The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 22

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Liu Hao finally saw the properties of Lu Ji:

Dahan Zhonglang will waste, force 81, intellectual 73, political 67, and limit rate 92.

Stunt 1, Confucian: Lu Zheng is the final famous general in the big man, when he serves as the leader of the army, the rate is +1.

Technical 2, Wang Shi: Lu Zhizhi's "Xuanwu Bing", records his life, the reader has a chance to have a chance, and the insurance rate increases by 0-5 points, depending on personal understanding.


Liu Wei took a breath!

is not only a decree to break the ninety big cow, but also bring two skills!

No wonder I can hit the yellow towel army.

"System, what is the rating of this" Xuanwu Bing "?"

Liu Wei installed the discussion of the Confucianism, and the awareness was communicated with the system.

"Xuanwu Bing Chapter" is a secret of the king's class, please know the host! "The clear voice of the system sounded in Liu Hao.

"The king's book secret, it seems that the princes of the two future of Liu Bei have seen the" Xuanwu Bing Chapter "and have a lot of benefits!"

Liu Yao thought.

Lu Zhi is a little low in the intelligence and political sense of smell, so it is unscrupulous, and there is a prison in the future.

But his "Xuanwu Bing Chapter" is too busy, you must find a way to get your hand!

Liu Yinxin is changing, and naturally, no one knows.

At this time, Cai Yu's face was faint, and the sigh said: "All rely on Huangfu, Zhu Jun, Lu Zikai three famous, Huang Zaowi is sweeping, although there is still over, it is not a big problem!"

"There is not long time, but there is chaos in the palace, and it is uncomfortable with the water and the generals and the generals. If the fire is one, I don't know how much innocent people will die."

Liu Wei heard the topic of interest and went back to God.

At this time, Situ Yang Yu shook his head: "The party will hold the party for many years, the party is so prosperous. I heard that the recent general is also repaired, convened the Xiangyan Dong to Beijing, and if you can take this ten castration, it is also a Good things. "

"Yeah, the party is really evil!"

"If it is not the party to stir the black smoke, why here?"

"It's better to kill the party!"

The minister of Confucianism is not to see each other.

Just when everyone was attached, there was a clear voice in the hall:

"The adults, but I don't know how to get rid of it."

Everyone has focused on the side of Liu Wei, who is sitting on the side of Cai, can't help but smile.


We are all of the world's Confucianism, seeing outstanding, reading the book more than you know.

You have a teenage young people, but we say that we are very difficult.


Tai Fu Yuan Yu screamed: "The family is a big thing, can you say casually a teenager?"

"Tai Fu is very good!"

"The young people still have to learn more to learn more!"

Although Liu Wei integrates this circle with the name of Renyi, it does not mean that everyone will listen to him.

Cai Wei frowned his hand and slowly said: "Do you have any insights for the world?"

Looking at Cai Yu encouraged the eyes, Liu Wei did not panic, got up and greeted.

In ancient times, this is not good, all kinds of treated ceremony.

After waiting until the ceremony, Liu Wei said faintly: "Have you heard of the story of the fisherman?"

The big Confucian could not be frowning.

What does this kid mean, is it talented?

This story is from the war national policy, I will wait for the poem, and I will not know?

But they didn't say it.

Liu Wei stands for his body, and he said not slowly: "I saw a river in the river, I took the sun from the water, and a jade flew it, and the river is closed, clip Staying at the mouth. They want to set the opponent to death, no one will let free. "

"Results ... Instead of being caught by one of them!"

At first, there is a big Confucianism, such a simple story, who doesn't know? What can be said?

Some people want Liu Wei to say half, organize the words of the words.

But waiting for Liu Wei to finish this story, but feeling wrong, there is no one to talk!



The atmosphere in the hall seems to be stagnant, simply the needle!

Most of the big Confucian has already caught in meditation.

At this time, you can sit in the house, all the elite, the official fox, how can any fool?

Wang Yun Eye flashed, first of all, I will understand it, whip: "You ... the meaning of the words, the generals and the words are, while Dong Zhuo is fisherman?"

"Not bad!"

Liu Yao said that it is, "Wang Dafu people see extraordinary, and the words are very good, the foundation is deep, and the Shuo is more controlled by the ban! The general army has, even if there is a soldier, but the scruples, at this time It reached a tacit and balance. "

"If the Xili Dong Zhuo joins this angle, the balance is immediately broken, Dong Zhuo is brutal, the bare is brutal, and the two hundred thousand iron cavalry is strong. It is the real tiger wolf, and there is invincible."

"If he leaves him into Beijing, the generals and the words are 10 defeated, and there is absolutely no ability to balance him, everyone thinks, Luoyang will, what kind of situation?"

Liu Hao is a strong voice, like thunder, and the public in the Hall of the Hall.

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