The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 2311 of the Three Kingdoms

Look at the help of the role of the role

Magic Sword Sleeping Four Lang defeated!

Liu Sheng, but Malaysia, defeated!

/ Q

Before and after, Liu Hao, who had a few breaths, have been ruined to sweep the martial arts.

All Fusan Sushu is full of dumbfounded!

Everyone has pumped a little forgive! It is shaken in his heart!

Too scary I

That is a feeling from the deep feelings of the soul, it is difficult to describe the words! "I am not an eye. How is this possible?"

"Several masters, the five people were played with dogs."

"The emperor of this Han Dynasty has no invincible Wang people L"

Fusan samurai. Even a complete sentence, I can't say that the Tai Han Tiger is a slap in the chest, crazy, "His Southern Wuliu is five long lives"

"The Holy Queen Wanshou, the top five years old"

The sound wears a gold crack jade and shocks through the earth. In the support of Sanwu, some people hurriedly discarded the sword in his hand. I walked down to the sky, "The Emperor is invincible, I am willing to surrender, don't kill me, don't kill me" I am willing to surrender forgive! "Dare to violate the big man and Tianwei can't be light!"

Liu Wei's mouth suspended a cold curness, raised his hand ordered, "all kill Liu Sheng but Ma Wan sleep mad Siro," "!"

On the Wen Hou Lubu, the general of Jiulong, the hand-held (BII) into the i people, the dragon camp banned the Guard is also too large, began to be a slaughter farm in the array of Qinglong. Fusan sizzling.

"Kill kill!"

Cao Zhengyu Yin Ling smiled with Cao Shaoqin, led Jin Yiwei to start the game to kill

The wind is changing and murderous. Losing the town of Master. These Fusan Susawys have been like a chaos, which has become a group. It started the rough martial arts of war, but in the hit of the ** Qinglong, it was also directly selected by the blood.

"The Tai Chief has set, first to open a wave of boxes first, see if double rewards can have good goods

There will be stabilized in the field, and Liu Wei went to take a handkerchief.


"Congratulations to the host, open the king's hidden treasure box, get the essence of the stem (king rating).!"

"Congratulations to the host, opened the king's hidden treasure box, got the magic sword (king rating)!"

"Congratulations to the owner, opened the king's hidden treasure box, got the ban: Tianzheng's head (Emperor rating)!" "Congratulations to the host, opened the king hidden treasure box, got the killing of the gods (king rating)!"

"Beat these martial arts people directly harvested a few Wushu Stone actually exploded their insights in the bottom of the box.?

Liu Wu's heart is slightly happy according to the first plot of the world. This Sato Jizhi will help Yaisa's palm fiction Sleeers, Silang, Liu Sheng, but the horse is a few people who have the first mystery section of the jade, and there is a collection of intensive gatherings. It is also a master of martial arts. It must have it.

Especially in Ninja ban, there is an emperor rating, it is rare.

"Yu Zheng is the original surgery"?

Liu Hao and the scholar looked at the record of the reel of the ban. Various understandings.

Second method. Wu Gong.

This ninja is the branch that is from the martial arts. This day is the beginning of the head, in fact, it is instantly oppressed the human body's potential, and the strength is too increased, and the enemy is The reason why the ban is also the potential of crushing human body.

Decorated in that realm to use this on this top] Boarding, even the martial arts of the martial arts must suffer from their opponents.

Liu Weiwu said that there is a strong sense, and I don't have a scruple, I have no scruples, and I will have the third time. Stable update the world's first, who, ask for a subscription, ask for support

The second one hundred and thirty-one chapter, when the dog! [Fourth, seek full order]

? Valve is Wi Shadow.

Liu Yu Shi Loun this day is the beginning of the head, and the figure is like a virtual in vain.


Suddenly broke out a rich purple knife

It's like a day of the sky

Crack, suddenly beaten.

Inside the road, a few meters high rockers were hung by . Dust splash!

"Harmony is not as long as Huaxao Wudaoyuan, but it has also formed a pre-biased film and television work. Not there is nothing."

Liu Wei does not like this nation but it is undeniable that the Master's endure is indeed unique.

All the five worlds, what is likely to exist, maybe there will be a true enduring Taizong teacher one day. Learn more "Two-two", always is always true.

"Killing the gods, the spirit of the god is completely condensed, the knife broke out, the early days of the two knives were all the same as the dog killed by Liu Sheng."

"The magical magic of the sword" is thousands of shadows, confuse people's heart ghosts and gods, no test! "


"Congratulations to the host, weighing the ban, I realized the surgery, the martial arts, the martial arts" "

"Congratulations to the main promotion of the master Wu Dao, Wu Qi kills the gods, the martial arts, the heroes are deepened!"

"Congratulations to the Lord, the promotion of the martial arts, enlifting the magic of the sword. The martial arts of the martial arts will be essential, and it is the king.

In the eyes of Liu Wei, Mingguang was red, reflected in the math mourn. The dynamic value of across the Taizong Master will enter the bottleneck. Liu Wei's mighty value has no breakthrough, but his own martial arts will be strengthened again. Breakthrough in the future. The benefits of get will be great to increase.

The attacking Liu Sheng's family continued overnight.

Liu Wei took the nine, and suppressed a few teachers in Fuzang.

Liu Sheng, but Martial Arts and Liu Sheng Bingwei, two of the father and son, it turned into a prisoner of Liu Wei, and the entire Liu Sheng family completely caught the situation of collapse.

Wen Hou Lu Bu has a hundred and tens of thousands of people, and there is a war of the sizzling of the gods to the Sangjo. It is called the devil! "News!"

Jinyiwei rolled clouds from outside the door, walk into the road in Liu Wei, a few steps, single knee. I hugged, and I said, "Your Majesty, Wen Hou has cleared Liu Sheng family's warrior, but the father, the father, seek to see the Emperor!" [! "

"Congratulations to the host, triggered the legend of the shudder of the task but also!"


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