The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2029 of the Three Kingdoms

"Congratulations to the host, change the destiny of Yan Fei, and the hidden loyalty +10 of the host is 1000!"

"Congratulations to the host, the current good feeling of the host has reached a full value of 100, and the loyalty of the host has reached 100 full value!"

A series of scorpion system prompts, suddenly sounded in Liu Hao's ear, Liu Wei heard the voice, and his mouth haunted a little curvature ...

[Third, stable and updated, there are new nights in the evening, happy New Year's Eve, book friends].

The first chapter of the first chapter double strike, the West Weiju country is shocked!

Looking at the wind of the scene, it is actually a bit of a little and evil, but it can even be said to be a good person!

However, a good person is always lack of air transport, then it is a supporting role, suffering from various abuse.

In general, Liu Wei didn't feel bad about the flying, or can be used. After all, the high-handed master list, this world is just a few people ...

Next, the haremians have got a god wolf for Liu Wei.

The rest of the wolf, all of which were all from Big Han Tiger, and Xu Huang, who was inside. Xu Huang, Gongming, was the main will of Daxue Cavian cavalry. Xiao Pingzhang served as the deputy will of Wolf cavalry.

In this way, you can enjoy the growth rate of Hanzi's super training speed, with the fastest speed, and put the wolf cavalry and put into the battlefield.

After these events, Liu Wei boarded the Kowloon Tiandi's chariot, asked: "How is Li Bao, how?"


Li Lianying armed, Zigong said: "After the dream of itself, he has been completely recovered after the diagnosis and treatment of Hua Wei, Li Shizhen."

Liu Zhen nodded and stood away: "Yan Yifeng raised the wolf ride, this person is very useful."

"Old slaves, obey!"

Li Lianying led his life, even if you don't have a sentence, he didn't ask.

In his heart, it is no emotion: this is a few degrees, after all, because of a woman ...

West Wei, Chang'an Huangcheng.

Spy Paper's spy face is dark, and the horses are tested, directly Huangcheng, while catching the road, while he shouted:

"Yanbei three thousand miles, speed open palace!"

Xi Wei Qunchen, I have to call to the palace.

"I heard, today, my spy is coming back from Yanbei Puxi!"

"Oh! On the army, Zhu Rong is a fascinating, with the North of the gun, killing the children, and the madman, not here!"

"It is also true that the green battalion and the Black Eagle are the elite of the second country, and there is a leader, sweep the world, and you can stay in the day!"

"Your Majesty, I am waiting for it, it is hard to enter the soda?"

Xi Wei Quanchen, fish into the palace, the road is constantly discussing, and the championship is celebrated.

Unfortunately, in the palace, I know that the development of things is entirely exceeding everyone.

The Red Chuanyi battles crane, the North of the gunman, the news of Bei Yan, finally returned to the West Wei.

"The Black Eagle has hundreds of thousands, and the war is full!"

"Beiba gun has been defended by Han, Yan Bei Mu Yu Jun is also shooting!"

"Yanbei City breaks, spy paper is heavy!"

"The West Wei will retreat Jinchuan, which is killed, and the death of the battle ..."


After listening to the spy, the West Wei Quanchen took a breath, and the tongue was shocked.

Originally, I can devastate the first to swalloween Yan, and then destroy the big man. Now it seems that it is reversed by the Dynasty.

Tens of thousands of troops, the end of the Northern Yanguo, are all thoroughly done by the Han army, what kind of war is this?

"Your Majesty, the spy paper is suffering from heavy ... The strength is big before, I wanted to lay out in the world in the future, I have not caught ..."

Yu Wenxiang is a night, the old is old, and the wrinkle changes are deeper.

The West Wei Quanchen is able to understand that Yu Wenzhao is excellent, it is one of his Yuwen's housekeeper inheritance, now in the hands of the big man, it is a life and death. The loss is too heavy to hurt the heritage.

The other of the West Wei Dynasty, he woked Wei Xia Xiang, holding a silence: "Your Majesty, the Green Military Army is destroyed, the generals of Zhu Rong were on the spot. For the big Wei, it is also a painful blow, Chen believes that Bei Yan The war, there is no longer turn ... "

"Oh! The victory is a military family, the general Han conspiracy is designed with General Zhung, winning the local victory, and the general of Wei General, what is the people of others, the big Wei, the big Wei, the big Wei, the soldiers, the soldiers, sweat, only in His Majesty Between the idea, afraid of an egg !? "

In another member of the army, Yang Daoye stood up and didn't care about it.

Wei Xiaoyuan is smiling: "It is unreasonable with you! When Yang General encounters the Han army, the front is confront, knowing ..."

Yang Dawei is a thief and praise, depending on the murderer, according to the high position, tell him unclear. Wei Xia width thought of the Han army's thunders, he was seriously injured, and he was hurt, and his heart was afraid.

The DPRK is still standing out: "Please let go of the Ming Dynasty, and you will be so early, the big man is just the rise, you can use our country's profound heritage to suppress!"

"Yes, don't be early suppress, I have to go out later!"

"For a while, can not explain what, the second competition, to see the big bureau!"

The West Wei Dynasty, the Middle School, noisy.

Most people are secretly amazed in the powerful strength of the Dangdang Dynasty, and feel the threat, I want to have the heritage of the Si Wei several generations, and completely suppress the Dynasty.

At this moment, there were 363 spies outside the Palace, and the road was straight into the temple. She kneelted, she fell, she hugged, said: "Your Majesty! Big things is not good, there is a group of majestic dragons Battle of the Battle, Hanging of the Han Jun Chi Long, defeating the Wiling Navy, and block the entire Xiling River! "

what! ?

Xi Wei Qunchen was shocked.

Just in the discussion of the Northland War, how do you have a war in Nanhai?

Wei Emperor asked: "What is going on? What about Wang Yuanyuan, Xiling?"

Spye trembling: "Xiling watermaster is destroyed, Xingling Wang Yuanyuan is gone by the Han army!"

"Southern Danger!"

"In the end, there is a conspiracy decision-making, there is a big way!"

"How ... how can this be !?"

The temple in West Weizhong Chen, pour 'squeezes, I can't believe it you can hear!

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