The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2190 of the Three Kingdoms

The Song Shen Zong and Yan Yue's striker will open this little eunuch.

But I didn't think, this little eunuch, swaying, squatting on white jade ground, trembling: "Your Majesty, big things are not good, big things are not good!"

"what happened?"

Soong Shenzong suddenly had a hunch, smile, and frowning.

This little tensor, said: "His Majesty, big things are not good, after the Han army directly took the Huaixi, launching a raid from Zhangzhou Yulinguan, in Jiangnan Hangzhou, Killen, Tong Shuai, Suzhou, Under the endless preparation, he was sent by the Hanjun Water and Industry, killing Suzhou. Tong Shuai died in the chaos of the chaos, Liu Yanqing, Wang Huan, etc. Sixty-seven, fade, countless, Jiangnan ... Jiangnan is lost! "


In the Golden Temple, a piece is awkward.

"This ... this ... how can this !?"

The Northern Song Dynasty chief surprised, as if it became a mud carving.

Cai Jing is in the case, heard this news, if it is in the same way, the beard is broken, and the face will eat a dead flies.

Song Shenzong stayed on the Red Golden Dragon, the mouth is big, the trembling: "There is this thing!? That Han ... Han army, when you kill the big handsome children !?"

The battle report is eight hundred miles, and it is bound to the palace, inevitably vibrating the front line of the dynasty.

Jiangnan has lost, is there a dynasty?

The whole world is afraid to become a bit.

The little eunuch has never seen a message, and it has attracted the earthquake in the golden temple.

In the Golden Temple, the sound of the Song Shenzong sighed: "Temple is not a talented person, the words of the god Hou, the teacher, Tai Shi, what do you want to say?"

When the emperor is nature, the east window is often the lower cooker.

Cai Jing is already full of cold sweat, and the child is always he promised, and now the battle is lost throughout Jiangnan, and he is absolutely responsible.

"The old minister is unknown, and there is a statement, the death is very dead, please fell off the crime!"

Cai Jing squatted, in the same amount, the mind and electricity, said: "However, the old minister thought that this Han army can be so fast to attack the whole Jiangnan, which is only afraid that there must be hidden, please ask you to revoke "

Song Shen Zong took the forehead, the gods were denweulmed, frown: "Tai Shi is fined for three years, Shenhou six doors all over the land, the news is Sinot, can you know what happened?"

Zhuge Shen Hhouton said the first: "The old ministers have sent four famous famous towards Jiangnan, and the news, but there is no news as the stone sea, there is no news."

Song Shen Zong sighed: "Jiangnan is rich in rich land, and it is like it."

Wang Hao said with his heart: "Do you want to recruit it?"

Zhuge Shen Hou also said: "Your Majesty, Nanzheng army hundreds of thousands, Fang La, Wang Qingxiong, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops, but by the Han Jun, it can be seen that its strength is not the same, if it can be kept, The enrollment will be, you can not be bloody, in addition to this abdomen, otherwise, I am afraid that the southeast will be Ning! "

Cai Jing Eye beads turned, but did not expect that Zhuge God Hou in the bifler had actually agreed with the agreement of Zhao'an.

Song Shen Zong frowed: "Can it be ?"

He is honored to see the people who can't see the thief, and after the Shuo Liangshan Han Dynasty, after the recruitment, it has also fled the cup of wine.

Zhuge Shen Hou sighed: "This moment, when the Han army has not yet started, the South is chaotic. If you can lead the heavy soldiers in Yang Linggong, it is very competitive, and now the Han Lord is sitting in the southeast. The forces have increased, and then they want to deal with him, but they can be difficult. It is very likely that the two defeatings. Instead, they will give the Liao Bo and the West, and the society has a dangerous danger ... "

"okay then……"

Song Shen Zongdao: "What is the official position? Who is sending? Do you have a plan?"

Cai Jing said: "Since the matter is God Hou vigorously advocates that the old minister thinks that God will go, naturally, there is no loss ..."

The eyes of everyone have fallen on the body of Zhuge Shenhou.


"The minister is willing to go."

Zhuge Shen Hou double-eyed, slowly listed, arched: "It is only to see the current situation, don't allow a Shenwei Wang Zhi, if you can recruit Anan Han to return to the court, then do hundreds of thousands of troops, you can transfer Trumpet North Xinyan ... I also invite Harvest. "

Sealing king! ?

Inside the Golden Temple, the waves start.

Since the Northern Song Dynasty, there has been no precedent named Feng Wang, and everyone is talking about it.

Cai Jing was soaked, but said: "Shen Hao is high, the old man is very admired, the Han Zhu has occupied Jiangnan, if it can be enrich it, it is also worth it."

How did this wind change today?

Cai Jing, one party, two people, two monks, no mind, did not understand how Cai Jing has worked with the political enemy Zhu Ge Hou.

"I understand the difficulties of my heart, waiting for them to come to the court, some are to deal with it!"

Song Shenzong's face gradually sinks, and it is clear that it seems to kill. After a long time, I just got the head: "I heard that Jiangnan Han Lord, since the martial arts, it will seal it is the king of the king ... God ... God Hou, this matter is given to you, be sure to let him quickly explain the armor, come to Tokyo, and there is another reward ... "

[First, stabilize and update, ask for reward ...].

The second one chapter Liu Wei hand book, the artifact of the community!

"His Majesty, the old people's eyes, admire the five-body investment !!"

The Cai Jing's mouth has a smile that is not easy to detect, and he said.

The tone has been fixed, and the incident, but also on the head of Zhuge Shenhou.

After the DPRK scattered, Cai Jingtian Yu was gathered in a car.

Prime Minister Wang Qian asked: "The Taishi, why let Zhuge have to go to Jiangnan to recruit peace, if this is not a big merit to Zhuge is me?"

"Yes, Taibei, let Zhuge Size, I am very unfavorable!"

"I lost, I lost!"

Zhuge Zheng, I was the name of Zhuge Shenhou. He came to Chaozhong to be pair with Cai Jing, this traitor, he is nail, meat.

Cai Jing has a mustache, squinting, and smiling: "Zhuge Lao Mi, is the big suffering of my heart, not unable, let him take him, but not sending a lot of people, let him I jump yourself! "

"Hey, what is the teacher?"

Wang Yuyue beads turned, suddenly in the eyes, the eyes flashed, said: "Taishi Yingming! Zhuge Lao Mi must let the anti-thief in this day, don't say it, the heart is actually a lot of ideas, if it is Cheng, It is impossible to be more harmonious to Zhuge's old man, if it is not yet, it is the raft of Zhuge's wife. "

"Whether it is in harmony, the Taosheng is in the abroad, it has already been in the unbeaten place, when it is high!"

It was such a little by Wang Wei, everyone also realized.

For the people, it is best to guess.

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