The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2015

"Dragon Scales Xuanjia, the world is invincible!"

"Dragon Scales Xuanjia, the world is invincible!"

Dragon Scales, the heavy ride, the heavy unity, the heavy unity, stagnation, even the people have horses, all covered the strict and realistic, and the horse steel blade, the armor is flashing in the eyes Moving the same red light!

The snorkeling drum sounded, the cold wind is like a knife, rolled up the dusty dust, spreading between the heavens and the earth, forming a yellow curtain covering the sky, tens of thousands of dragon scales Xuanjia heavy cavalry army gathered into a black dragon, Dust in the dust dancers, Herhemian!

"Chiseling the enemy array, killing killing !!!"


The big man in the middle army is a show, and the roar of the roar of the world suddenly came, and the heroic horn sounded in the battlefield!

The smoke is rolling as a dragon, the dragon scales, the mysterious, the madness is mad, the dead mart is the second side of the distribution, the archer is in front of the guards of the cold iron shield, and the volts are prepared under the trench.

The Han army of Bei Yan's force is several times, and it is averaged, and the enemy's horseshoe and armor are everywhere. The big man's wipes forged the name of the hoe under the sun, the cold and mozzare, the tiger is awkward, the tiger, the whole piece The earth can't stop the earth.

The sky is shaken, and the shouts sound into a ocean.

"Black Eagle, fight with the Han army!"

Before Murong's shaping, he had a cold sweat, and his teeth commanded the Beiyan King's Elite Black Eagle ...

Black Eagle Iron riding vs Dragon Scales

This is the opposition of the two federal iron rides, is also the absolute power of the absolute power!

On the battlefield, it was tragic.

The overbearing dragon scales, the heavy ride, the ruined, the black eagle iron ride, the most advanced black eagle iron ride, found that the dragon scales ride, the army, the army, the horse, thousands of pounds of horses, it seems to be broken The kite of the line is hit, flying out more than ten meters ...

[First, stable update, ask for support].

The first thousand eight hundred and seventh chapter, the top of the Jiulong, Yu Wen Chengdu, the northern gun!


The front black Eagle iron ride is directly hit, knocking down a large black eagle!

The lanterns of the Black Eagle ride, the top of the six internal organs is like a thunderous, five bleeding, and the eyes before dying are full of fear!

"The Han army is a monster that the knife is not entered!"

"Go, don't just with the Han army, these are monsters!"

"Grass! The spear is not worn, can you fight?"

The Black Eagle has never been the King of Beyun, but encountered a strong cavalry that is strong to incredible Dragon Scales, the combat power is completely crushed, the soldiers panic, the morale is naturally falling.

"Blocking my death!"

Yu Wen Chengdu Changlian, Feng Wing, Golden Spirit, Ruplex, countless air blade, empty dance, is like a dead sickle, crazy harvesting the life of Bei Yan soldiers.

Killing, such as picking up the mustard!

I saw the king of the King's Elevated Black Eagle was hit, and Murong was defective, and the string was suddenly trembled!

The high pet's fuck is the murder of the righteousness, killing the Beiyan Wangqi, the two sides are half a time, the Black Eagle has already collapsed the trend ...

Murhae's second son Murong Agriculture screamed: "Father, big things are not wonderful, the Han army is sharp 313, please ask the father to temporarily avoid the enemy!"

"Never refund!"

Murong has a breeze, and it has been refused to say: "If you retire, you will be the bureau of the defeat. The whole will not be able to go, the Red Sacle is lost, and the Yan Bei City is sent to the Han army. ... Western Wei Bing Hopened, there is still a battle! "

"Father, Le Zong ... The Green Military Army of General Zhu Rong is unfavorable, and it has ordered to retreat!"


Murong was thoroughly panicked at this time. Looking back in four Gu Zong's will return the flag in the back, the green battalion on the battlefield, and it has begun to change the former military.

Zhu Rong retired at this time, is also the practice of old success. The Han army crushed the Black Eagle with a peerless soldiers. The North Yanshi lowned, and the entire Red Sacred Battlefield was already moreed. He led the soldiers to retreat, before damage.

"The same thing is the same, actually ... dare to sell this king !?"

Murong is full of anger, staring at the battlefield, and the Dragon Scales, the Dragon Scales, the Dragon-Scale, the Elite Ace, which is more embarrassed than the dead son. ......

Seeing that Yu Wen Chengdu and Li Cunxiao, these two fighters are quickly wearing the Black Eagle, directly killing the king of the Chinese army, Mu Ronggue, biting his teeth: "Go!"

"Walk? Where to go !?"

Yu Wen Chengdu Tiger into the flock, in the Black Eagle, kills a round, seeing Murhae's Wangqi's back, the tiger is the same, killing, killing, killing, drinking: "Damn!"


Sui Tang ranked second good Han completely rushed away, and the exclusive gods were opened in Kowloon, and the violent turned over the Black Eagle's cavalry. Everyone could not help but retreat from the back, I hope to leave this kill. .

"After the child left the broken, the father came!"

Murong farmers from a long gun, and he called.

Take advantage of the whole power, Murongn has only dressed to block a round, and they will be a roll of Yu Wen Chengdu Feng wings. When it is the horse, stepped behind his brother ...

The most sad thing in life is that the white hair is sending a black hair.

One day, even the son who died in the talented talented, Murong was like a knife, and didn't leave. Turned the horse, and he walked toward Yu Wen: "I don't kill you today, swear not to be people!"


The northern guns have dashish red, like mad tigers, the gun is killing in Yuwen Chengdu, and the gun tips are condensed, and a faint red man is unlimited.

"It's good!"

Yu Wen Chengdu smiled and drove thousands of miles of yellow dragon god galloped. The two thick arm muscles were like iron, suddenly a phoenix.


The two weapons all exceed more than one hundred pounds. In the hands of the two generations, there is no difference between a straw, and the weapons are constantly impact, and they have a burst of fire to unrequestyled gold.

There were ten rounds, Murong greeted horses, and the face of the majesty was retired and the horseshoe plowed the two deep gully on the ground. And Yu Wen Chengdu is like the body of the people, but only swaying on the horse back, and the power of the anti-earthquake.

"Come again!"

Yu Wencheng did not give Murong, the opportunity of Murong, the thousands of miles of yellow dragon gods broke out, as as a yellow electric light, instantly rush to Murong, ten feet, Feng wings gold, from an incredible angle, suddenly beat!


Murong is lifting guns, and the arms are awkward, and the muscles are grateful. It seems that the bones have been shocked. The horse's war is even more miserable, and they can't afford this overbearing.

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