The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2316 of the Three Kingdoms

This hand is the inspiration you came from the humanitarian monument and heaven with the sky. It is the battlefield killing god skill!

Thousands of Dichuan Kang Yu will fall under his own. Deichuan Jiakang was also shocked.

Saint Wencao, unique, such terrorist killer. It's too horrified, but he is still willing to be determined. Soon, it will suppress the murder of the self-hearted violent, and raise the knife. "Don't hurt your own people in the idiot."

"Iga's Ibah. Let's take it! First kill this guy who doesn't know the dead. I will kill the demon."

Void shadow, a few flexible, like a monkey, brushing. There are countless bitterness, with killing, and kills toward Lu Bu.

"Fusang Ninja, Turkey Dog"

Lu Bu Jing wolf mad, the momentum is still in the peak state, the tiger has entered the Dichuan family.

Fang Tian's villain is over, the corpse is everywhere. Blood flow

We also wear a red dragon to explore melon to kill Deichuan Jiakang in front of the city

At the same time, the big man's beast army under the city has launched the fierce icon of the siege wrapped in heavy armor, and like the small industry hits the Okazaki City.

boom! boom! boom!

Mad like a ground. The madness hits the city gate, the five miles, the mountains, the mountains, but also a few feet high, like the earthquake, the wall began to drop the mud gravass

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The second thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapters super shock reward! Banquet · Batong armor! [First, seek full order]

? "Wutian General War of the Dead Tanren War!. Tianmuki City!" "It's not good to be hit by the monster!"

"Can't live at all. Run again, don't run, you have to finish". "

Countless Dechuan army troops shocked, desperately escaped from Oakazaki City. "Wow, hit the city gate to die these mess!"

The quenching of the soldiers waved heavy wolf tooth sticks, and the fierce madness crazy hit the city [].


After the city gate sent a snoring, the king could collapse.

Tai Han Tiger is good, kill the sound! "News"

"Wuhu, the general Zhao Yun Gun, the armor, the armor, will guard the Guo Jiajun commander, and have hit the victory of the city!"

"The general of Jiulong, Lu Bu" kills the Sakakaki City, Deichuan's family, Kangfun, the first place, Wudata Xinxuan, the first, the military division, the enemy, the five Taijun has broken the city. "

"Wang Chongyang, Zhuge Shenhou and other martial arts. Lead Wu Linjun to Ping Ping Yizhen Jiuyin L"

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Qian, etc. Wu Dao Zongshi led the martial arts army, sweating the Richmond!" Liu Yusheng took the Diaoyutai. Listening to the news is like the snowflakes. Can't help but care.

"His Majesty, the gods, the martial arts, the three armies, the soil, the force forward, the Tuli Day, the Sangdao, half a moon flat, the East China Sea, is a hard thing."

Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen and other military divisions are also smile.

Liu Wei nodded slightly, said: "What is the hot and Han Shizhong?" "At the end!"

The mighty generals wearing a goldmocked gold armor got out of the single knee and squatted. Liu Wei Shen Sheng, "Fun Sang Island. The situation has been determined, and you will lead the Huanglong watermaster to start the East China Sea Forces the worm to lay the foundation for the Dynasty Dongdu Worm!" "Chen, comply with"

Han Shizhong spirit excited to hold boxes, pick up the tiger.

Liu Wu used the emperor's quota to summon the Huanglong water division, waiting for this day.

Huanglong thousands of hometown!

Arrange the strategy of a full range of East China Sea, Liu Wei began curiosity to view system information. Weaving Taxi De Chuanjiakang Wutian Xinxuan and others. The people of the world may know not much, but if the support saudo, if he heard these names, it is sure that it is like a thunder.

The famous Warring States Sanjie in the history of the Sanjie, the sixth day of the devil, the second two-two force 4 intelligence politics!

Technical, Xiongxiong: Yita Xijun is the Hui Xiong Cheng Taiyun, which is the Millennium, and Hua Xiong Cheng.


Weaving Society, WIL + Intelligence + Politics +, Real Estate +! Stunt, Brun: Warring States famous world

WiURURAN Xin Changman. All soldiers will force +. At the time of the enemy, the rustic suddenly surged%, is on the verge of critical moments, will enter the state of mad war!

"Sixth Day Devil, Tianxia Buli Liu Wu looked at Jun Xiu Yingzi, and sighed. This person is on the original historical trajectory, but the support of the later generation is god!

The four basic properties are close to the nine soil. It is indeed that people can achieve a hegemony in any one era.

Wu Tian Xin Xuanyi two force intelligence. Political nationality! Stunt Liffei Tiger: Leading the army, proficient in the military array!

Wulian Xinxuan Wuli + PROUND +!

trick. Knowing soldiers, the second place of the Warring States, the soldiers are good!

Wu Tian Xin Xuan Mo soldiers will, all force +. The march speed +% "The first place in the Warring States is that it is not placed in the heart.

The attribute ability of Wudian Xinxuan is quite good, which is also relative to Fusang history.

Put him in the history of Huaxia's history, you can first get the pattern, you can cover his British life, countless.

The emperor is the martial artist, which one is not too much !?

"Double worship value, double-function value mode, Wu soul stone harvested many. Sure enough"

This is the final battle of the Dynasty, Liu Wei, in all the gains, looked at your worship, and the merits of merits were inexplicably.

Followed by explosion. Killing the WiURURT and other people, the luck is very good, gathered to have a four emperor of the martial arts, the hidden treasure box of the four emperors, the treasure chest, the treasure chest, there are several.

"Open open directly to open the king rating hidden treasure box!"

Liu Yizhen Tongda, did not hesitate to choose the box.

I went to the treasure chest link to I would like to see it, but this time I didn't have a few boxes. I didn't explode anything I'm.

"The emperor rating in the treasure chest will have a surprise according to the emperor rating of the character." Liu Wei is not moving, continue to open the box.


"Congratulations to the host, won the" Tianxia Brun ", the war book battle (Emperor rating) L"

The world is popular. This is the life of the Sound of the Sixth Day of the Devil's Weaving Field. Seiko deeply talent ultravanic people will have a chance to have a chance to have a special skillful skill!

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