The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Edition 2143


In the cloud, the crane in the clouds, he even did not see the hands and the old man, the heart is shocking, where there is still the meaning of the war, the body of the body, will be taken away.

Wancha Yunyi, Ling Kong!

The male sheep is ghost, and the sword is out of the sheath, and the sword will escape the congenital thunder.

The rest of the Duan Yanqing is also brave, and I know that it is already a must-have, and it doesn't turn back. I will send a yang in the hand of the faucet.

The black water mascula is Xiao Qian, but it is shot.


The sky is running, and Xiao Qi's right hand seems to have a good day, suddenly falling, pinching the cane in Duan Yanqing, and put the crutches of the fine steel black iron into twist!

Duan Yanqing did decades of hardships, the martial arts were the highest in the four wicked people, and immediately strange, and Xiao Qian was in the air, the shoulders were overwhelmed, and they were blocked by Xiao Qian. Hand knife, torn off the right arm, fell in a miserable, hit the Tianlong Temple Wall!

Tianlong Temple, the heart is secretly lucky: Fortunately, Liu Wei still tells the truth, he will say hello to these masters, otherwise the martial arts Holy Dragon Temple is afraid that it is directly to be flat!


"This big Han Hanhuang ... where to recruit so many masters ... Simwork ... It's a enchanting!"

is a falsehood, but he is never a mentally disabled.

Wang Zhongyang and the Ram Yu, these people, there is a strong slave, casually, I am afraid that he can't eat it ...

The Emperor, can not be humiliated!

Everything is the layout, in the absence of the absolute power, is like a joke!

[Second, stabilize and update, ask for reward ...].

The first thousand nine hundred and fifty chapters of the six vein sword!

The Emperor is not humiliated!

However, there is a must-have, the four wicked people in the rivers and lakes of the city are dead, and there is still a tallest martial arts and have been scrapped.

"Baby, for the people of the people, kill! The woman's woman, is also a person who is a person, it is also killing!"

It seems to be affected by the seven murder, between Liu Yuxi, lingering a murder of the overbearing, and a confident.

The horizontal eyes, there is no one dare to look with him, and the big round of Mingwang Diano is also feeling like a man, and there is a cold sweat.

He is afraid, but it is still strong to be calm, and he is in the top ten ceremony of Liu Hao. Here, this will leave! "

After a deep ripple, Du wisdom turned and wanted to open.

What is the heavenly sword, what is a peer-to-peer, it is necessary to be on the premise of being able to live, it is worth chasing. If it is blocked by so many masters of mysteria, the Mo Zhi is not separated.

"I installed it, I still want to go?"

Liu Wei smiled coldly and said: "You still leave it."

Between speaking, Liu Wei speaking, the emperor launched, the emperor is also in the whole body, the body law is also running to the extreme, step out, shortening the distance of more than 20 feet, the distance is like a cactus !


Liu Wei turned his hand and took it down toward the Coventry. This palm is flat, there is no half a short flower, it is purely to fight, and the majestic is extreme.

Tianlong Temple is in the mysterious, but the mysterium of Liu Wei, but the mismar, the mismar, whisper, sigh: "Song Taizu played in the world with dragon boxing, this means of this means, the same hegemony ! "


, then, after the neck is cold, he wants to use light effort to avoid this palm, but unfortunately around the air seems to be dried, it has been completely killed, the void is like a shackle, helpless Only the Turkish Ganggang's palm of the Shaolin Temple should go to Liu Wei!


The palm is handed over in the air, and the heroes have not kept together. In the empty, it is like a tide, and the blue bricks in the Tianlong Temple will be broken, and the smoke is roaking.

When the smoke is settled, the crowd reads clearly, and only see the Moi and half of the body, it has been buried in the ground.

"What is the power of the power, I actually put a half-way body of a martial artist !?"

Everyone is unbelievable, it is incredible to look at this scene.

And Liu Hao was handed over, and he stood in front of the Cutomo, and he spared: "Do you want to ask the king for a while, what is the king?"

Yunzhong Crane and Ye Erd Niang were more unharitable. The person who killed, killing, and killing, this Mu Zhi also couldn't help but secretly secretly, but did not have a bad thing.

Liu Wei did not kill him, and it was also for the later way: the big man is definitely to attack the Tubo to brush a wave of merits, such a perfect road party is in front of the eye, naturally can't miss.

Under this situation, life and death are not from themselves, and when you dare to say half of the words, you only try to agree.

"Wu Dao Tong God, this is the real martial arts Tongmao ... the big man, the martial arts, the martial arts, more terrible ten times, what is this realm !?"

Duan Zhengming is also a scalp.

Originally thought that it was already high enough to look at Liu Wei's strength, now it seems to be a small look, the big round of Wang Dianci, the invincible of Tubo, was hit by a palm.

This kind of arrogant is also a prostitute of the two, the two of the martial arts, which is likely to do.

At this point, it is still a chaos, and Duan Zheng is no longer hesitant. When I got a few steps, I went to Liu Wei's big gift. Lower gambling, today's Mongolian emperor to assist hands, Duan Shi will return to the big man! "


"Congratulations to the host, Duan Zhengming sincerely working, the current loyalty is 85 points, the successful completion of the Dali mission, the Slutana Shenjian will be issued later!"

Liu Yu's mouth haunned a satisfactory radians, and he supported the Zhengming. Yong Shi Ronghua is rich! "

This is also a grace of a master of a lantern master, and the dynasty is a few worlds, and the heritage is profound, she is blessed with a family. Naturally, it is not going on.

"Thank you Xiaoben!"

Duan Zhengming quickly slammed the position, the ritual of the people.

Seeing the Duan Zhengming, Duan Zhengyu and Duan's people are also ignorant, giving a big gift in Liu Wei, between the Tianlong Temple, and there is a wave of tones.

Tianlong Temple began to clean up the residence, Liu Hao and Tianlong Temple have walked into the temple, Duan Zhengming 240 suddenly said: "The Holy Queen's holy text is won, and it is good to wait for the family, Chen Ming Shou five, today give a ancestor Wu, for Holy Queen! "

The ancestors of the ancestors, the naturalness of the legendary "Six".

Doncraft, I want to vomit blood, he spent tens of thoughts, hardships and reluctance, even sent it out, the big man is really big!

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