The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2034 of the Three Kingdoms

The Light suddenly felt that the earth was in front of him, and there was a bit extraordinary. I took the horse and asked: "Where is this, the landform is majestic, and some strange."

The side deputy director: "Reporting the generals, this place is the lock Longshan, the mountain is sinister, the people are rare."

The Light is far away from the lock Longshan, and there is a bit of god. After half a ring, he woke up, smashing a breath, screaming: "Not good! Stop the march, stop!! "

"General, what happened?"

The depth of the army was scared, how many years have never seen a stable names of stabilized light.

"Lock Longshan, Double 13 Peak Cross, showing the trend of the dragon, if it is tens of thousands of people ..."

After a wave of light, he was afraid, and he said: "After half, I am in danger ..."

Didn't wait for him to finish, the front side of the Dragon Shan Shuangfeng, the countless rolling stone, a bang, the Si Wei soldiers, the wolf scream:

"Hey! What is the situation !?"

"Hey! My feet ... my foot is broken ... save me!"

"A lot of big stones, roll down, not this mountain to collapse !?"

"Collapse your mother ... idiots, this is a cast!"

Suddenly, there is a chaos, and there are ten thousand western Wei's strokes are no longer strict, and they are beginning to squeeze people, the former army is in the back, and they have become a pot of porridge ...

The rush of the army is in a hurry, but the arms are absolutely not playing, and the light of the light is sinking. It has already understood that the action of the self-cultivation is completely in the expectations of the enemy, this is an medium plan!

The Robs of the Robust have a heavy ax, running inner strength, soon to send a burst of tiger: "Standing stabilize, don't mess, you have a steady foot!"

Unfortunately, there are ten thousand people, and the array of military arrays in front of them will be in this three words, where is it suppressed?

Xu Huang did not give him any opportunity, Daxue Cangwang ride before the lock Longshan, crazy, and cut off the entire West Wei army ...


The squad of the battle is like a god, and the people are boiling, and the horn of the cold and solemn, and the Si Wei Shuangwu is chaotic.

"Mom, where, so many wolves !?"

"Not good, wolf ... a lot of snow white hair, ah !!"

"Ah !!! My hand, my hand is biting by the wolf!"

"Hey! How can it be ... how can there be so many wolves, this is a means of ghosts!"

The western Wei army soldiers, and the big snow Cang wolf ride that was built into the battle, all scared, stayed in the ground, Ren Cang's slutty ...

People passing people, panic, fearful, seems to be infected, the West Wei Ten thousand soldiers have heard the big snow and wolf suddenly appear, crazy Tucedo West Wei army, but also frightened.

"Wolf and beasts, can get tiots, and only appear in the legend, how can I appear here !?"

"Is it ... Is this a big man in the Emperor, actually can be god and god, drive so murder !?"

"Don't ... don't face these bloodthirsty wolves, it's too horrible ..."

Frequent people, when facing the Wolf Tiger Leopard, it is inevitable to have a fear.

Of course, these Si Wei soldiers are the status of ordinary people. Even if they have been motivated, the courage is instantly collapsed when they face unknown fear.

"Big Snow Cangwang ride, flies up the enemy, kill!"

Xu Huangjinxiao high, and the male armor wrapped in the body, like a war god, killing in the West Wei Zi Ziyun.

kill! kill! kill!

There are thousands of rides behind the horse knives, and they are angry, and the cold light is the sky.


The big Snow, the wolf ride behind, is also a shovel, such as the big snow, followed by, and the madness begins to borrow the West Wei Bing.

"It's evil, the enemy is only thousands, what are you afraid? !!"

Looking at this group of fighters who ride a wolf will be culled by another West Wei soldiers, and the light of the dermights is gone!

Only some people, I dare to come to him for more than 100,000 major army arrays, clearly see him!

The West Wei soldiers have also been frightened, seeing the snow white wolf's blood pots, there are many people who are shaking, and the sour is almost unable to stand, and even the West Wei Bing's mounts are also wretched. The fear of happiness.

When this 253 situation, if there is no fighter, if you want to go to the tide, then the lock Longshan war will completely become a classic battle with less than a winner, and the Light will always be nailed to the shame, the name is .

"The Han Dynasty must be killed, and the wolf!"

The Robs of the Robin are heavy, and the most fierce gap rushed toward the big Snow Caval cavalry.

In order to be able to know the return, then dispatch the soldiers, it is already a dead sheep, and the final result is nothing more than how small injuries. If you want to hit the Han army, you need to force the enemy to kill the enemy!


Big Snow Cangfang is so excited, blinking from dozens of meters into the side of the West Wei, in this member of the West Wei, when it is cold, it is not able to react, the Wolf cavalry , flashing horrible murder, turn his head completely ...

This scene, at the same time, there was countless times.

Xu Huang is holding a gold ax, a crazy dance, and the Si Wei soldiers killed into the river. Thousands of Snow Wolf cavalry, even if the Tiger comes into the collier, crazy slaughter, no one can resist!

The wolf went out, and the world was shocked!

[First, stabilize and update, ask for reward].

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-seventh chapter Xu Huang will, the big man Tianwei!

"Agrons, Dare!"

Seeing Xu Huang wants to cut the West Wei Bing, the Western Wei, the light of the military, finally slammed the horse.


The heavy ax is strong, like a black, and it is grieved toward Xu Huang, and the power is extraordinary.

"I finally came to a little ability!"

Xu Huang laughed, and also raised the emperor of the hand to the treasure mada, and slashing.


The two tigers will kill, and the double ax has collided in the air, and the golden iron resistant sound of the battlefield is issued.

"It's terrible!"

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