The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2041 of the Three Kingdoms

"My God ... Dragon! I saw the dragon!"

"Hey! This ... how can this !?"

"Who is the Qinglong in the world !?"

"That is not a dragon, that is, there is no big strength to condense on the knife, combined with murderous, and knives for horror!"

On the other hand, Yang Da's eyes, smashed, all got a little bit, showing voice: "Not good!"

I saw it, and the cool saws passed, the void suddenly broke, Guan Yu came out of a cold and unparalleled knife, turned into a few meters long Qinglong, overbearing, heading towards the front of the impact!

Roar! !

Who is fighting! ?

On the Western Wei, Li Wei gold long knife just raised the half-air, the knife did not have time to show, and he was killed by the glamorous and blue dragon knife.


A hair of a hair covered with a white flying, a bloody, and finally falling.

"How ... how could ... so fast !?"

Li Wei's eyes are round, and they don't dare to read themselves with the body, what is the famous noodle will, rigorously, what Wei Zhen three armies, everything is empty ...

At the same time, Guan Yu Xiong is like a mountain, just rubbing with Li Wei, the arm is light, grabbed Li Wei's golden helmet, and the first level of the first level is in his hand ...


The West Wei Wei, who is killed by Li Wei, is a shudder, and the liver is cold.

This is the real rush into the bus, take the first level, no half a water.

Li Wei said that the West Wei Dynasty is a general, and the first emperor is chaotic, and it has experienced the chair of life, the golden treasure knife, the town didn't know how much martial arts.

But I don't want to, I can't even be able to get off today, I will be headed by the Han Jun.

"Amazing! Strong people!"

"Mom, what kind of knife is this, is it horrible?"

"If this knife is ignorant, can only lead the neck!"

"This is the fierce, it actually used the emperor ..."

The West Wei soldiers are even more shocking. It will be the courage of the soldiers, and the generals Li Wei are killed by a knife, and the courage of the West Wei three Army is broken!

"Tens of thousands of army will take the first level!"

Guan Ping is excited to shake, said: "Father's knife method, it is fine!"

Chen Qingzhi on the distance watching stage couldn't help but praise: "Guan Yun Chang, the Tiger of the Real World will also!"


The war is sad, dragging the headless body of Li Wei, returning to this group, followed by Li Wei, all the eyes are red, hate.

Li Yu De is highly resistant, and the Wei Siwei Three Army, I don't know how many West Wei will be brought out.

"Kill! Revenge for Li Lao!"

"Kill! Fight with this red face!"

"Kill! You can kill this squat!"

Ten members will be excited, and they are not afraid of the horses, and the knife ax is pulled and dancing, the air killer flashes, the blazing is extremely.

"Have a crazy!"

Guan Ping's heart is tight, the knife welcomes it.

Guan Yu is a brighter, "I don't panic, this is like a chicken taier!"

The Qinglong knife will rise again, the cold roll dance, Guan Yu took the knife left to wear the right kill, and even the War and the West Wei will be 263, the knife is amorous, no one can block.

Yang Dache wanted to crack, the West Wei soldiers, like a broken bag, everywhere is a flaw, he just makes up, there is another place to be hit by other places.

And the Chinese military war, the generals Li Wei were taken, which is very disadvantageous for the whole battle trend.

"Terminal, first retreat, wait for Wei Xiaoxuan, Yu Wenhao's back army has reorganized the flag!"

In the face of the Han army, Yang Da, who is actually born.

However, he just took a few pieces of the horse, he saw a white horse with a big flying, and he chisked the soldiers, wrapped in the dragon dust, and killed.

"Da Han Zhao Yun here, where is the thief will go!"

Zhao Yunying's face, the blazing killer gradually condensed, and the white dragon war robe was flying.


A white dragon is long, there is a white dragon bolus in the air, and the land is empty, and the lightning is like the vest of Yang Dache.

This is a horrible gun that blends Zhao Yunjun's murder. There are more than ten western Wei soldiers who are not afraid of death, and they are directly killed by Zhao Yunzhu. !

[Fourth, stabilize and update, ask for a subscription.

The first thousand eight hundred and forty-four chapters will be slaughtered in the dog!

"Machinery dares, come to find dead, Laozi will send you a trip!"

Yang Dawei was locked by the horrible murder. He knows that it is a big enemy, but he does not dare to neglect, and the muscles are tight, and the long knife is pressed, and the Mercedes has taken more than ten feet. cut!


The blade is strong, there is a layer of red air flames, such as the red gold tiger, although it is better to see the hegemony of the Qinglong knife, but also frenzy.

Drag, for the killing knife of the Yangda Eshan Sandy, this type, the long knife has reached the blood of the slam, and today again, and since the power is Hach ...

Between the flying sand, the Si Wei soldiers on the side are excited to almost even breathing, and Yang Daoci has always been known as the Si Wei Dynasty. Today, the knife is a knife, it is a thrilling sky, the front is incredible!

Many people were screaming: "This little white face will be, it is really impatient, dare to chase Yang Da will!"

"If it is not a big overall situation, Yang Da will have long been ridiculous, and it is a crying of this group of people."

"General Yang!" Reversal of Xiao Bai Face Han, let him know what is called true fierce! "

"The drag should be out, there will be countless, Xiaobai face, waiting for death!"

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