The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2038 of the Three Kingdoms

After a long time, the Wei Di only poured two glasses.

A cup of respect, a cup of respect.


The statue of the state is like the ants on the hot pot, turning around the city, behind the hand, all the cold sweat, fearless.

The dead Han army.

It is also too fierce that I have killed a few generals in the West Wei, hit hundreds of thousands of Western Wei army, vibrating the world. After the Queen of Han, he was in the princess of the West Wei's first beautiful girl, and he actually made a good words, we must hit the Tigeri, and the wilderness of the West Wei.

Nowadays, the West Wei Siri, a few of the generals, and the fight against hundreds of thousands of army, this scene is not he can control.


The simple and thick walls began to vibrate.

"The army is coming!"

There is a human eye on the city, pointing at the distance, and the sound is awkward.

I saw a black-pressed soldier on the horizon, showing it, and the number is not clear. It seems to be a group of ants, and it is densely marma.

The smoke is rolling, covering the sky, and it is very stunned.

The state knows that the heart is a shock, and the clothes are all, hurried down the city, and personally go out.

"Great Zhao De Sheng, see the two generals!"

The general of General Li Wei and Yang Dawei leader first arrived, but did not put this knowledge in the eyes, just nodded with him, and led the West Wei Junzhong to the military camp.

"Spyware secret, the military in Qinzhou, was involved in thousands of Hanjun light cavalry, and broke the Qinzhou City, now Qinzhou Jincheng has broken, the general of the light of the light, and ten thousand Qinzhou Army, all Collapse surrender ... "

Yang Dajing heard the West Weiji secret, thick crumpled, patted the table: "This is really Qinzhou latest news !?"

Li Wei stunned, put his hand, showing spies and retreats, sigh: "The news of the spy is, it will be wrong? At all, if they still planted in the Han army, British name ...... "

Spy Paper Heavenly Eyes in the satellite and Yanbei news channels, basically all by Dachan Jinyi Guard, China is still within the control range.

Yang Da's eyes, the more I want to feel the incredibility.

He is not familiar with the law, but everyone is included in the Si Wei's generals, of course, there is a matter. Such a person will actually be killed by thousands of light cars, killing into Qinzhou, and knocking over Ten thousand army, but also the first level ...

"First is Wei Xiaoxuan, and then Zhu Rong, then it is the light of the light, the Han army is too fierce!"

The account, the West Weizhong will, all the same, and secretly surprised.

Li Wei said: "The Han Jun attacked Qinzhou, then he will take the next to the state, we will keep the city, stabilize the city, he can nail me?"

Yang Dajing took the case, the cowho fierce flakes, biting his teeth: "Now there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers to gather, fierce will be like a cloud, the turtle is reducing the city, and you can destroy yourself. This is not hit ... Lao Li you Difficult, I led the soldiers to play, kill the sharpness of the Han army! "

From a big head to the knife, it is the position of the generals of Yang Da, is not all coming.

Li Wei can't press him.

The Western Wei Fei Wei Xiaoxuan Town is keeping the grain road, Yang Da Eye will have already in the Kuk State, laying all the arms defense, every city is arranged, which is a dripping water.

After several days, the big man in the big man killed Kars, and the two sides confrontated to the array.

~ ~~~~

Down and sinister horn, suddenly sound, cave is wild!

The big man of the gods, the martial arts of the martial arts, Chen Qingzhi, wearing a white Confucian sakuard, driving the horse before the array.

The military in the army, the army, floating the wind, the Chen characters in that, the stroke, like a knife ax.

The big man white robe has already arranged together, the most in front of the Han army tiger is a cold, the hand holds the high cold iron huge shield, the shape is like the iron wall, behind the Suzaki, the Zhuzhuang is in the string, the two wings are White horse cavalry and dragon scales on hornackigma.

The battle of the chaos, the battle of the country, the big man is also the elite king, there is no hidden hidden.

Chen Qingzhi stands in the temporary platform, overlooking the enemy, smiled. "The old will Li Wei, it is worthy of the famous famous, and the name is unimpled, the cloth arrays, the flying tiger, the army, the flying tiger, the army."

[First, stabilize and update, ask for reward].

The first thousand eight hundred and forty-one chapter, the world is invincible!

It is a pioneer from Chen Qingzhi.

I heard the middle army handsome, and Li Shi Xiao Hu is suddenly climbing, and the king of Wang Wei, Bi Yan, Dial, came to the array, looked: "Daren Li Shifepia is here, who dares to come with a battle! ? "

The sound is in good luck, just like the spring thunder bloom in the tip of the tongue, the shake dozens of miles, the West Wei is hears, there is no discoloration.

"This is the Sweet people who have done the 170,000 Zhaozhou Army of Liang Guo in the army?"

"Sure enough, it is the world, like the generals of Yang Daxi, listed in the presence of the famous list!"

"It seems that the Han Dynasty is also afraid, and the apes of the leaders will send a battle!"

Among the noisy sounds, Yang Da's eyes are wide and wide, and the sound is said: "Millions of the army is currently, wherever you have a mad !?"

Said to be funny, Yang Da's eyes itself is born, actually called his husband.

He is born red, it is going to play a knife, but he only sees one person to make a knife, drink: "Kill 13 chickens with a cow knife, I took this kind of people with the general!"

Everyone regarded it, this person is famous in the West Weijun, and the red hair of Yang Tianbao, the red-haired redhead, the roe, the height, the height, the double arm is full of power, every battle, must One of the hands and feet brothers of Yang Da's eyes were also called thousands of people.

"Tianbao General is the real fighter!"

"Oh, Way Rui also tuned?"

"At that time, Liang Guo is weak, and Way Rui can't ride a horse. It is not a bow, which is no more ovate, which makes this kind of name, today he is destined to defeat the name."

"Killing chicken does not need to have a cow knife, the general of Yang, killing this kind!"

Yang Dajing saw Yang Tianbao to go out, smiled well: "I have a brother, better than thousands of people, this thief must die."

Li Wei also got a short need, laughed: "Yang Jun is the enemy of the West Weiwan, and there is countless, today's Dingyu Shou Han Yu Fei Tiger General."

In the mountain in the mountains, Yang Tianbao drove the horse, like the string of the arrow, flying to the arrow, smiled: "Remember, take your first level, the West Wei general Yang Tianbao is also!"

"There are many nonsense!"

Li Shifu is too lazy to see him, flying tiger gods strategy, the palm is killing the face, and the momentum is illegal.

Yang Tianbao sleeve dance, the knife flashes, like snowflakes, knives, Feng Mang, can be called thousands of enemies in the West Wei million army, of course, the ability is good.

The West Wei soldiers looked at the knife to go in Li Shi Xiaoxiao, when it is a distant fan, and amazed.

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