The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2032 of the Three Kingdoms

The DPRK, Yu Wen, is anxiety, saying: "Your Majesty, the old minister dreams, dreaming of the northern fire, when you wake up, sweat, do not know what is ..."

A scribe said: "Hehe! Ranking is like Cabergia, inevitably be Xiang Zha, the dream of Yu Wen, must be forehanding the second country Pingxi Gogo."

Another member of the general said: "Short-lived petition, but in order to let the big Wei have slowed away, wait until the end, it is condensed, and when it is a certain amount of troops, kill the Han army, let the young big man in the Han Dynasty ! "

"To bear the gas, become the world of the world!"

At the time of the development of the Western Development, the martyrdom of the palace suddenly broke into the spy.

The palace is banned, not anyone can be chaotic, but the spy paper is the country's weapon. When faced, it is right to directly report to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the big man, and the dowry will be taken away, but also sent a letter!"

what! ? Big Han's Holy Secret?

The West Wei Qunchen has spacious, not honest.

Wei Emperor can't wait to open the letter, go up and down, almost spit into blood!

"Mom, look at the face of Yuanyi, as long as the West Wei is returning, it is not in the past, the second country is in one, so that the world is returned, no knife, if the big marriage, the big man sold troops, Zhu Xi Wei!? "

Even the Wei Emi, who has always been distinguished, I can't help but hurt after the letter, can you see how Liu Wei is!


Death is the same!

Xi Wei Qunchen, listening to the heart, it is too late to die ...

During the death, the world returned!

The emperor is big!

The old man in the West Wei Dynasty, the old man fell out, kneeling down the jade step, worship: "Your Majesty, it is already a coverage, it is not as good as the bottom, and he hits the emperor!"

"How can he be insulting this?

"Playing, winning a million male soldiers! Hello, see if he can be so mad!"

This blocker sent by Liu Wei is equal to the Western Wei Dynasty.

In the hustle and horses, the second spy, the third spy fish came in from the temple, and the knees were fell, and they gave a fist.

"Your Majesty, Qinzhou will pass the letter to the law, suspected that the Han army light cavalry, disguised into a whistle, stealing the Qinzhou territory, attacking the city around, within a few days, hundreds of miles, already There are several urban pools being poisoned! "

"Your Majesty, the Mixing 100,000 Fujun, after the Xiling King was captured, the Han army began to push Xiwang and directly attack Zhangzhou!"


One is awkward!

The Sweet Minachen in the whole temple is stupid!

I have pumped a breath!

I am shaking in my heart!

The Han army is mighty, the implementation is too terrible!

Missing old people, almost have been dull.

Just now, I have a vowed to make a tricky, and the Han army is attacked. Now it is reversed, it is blocked at the door of the house to give it, what temper?

"Good tone!"

The Wei Emperor's face is blue, but the eyes are emerging, the fist is gripped, the bones are raged, and even the nails have stabbed into meat.

The big too many supervisory situations on the side of the side, did not see this emperor for decades.

Wei Emperor took a few mouthfuls, Shen Sheng: "What is Li Hao?"

One member is eight feet, the wind of the West Wei, standing out, holding the box: "Chen is!"

"Take the sixteen battles and horses, collect Xiling, be sure to block the big man in the Xiling River, can you do it !?"

Li Wei, said: "The minister ... Leading, if this war is reactive, the beginning!"

"The old will be in the March of the March, and finally, the army is finally played!"

"The battle of Xiling, hundreds of thousands of troops, must wear the Han army, this battle is expecting!"

Xi Weizhong minister is condensed, only listening to Weidi to continue: "Yang Dawei, Wei Xiaoyuan, what is Yu Wenxi?"

Yang Dawei and others stand out, hug: "At the end of!"

"Within the three days, the integration of the , the ninth army, the seventh army, and taught Qinzhou. If the Han army is encountered, it will not be mistaken with the light of the light!"

Everyone has no movement, because these are all the best of the West Wei Shuo fruit, and the and the seventh army, the ninth army, is also the absolute power in China.

"Yuanxian, Yuan Zan, Yuan Xin, go to the Empressors allocate all the military, you want to rush to the pro, to go to Qinzhou, and the Han dynasty!"

"Even several old kings are dispatched!"

The West Wei Dynasty, Zhongchen, which is the Wei Emperor.

Liang State has the long Lin Wang and Jingwang Bike, known as Changlin invincible, and these people who were called in the name of Wei Emperor were a few princes in the West Wei Royal Retriever. The existence of the army and sweep the four parties.

At this moment, Wei Emperor said a few words, and mobilized a country's heritage.

Millions of male soldiers, thousands of miles, this flank, will have blood into the sea!

[Third, there is nothing in the New Year, still stable and updated, there is also a new year, ask for subscription and reward].

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-five chapters, Wu Ziliang, Xu Wei special!


Water in Xiling River, swaying the hero of the world.

Han Shizhong is standing in the sword, welcoming the cold night wind, and the tiger looks at the Xiling River.

On the river, Huanglong, Huanglong, the warship, such as the dragon, and transversely widened Xilingjiang!

Since she launched the Xiling Jiangzhai, Han Shizhong did not have greedy, but the first cloth is good, and the whole texture river is in the control of the Huanglong watermaster, and then stabilizes, and the fire is the Western Wei Xiwang.

The footsteps quickly, Zheng He's appearance was almost on the side of Han Shizhong, and he hugged: "Your Majesty, Huanglong Navy is advancing, it is time to launch the final battle for the West Wei!"

After a few years of tempering, Zheng He has already had a stable appearance of a few points in history.

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