The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2302 of the Three Kingdoms

On the occasion of the five people, all worlds have also given a gift.

In the palace, joyful.

Tooire General Cao Zhengpi and Li Lianying wait for the first: stars are busy.

The palace girl and the eunuch first packed the Hai Gong Jiayuan, giving a few new entrances, and then packed up the gift from all over the world and watching the gift list, eyes are in light

"Gold nine thousand two white silver 20,000 yuan, night pearl 36"! "" Golden 10,000 Western Golden Qilin Land, Yushu Jade 36 Team Bai Yu Pearl Ninety Five-Parti-Fortune! "

And Tai people like to exchange with money, this money will be classified into the palace of the palace, but he has passed so much money and fat face and laughs into a group of old chrysanthemums.

The Holy Emperor is a celebration.

Several world gifts Happiness must not have too much, but they have removed some serious ministers. They can't even come in the palace. You can only put a gift outside the palace gate.

So exclusive, the wedding etiquette is still to take into account, and Liu Yutou wears 12 deaths, wearing embroidered violet robe, shoulders, junji, and Xingxiongji Zi Xiong Wei.

Guo Jiayi urged a smile, "Your rod is the ancient sacred Jun. More than the five-body investment in the courtiers!"

Liu Wei is very calm, saying that "Feng Xiao is tonight, there is not much to accompany you to drink a few more cups."?

Haiyong Nabi is in Liu Hao. It is not a head, and there is nothing to be excited.

However, the Taihan Dynasty opened the Holy Wencao, and the battle was flattering the Guo, the king of Guo, which expanded to the Western world. It is worth celebrating.

Ciwi took the shot of Guo Jia's thin shoulders smiled, "I am so happy that I will not drunk tonight."

Xu Wei also scratched his head, smiled, "I haven't had a good drink for a long time. Feng Xiao, I have to drink with you tonight."

Guo Jia looked. I can't help but regret it.

For Liu Wei, it is a human life. Just a special Wirker this . It is the wine in the wine. Not to mention the biting, Lu Bu and other five tigers, the generals, the main footing, the forbidden alcohol, the forbidden wine is now rare, the pain is not exaggerated, and it is inevitable to drink three thousand scenes, non-put Xianfeng is only a refusion.

Liu Hao dug a pit

Guo Jia, but he is driving back to the harmonter, and the intensity and name are famous.


Li Shishi, Xu Xu Wang Yin Yan

A Zhu, this is clear, and the girls are all crown, and they are chatting.

The women and Liu Wei are in the Northern Song Dynasty world. From that day, the hand of Liu Xing is over the World of Stars. That: a fragrand heart is in Liu Wei.

In the second day, I saw that the emperor spent in the emperor's hometown.

Especially this lack of palace is called Jiongxun, but also let her feel the sweetness of honey.

"How is your Majesty?" Mei, Lan Zhu, four maides

It turned around outside Qiongxian Court, and the beauty is looking forward to it is a little eager. Li Shishi smiled and said: "You have a few gimmicks. It seems that you want to think about it, do you want me to mention it, first income you in the hometown. ??"

"Johi Niang Niang, he is said!" Mei, Lan Zhu Ju is a red

The first low.

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Ticket, seeking support

The second thousand one hundred and twenty chapters enjoy the blessings of the people, there is no great golden Dan into the abdomen! [First, seek full order]

? A Zhu smiled: "Four little beautiful mountains can be very convinced!" Mei, Lan, Bamboo, Chrysanthemum Sad Miye looked with a small face and fled

Although they are the maids around Liu Hao, they are still different from those in the harem. However, Liu Wei has not eaten yet.

A few women are laughing and smiling, Jiongxun, from far and nearly a mild sound.

"What is your heart?"

The sound from the far and recent extremely fast several breathing Block Liu Wei has been wearing a number of Tongshui's distance to Li Shishi, A Zhu and other women's mouth hanging from the corner of the mouth. Tao, "I am late. But it is called a few love." "Chen Yu said!

Ben Qing felt Liu Wei's hot eyes, and he was panicked. I want to escape. Even if the body and mind belong to Liu Wei, after all, there is no experience that is too big by the slim face, and the beauty is naturally unable to suffer such a scene.

However, only a few steps, I hit a warm embrace. Liu Yan ranhes a beautiful waist, smiled slightly, said: "Don't go tonight!" Listening to Liu Wu's declaration. Li Shishi, shameless and waiting for the woman's cheek to go to the ear, Jiaitui drops.

The red yarn is floating on the darkness.

Tonight. It is destined to be a sleepless night. U

Carrying morning.

A warm sunshine, followed by the window into Qiongxian Court.

The light gauze is puzzling. Liu Wei slowly opened his eyes, he felt soft, the meat is tired, and the tactile tact is wonderful in the chest.

A few beautiful people, delicate, flexible, uneven and flexible skin delicate, like generous jade usually exudes crystal gloss under the light of the morning light. One of the temperament is the union of Zhong Lingjun


"Congratulations to the host, complete the emperor of the Emperor, the task reward will be distributed to the host storage space, please pay attention to check!"

"The final king completed the unprofit Jin Dan to the hand!"

Liu Wei's heart was slightly moved.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, the emperor of the Emperor of the North Song Dynasty, in fact, it is not difficult, but it is not that simple.

Helping a few women to raise force attributes to Jiu Southern Point, Liu Yusheng, also spent a lot of thought.

"Yan mad swallows the uncle-free Jin Dan swept the world invincible, , I don't know what I swallowed. What kind of creation will be?" A few women have not woke up Liu Wei's motive Sitting in the place in the dressing room of the palace in the uterus. The non-Qi Dan in the storage space is taken out, and the entire space of Jin Guang is floating.

"There is no great Jin Dan, the rebellion! Liu Wei did not hesitate to have no great golden Dan, and he felt the two hot warmth. It passed into the top of the sixth epitopus. Swallow in the flat abdomen

Going to a blazing sun

"Hey! It is better to overweight!" Liu Wei took a breath and was frightened.

The Shenqi Jin Dan is so energetic medicine, which is too typed, and ordinary people rush to swallow only the internal organs that can not wait until the digestive drugs yourself.

"Emperor is really strong, and the suppression of the drug is quenched."

Liu Wei agreed with the heart of the Yellow Emperor, and the suppression of the drug will lead the drug of the immortal Jin Dan to introduce the limbs, and began to draw the essence of Jin Dan. I don't know how much it is. I saw Liu Yu Zhou Yao vibration. Heart god entered the unhappy realm.

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