The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2332 of the Three Kingdoms

The sturdy is like a stormy waves, and sweeping all toward Zhu.

I was known as the second person of the world. Holding hands such as grinding discs, a cross arm, the two sides have hit together and set off together "a windy wind!" Good and pure "

"Cao's dog is in the boy, he is hard to practice this day, and then at least the Jiushan"

Zhu ignored his hard with Cao Gong's hardcore, and his body was slightly. And Cao Gonggong was suffered from the power of anti-shocks, and he fell back to the scholastic step.

"Well, I am ignorant, I'm going to hide enough, but today, this supervisor kills you"

Cao Gong's snectant smiles again and again, go to Zhu ignorant to "Cao Lao dog, today you don't squat, even the gods will not save you! Zhu is ignorant and blinking, it is also showing Body law, mad.

The body of these two people. It's so fast, every hit is a killing, bringing a giant wind.

Only listen to the two people, the ghosts, the loud noise, all the sounds of the white jade bricks. The muddy dust rolling, the neighboring prohibition of the people around the eye, and the East Factory will not hold back. "go to hell!

Cao Gong Gong gave a surprise, from the sky, shot from the sky and the children's work

Feeling the vitamous gas-lifting items, Zhu ignored no more than half an amazing, there is a pleasure of caught the thrill, and the arms of the earth smiled, "Cao Lao dog, dare to block me. ! "Hey!

Cao Gonggong and Zhu ignored the right palm of the palm, and the heart is also ecstatic: This is the skill of him condensed the 12-year-old boy, and the iron wall of you will also be bombed!

However, he just came into contact with Zhu ignorant, so that Zhu ignored and highlighting the evil spirits, such as the heavy frenzy, head.

This hit is that the killing of the killings is not half a point, but it is like a black hole, and all all the things are swallowed.

"What is this martial art !?"

Cao Gonggong smiled and wanted.

He tried to resolve the struggle but could not do it. I only felt that my body was sucked by a black hole. It was more than one of the internal strength of an arm. It's like Jiangshui, and I won't know how Conggonggong in the black hole. The chest, the body is not from the air from the air

Zhu went out and went out. The kite with the line is also like it. Falling back the earth multi-legged U4

"Sweet and long laws and power!" Ry

This generation of Yinxiong East Factory is sitting on the ground, and his face is full of frightening expressions. Before the end. I still stare at the iron gall, like a demon! Zhu was unveiled to swallow the breath of the internal force of Cao Gonggong, and more and more scary.

"Kill L. to the supervisor!" The second gear of the East Factory was attacked in the hand.

But only see the East Factory behind him. A middle-aged man in a back cover is suddenly violent, and the flying eagle is pulled into his heart and instantly grabs his heart. Everyone was shot at this person, but the toner flying eagle immediately pushed the mountains and poured the jade column and worshiped the ground.

"Let's get the speed integrated East [don't have any mess."

Zhu Youjing Weiyi Foots put the swing stunned.

In order to today's Zhu ignorant layout for many years, the enemy is already inserted into the person.

This iron claw two-flying eagle is the East Factory. There is also an identity. That is Zhu, I walked down and walked down!

"Today is too weak. The country's enchanting, is it difficult to be Taiwan 4

Nowadays, there is a high-handed world, and I'm going to the intentions of the people, I'm going to the nine-five, when Changqi, I have to think about it, "Iron flying eagle, the cloak, against the Tasz] Said. East Factory, face each other is also completely chaotic. Cao Gonggong palms hold the power of the East factory deep, now he is dead. Immediately in the group.

"I am willing!"

"One place dropped, Shen Hou Long live!"

"Shen Hou is five or five five five five!" More and more Dongquan slammed down the soldiers in his hand and worshiped, in the same amount, Ziguo won the gorgeous gift for iron gall.

"It is very good time to do it in Junjie.

Zhu nodded and nodded against everyone. The look is calm, and the carrying double hair will go to Huai'an toward the Forbidden City Dragon Tiger.

This place is the sore throat in the north of the Nanwangfu Taijun North. After Huai'an, you can do ten miles every day, go straight to the Taiwanese official road. Under the servo, wear a wear robe.

Although it is a Ten Taiji, the Huai'an Hou Year is long, and last night, the western pet is turned around, and there are many patterns, and some are not the feeling of feelings.


At this time, [Outside the scene, there is a short footsteps, "Hou Ye, Huai'an City, the fifteen army of the South Wangfu, should not release it?"


Huai'an Hou stretched his hands before returning to the woman, and wrinkled him before: "Nan Wangfu is in the south and this Hou is always a well, who is not committed to river, is it?"

The command of the command, "I don't know if I'm, but this time the Pingnan Wangfu Taijun fifteen, the flag is very popular in the same place.

Huai'an House, "Let's take a look."

After the clothes, Huai'an Hou will lead the people. Mount Huai'an City. Huai'an City has a high ten feet in Jianshi, the city defended. There are also more than ten Wuhuai An Houng, a trip: "Nang Wang, I have never committed the river water with the champion, today you have brought the Taijun's transit, it is already stepping, what is it!?" The first more stable update. Seeking, ask for reward, seeking ticket support

The second thousand one hundred and fifty-seven chapters of the flying sword, Wang Houru! [Second, seek full order]

? Huai'an City.

The head wearing a golden helmet wearing the praise of the purple shirt, driveing ​​the horse, rim: "Huai'an Hou, you are one of the Ten Tai General, you should also know the truth of the sky. Now Zhu ignored DPRK is universal and notan, the sin is a crime. This king is doing the sorrow, that is, for the sight of the North Shangqin Wang Qingjun. Killing Densive Hou L "

"The Qing Dynasty, the killing of the Hou!" "Qingjun side, killing the Hou!" "Qingjun side kills pregnant port!"

Behind the south and Tanji will begin Qi Qi, the sound of the chest, the sound is like a sham, and the potential can be awkward.

Nan Wang, the old man in this year, the year is also the military in the middle of the army, it must be sent at this time, the eyesight, the sound of the sound: "Huai'an Hou, the time of mind, the Junjie has Zhu ignorant, there is no I am in the big Minglang Qiankun, why not follow this king, the soldiers are on the north, Qingjun side !? "

"Remote The merits of the merits can be further fixed"

Huai'an Hao haha ​​laughed. Road: "Nan Wang, you will be able to clear the sides, kill God?"

"The top ten generals have six people who are God Hou. All courtesy cars Huo Zhao. The Hand of the Earth Five-five Tai Army Arch Zi Zi Ban City, as long as Shen Hou sagins, I will gather the sect of the local natives in all the localities. I only afraid that you didn't go to the Forbidden City, you have to be killed on the road. He listened to this House. Hurry back to your seal. There is still life, otherwise I am afraid to die without burial. "

"Nanwang is so native, wants to rebel, it is an idiots to dream!" On the city, Huai'an Hou will also make a laughter.


Old South King face sink. Tao: "Huai'an Hou this person, there is no shot, no one can become a matter of the matter!"

The Nanwang Shizi is an acoustic: "Father, Huai'an Hou Shu Shou station Huai'an is not crossing this land, the land is only afraid that it is going to be absent from Zhu.

The old South King took a deep breath, "Yes, you must not count any price, use the fastest way, solve this trouble, otherwise you can't get the Forbidden Wang City, you must be trained by Zhu ignorant. ! "To win Zhu ignorant like this. Only one chance is to completely reflect it with the smashing of the scorpion. The initiative is handing over to his hand, and it will be reversed immediately. Huai'an Hou is a laughing in the city, "I dare to fight against the messy shrimp, Wang, the palace on the Qing Dynasty, there is no such thing as this order, you want to step through Huai'an!"

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