The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Edition 2182

The iron hand moves, this is the golden sword boy with ruthlessness, he is naturally known.

"Golden Sword, how are you here?"

I have a little curious in the heart.

Golden Jianbu is a gift to the iron hand and others, said: "The second master, the three masters, the four masters, still come with the gold sword, the master is waiting for you."

The master of Golden Jian is the first four famous names, ruthless.

Suzhou, handsome.

A pro-team hurriedly broke into the handshal-house inner hall, and called: "Tong Shuai, front line urgency!"

Tong Jing is sitting on a Taichi Chair, putting a hand, and said, "Speaking!"

"The Legal Levilion of Lingli Rocks will attack the Runzhou, Huzhou, and the top thousands of levels, seized food and grass, countless, the main thief army, have escaped to Jiangnan Hangcheng ..."


Tong Tong trapping, his eyes, said: "People say that the horror general is can't fight, harm is in the line, today's seems to be viable, this Larch stone will break the land of the second state, it is a talent."

There is a person who dresses on the side, smiling: "It is the Wei's Wei, the generals can have such a worse, and the square is also afraid of children's hands, the defeat, the side, remove the gold knife invincible Yang Linggong, only children Shuai, it is called a handsome. "

This person is more than 30 years old, long-awaited talents, wearing a good Sujin, just flashing from time to time, seems to be slight.

As the saying goes, people have a good spirit, and Ling Lai Shi has broken the second state. Fang La also fled in Hangzhou. Tong Zong is also a full red light. Even the arrows on the shoulder have a lot, smile: "Murong Gongzi, It is a fertile, if there is no Murong Gongzi from the neutral lead, you can set the bureau, in addition to the Liangshan thief. He said that there is a North Qiao Feng, Nan Muro, and the Murong Gongzi is very much. "

Murong complex, said: "Tong Shuao is praised, the old man is slightly thin, or the child is playing strategies, control everything, the old man is deeply affected."

"It is rare to have such a sensible junior ..."

Tong Zhu smiled, elapsed, said: "Liangshan grass, killing official rebellion, tolerate him upload, if you don't, what is the imperial ? Before you, there is a good teacher, but unfortunately Song Jiang, did not use the remaining thief to kill all ... "

The dispute of the chartroom, step by step, Murong complex, and respectful, respect, "Taishi faithful newspaper," That is the top of the court, the arrival of the tenth, as for Lu Junyi, etc. His news, must first grave them, before the child, before the account, helves and falls ... "

Triad is the result, and smiled in the eyes: "With the handsome, Murong Martial arts, it is also a teenager, I don't know if I will be willing to invest my own, I will sweep the Jiangnan back to the DPRK, and to reward, one It's less than ... "

"Willing to die for children!"

Murong Fu's spirituality, I worshiped, with the same amount, Gong said.

"Please come up soon, there is Murong Gong Sissery, the master is like Tiger!"

Tong Guan said: "After breaking the second state, take more than 100,000, make Jiang Nanfang, so that you are so big, the master is going to report the imperial court as soon as possible, and Murong Mi will go back to do ..."

"Take later!"

Murong completed a punch, he exited the military camp.

It's a matter of the family: "The son, why do you want to turn this kind of traitor? This person will tease the Lingli stone, and then kill the people, charge the enemy's first level, and the military work is ..."

If he didn't finish it, he blocked the eyes of Murong to kill people.

Murong complexes: "The big thing is not on the session, Murong's is to rise, only relying on the treko, he is a loyalty! If you can climb to a certain location, there is a chance ..."

Hangzhou ...

Iron hand, chasing, cold blood, etc., follow Jin Yiwei walking in the street, heading towards the temporary palace of the big man.

This is coming, a few people are full of surprise feelings.

"Don't you say that I have just had a battle with the Fanglijun, how is it in Hangzhou, such a calm, a little chaos?"

Chasing all around you, asked in confusion.

Chasing the north of the north, extremely understanding the cruelty of the war, after the war, the chase troops collapsed, escaped to all the rest, became the thief, hobbed, four things.

The people are the greatest bitterness of the war, and the winners must also plunder the money resources from the people to make a military need.

According to the reason, this alarmed the battle of Jiangnan and even the whole world, the absolute killing is too late, I don't know how much the people who are tired, but now all this has not happened.

Cold blood is silent, it is not talking, the iron hand is dignified, and the road: "You see the street of the Han army soldiers, with the general soldiers, there is a big difference."

Chasing the life slightly, this is noted in the middle of Hangzhou, the streets and lanes, along the second side of the street, standing together with a row of essence, one, a trim, holding a big man, and perseverance.

5.0 This kind of iron military armor is skeptical, even if it is in the sky, they will never move.

"It's, the son is waiting in the temple."

After the Golden Jianbu was arrived out later, he went out.

Iron hands, chasing and other people are also a horizontal, pushing the door. I saw that ruthlessness and a flat-ceramics, I was embroidered, and I gave a game.

"This is the big man, the emperor, which is so young?"

The iron hands secretly, with his professional habits, let's take an opposite side, but in the internal strength of his majesty, he can't see the deep shallow depth of the Emperor.

[First of the morning, stable and updated, ask for a reward ...].

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-three chapters completely took!

"Master, you ..."

Chasing, blinking, a little dare to confuse.

Ruthless is the first four famous arrested, the intelligence is the first in the four people, the big man, the soldiers, the whole south, the truth is the death of the Northern Song Dynasty, but ruthless but talk to the Emperor of the big man, what does this mean?

Liu Wei looked down with a little, and he put his hand and said: "Sit."

Jin Yiwei immediately took three seats, let the iron hands and other three people sit down.


Congratulations to the host, the Tiandi Long Yi is expected to use it!

Iron Tour Tour Summer - Wuli 98, Intelligence 78, Politics 33, During 45!

Technical: One consistent: the internal force, when the battle is strong, the iron hand has increased by 20%!

"One consistent, this seems to be a god of the door, the iron hand is hard to practice, the internal work is alone in the world ..."

Liu Wei nodded darkly.

Strong internal strength, explained the northern gynin, that is, the whole person is deep, and the more you can inspire human potential, when the iron hand is handling the case, it has once a few small universe eruptions.

Chasing Cui Dose - Wuli 94, Intelligence 72, Politics 43, During 56!

Technical, like the wind: The life is light and powerful, such as wind shadows, the body method is increased by 20%!

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