The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2018 of the Three Kingdoms

"Beibaun martial arts alone in the world, suppressing him, who can kill him?"

The snake female eyes are full, and the heart is also very shocking.

Xu Sheng smiled: "The girl does not know, although Murong is overbearing, but my big man has the five tigers in Kowloon. Everyone is the fierce of Wanfu, and Zhao Yun is playing in the Yin Mountain battlefield. Murong shaped blood, this Once in hundreds of thousands of army, killing the Daoli is the general of Yuwen Chengdu, the Jiulong ... "

"One battle is full of work!"

Chu Qiao muttered, and suddenly a little is a bit easier.

She yearning for freedom and peace, naturally did not hit the war, Liu Wei promised she asked her to go to the North Lu, with the Thunder, sweeping the world, today's war, the Dikhuman Hagui, undoubtedly let Chu Qiao to Liu Wei Full confidence.

"I am asking General Xu to introduce, some things have to be discussed with the Emperor ..."

Chu Qiao hug said.

"The girl will be in the end ..."

Xu Sheng and kindly said: "You come in a distance, the boat is laborious, or let's take a break ..."

Snake girls are willing, followed by Xu Sheng's leaders.

Chu Qiao followed Xu Sheng, seven turn eight, passed several dragon camps to defense defense, and to the emperor account.

"Brigade, this is the Chu Qiao girl of the Hanshan, is also a friend of His Majesty, seeking His Majesty ..."

Xu Sheng said to Xie Xie, who was standing outside the sword.

Xie Xuan's slight turn, holding a box: "Chu Qiao girl is coming, please enter the account, Your Majesty is waiting ..."

He did a "please" gesture, Chu Qiao's face nodded calmly, slowly walked into the accounts, but the heart was a wave:

This Xie Xuan, is gently, but a breath of breath, this is the terrorist power of only the masters of the martial arts!

It's been getting more and more unlikely, I don't know where I gathered, I'm gathered.

There is only one person in the emperor, Liu Wei is back, sitting on the dragon stand above the dragon, seems to see what is happy, the mouth has a little smile ...

Chu Qiao's low body, Ying Ying, said: "The people of the people Chu Qiao, I will meet you!"

"Achi girl, don't have to be more ..."

I heard Chu Qiao's voice, Liu Wei put down the chapter, looked up, and looked slightly.

[Fourth, stable updates, ask for reward, and support].

The first thousand eight hundred and twenty chapters are playing Chu Joe!

Liu Wei turned, falling in front of the beautiful geese face, how to feel Chu Qiao again, how do you feel Chu Qiao?

Is this that the lover looks in Xi Shi?

Chu Qiao saw Liu Wei, the mood is also inexplicably pleasant, smiling: "Congratulations, defeating the Black Eagle, the Murhae, has achieved great victory, and the mood looks good ..."

Liu Hao's eyebrows stretched, and the warmth smiled: "It is just a part of the battle of the Redchuan, the Battle of the Redchuan is only part of the Dahan Huanglong, and it has been in the East River into the Xiling River. It is also worthy of praise ... "

The river attacked the West Mausoleum! ?

Chu Qiao is very surprised. She is smart and abnormal. From Liu Wei's speech, she has seen Liu Yuhong's layout. It actually to be water and land, and at the same time, the Western Wei and Beiyan have been played. Now the double line has achieved it. Customer battle, when it is a incredible thing .........

Chu Qiao is still shocked, Liu Hao played again: "West Wenjul Zhu Rong is like a fox, seeing the situation, I want to evacuate the battlefield, but I don't know that Yan Bei has become a mud, as long as it is caught, it is difficult The whole body retreats. ... "


Chu Qiao's heart removed a big "service" word, no other file.

"Achi, I heard that you are coming to come to find, can you have any urgents?"

"I originally wanted to say, if you want to Raid to Raido, Hanshan Leverage has internal should, can help, now, it is not necessary ..."

Chu Joe shook his head and smiled.

Between Liu Wei, flashing , said: "If there is internal, it is better, when you can not blame, break the Yanyu City ... Achu is timely rain, it seems that every time I see Achi, I can give it to you. Bring good news! "

So Liu Wei, Chu Qiao is a bit shame, it seems that I have thought about it, then I said: "Your Majesty, the people 's championship, saving the princess of the West Wei, she seems to have a lot of good feelings about my Majesty ... Yuan The princess is flowers, is the first beauty of the West Wei, is it? "



Liu Wei intertwined the flowers, and the old driver, he listens to Chu Qiao slightly with vinegar, immediately stopped, went to Chu Qiao, said: "Achi, did not see, you have lost a lot of thin ..."

Liu Yan ghosts reach out of the gods, pinched the buns of Chu Joe ...


The incident suddenly, Chu Qiao did not react it at all, but it was a lot of cheeks, and he looked at Liu Wei ...

The beauty is so angry, but it is more moving. Liu Yao is free to feel slightly, but it is realized that the world's wind is conservative, the woman's skin is touched, there is a illegal festival.

However, Chu Qiao's bag is really comfortable ...

I really want to come again ...

However, Chu Qiao has opened up the distance between Liu Wei, and vigilant to prevent Liu Wei to come back to her ...


Liu Yao's mouth is light smile, the figure is swaying, quickly brushing to the side of Chu Qiao, take her into the arms, and repairing her vision with Liu Wei, is it Chu Qiao Can rebel?

"Your Majesty, what do you ..."

Chu Joji was red, and it was twisted, and he said weakly: "Let me go!"

Liu Wei's arms were calm, and they did not let go, but there is no further action.

It is necessary to step into the way, if it is too radical, it will only be counterproductive.

This is a sister who has no trace!

Quiet warmth, but Cao Shaoqin, who was camp, interrupted: "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has already finished the battlefield, do you listen to the battle report?"

Chu Qiao took out Liu Hao's arms, the cheek was burn red ...


Liu Wei is black, when is it good, is it biased?


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