou general Zhou Xiong and others, rectify the soldiers and horses, ready to fight!"

370 Shaozhou, Yucheng.

Lao Huang Zhongtou top gold helmet, the shaped army, fell to the purple gold knife, whitewashed the city in front of the city.

Yucheng is the capital of Zhouzhou, the city wall is low, only five or six feet high, and the Han army wants to lay down the military town of Nanchi.

Down and sinister horn, suddenly sound!

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