The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2334 of the Three Kingdoms

Zhao Yunjian eyebrows picked up. Tao, "I want to find such a shortcut to be afraid. This Yongjia City is Yongjiahou, who is Taiming He Town, guards Yongjia City. It is not a general manager, it is the two" winners of the Ming Dynasty ". "

Deng Ai Dao: "If you find a guidance that is familiar with Yongjia Geography, then the martial arts troops, the night attack is very much. It is too much to finish. Not far from the Jinyiwei to fight, it is ridiculous," Deng will find a military machine, and the military machine is familiar with the hunter. "

Rear, several Jinyiwei took a middle-aged man wrapped in the beast, said sincerely:

"See several of the generals in the middle of Yongjia Mountain, familiar with this place, and the mountains are steep seem to have a road. In fact, another shortcut can lead to Yongjia City. It is from the mountain" "This is to help me ! "

Deng Ai went to the heart. This is really sleepy, I have encountered I pillows, and I am so worried about the wizard. "Come, take five hundred and two silver." Deng Aidao: "You have found this shortcut to the Han army, these silver is yours."

If this hunter can lead the Han army to find shortcuts, don't say it is five hundred and two silver, just rewarding thousands of gold. It's not too! This hunter has seen so many silver, and the eyes of white flowers have flown, and immediately I will promise: "This road is smaller, please ask the general."

And the bright is high, the night is quiet. Yongjia City has also fallen into a silence.

The city is burned on the tonlight.

The martial arts that guarded the city couldn't help but sleep, some people were sitting on the ground, holding a knife, and started a spring and autumn.

The wall. The snoring is like a thunder. Yongjia City is easy to fight, and there are soldiers in the city, and there is no need to worry about someone, it is very safe.

However, in Yongjia City's Ming army soldiers will be alert to the lowest, there are countless swearing dark shadows, starting from the four sides to the Yongjia City.

! !! !

The fierce and brutal wolf hanked the night, and the Ming army soldiers who scared the city were scared in all people.

And colors.

Deng Ai rides the gods of Shenjun. In the mountains, there is a rushing, can't help but praise. "Your Majesty is God! There is this wolf to ride a pioneer, used to detour and rush, God is not almost unable to stop! Zhao Yun Tipai white dragon gun laugh :


There are tens of thousands of Snowfen wolves have strong endurance, and there is only a broken city, and the Wulin army will be taken. "The cavalry impact is invincible but the use of it is limited to the limit.

At this point, Zhao Yun in the Warman is naturally clear.

The main role of Taixue wolf ride is to cut off the links in the city's foreign troops and Yongjia City, and the speed of the aid troops outside the city, etc.

Deng Yi is holding a box: "Something, there is a Ziyi Hou."

The third is more. Subscribe to the stable update, ask for reward, seeking a variety of ticket notes

The second thousand one hundred and fifty-nine chapters of the masters are like dragons, swords and horizontal! [Fourth, seek full order]

? Ziyi nodded and did not say much. Just look at Yongjia City that is no longer far away, the look is slightly complicated. This time, the military plan of Yongjia City, all from Deng Ai commanded Zhao Yun Ziyi Hou and others, participated in the cooperative operation.

"The time is half-three. The time is coming!" I only listened to Deng Yi to order, "At this time, the enemy is negligible to guard, ready to launch offensive. Zi Dragon's general truncation Ming army, its gold people, go straight to Yongjia, kill!" !


Too snow, the wolf ride begins to look up. Mad.

Under the order, the Han army rose to the peak, Zhao Yun and Deng Ailai are deer, and personally lead Too Snow Cangfang to prepare to kill the Ming army.

Deng Ai is leading Tai Han Tiger and sorrow, and began to attack Yongjia City. "One or two zero"

Said that there is a life-threatening of the San Han army, which is like a tide, fluttering to Yongjia, Ziyi Hou, a sword, Dragon Di in the forefront.

kill! Kill! Kill!

Yongjia guarded the city wall, it was completely shocked.

"Grass! Sleeping is good, actually being awake!"

"Pig teammates, still have to sleep, there is no kill" "" "I didn't see people in the city, I didn't have a ghost !?"

The martial arts of defending, nervous, stay in all, when did they encounter such a strange thing, and saw the north gate Taihan Nahao flag. Everyone is stupid.

How is this possible?

Yongjia Tianxiao, no one can break, there is a dangerous mountain peak, directly from Yongjia City

It's hard to be difficult

This Han army will not fly? I saw the army of the Taihahan Third Army in the excellent dramatic life, so sighed: "The Holy Queen Shenwei, the Tai Han invincible today's swearing Yongjia L"

"Tai Han invincible, vowed to break the Yongjia city" Tai Han invincible, vowed to break the Eternal Cabo Martial Arts Wulin army's soil. Crazy shouting in front of the front. The high voice is overlap with the wave. Even the Ziyi Hou felt that the blood of his body was burned boiled. "Wulin Jun first boarded the city!"

Just in the city, Ming army, the martial arts, have not been able to react, and there is already a purple priest to Di.

This is the horror of the Sword Master is also the Swordsman of Ziyi, LBO.

The sword is very angry and condensed, and the Ziyi Hou seems to make a purple dragon. A sword runs through the air, I went to the earth and fell in the city!

The swordsman condensed in the Jianfeng's two, the genius of the Mingjun who wanted to take the opportunity, and was killed by a madlong-like sword. Ziyi Hou smiled laughing between marma, there is a murderous man with a murderous man.

When I stepped out, the walls collapsed, and a Zi Shaie was rushing and the length of the sword was broken. The sword is like a bright light rain, sprinkling.

A sword, the Wei Li moon!

The eyes of the staff in Yongjia will fall to the ground. The martial arts of the martial arts is the dragon and blood of the people. Ziyi Houjun has a bloody road to kill a bloody road, behind the Tai Han Wulin army followed.

"Tai Han dynasty invincible Ziyi Hou Weiwu!"

Dragon into the sea, Mo Weiyu and other Tai Hanwu Military master, Qi Qi followed the Zou Yizhen, a few degrees he borrowed on the city wall, flew up the city.

If the Tai Han Dynasty has several standing arms specialty L, the martial arts can be called a special forces.

The martial arts troops have the attainments of the Dragon Gong. It is the crown of the Taihan Dynasty. Ziyi Hou and a few heads kid killed the city, and the remaining soldiers were thrown out of the melon, hung on the wall, towards the city. The flying will be killed.

Faced with the madness of the Tai Han. The whole city wall is guarded, and suddenly opened a gap, countless coordination fitness shadow

After the city's bloody battle, the crowd vibrated, and suddenly came from surprise: "Yong Jia Hou died Yongjiahou was killed by Ziyi people!"


Then, the city gate crashed into the Yongjia city completely chaotic into a pot of porridge! Deng Viji first pulled out the waist-board treasure knife, "City gate has broken into the city !!"

"Willing to take the general, smash the city!" "Originally with the general, squatting the city!" The Tahan Tiger is boiled, such as the riots, and earthquake, the same day, Qingzhou's insects. A red-red gods are gratiate on the battlefield.

The tiger will be nine feet of horseback

The portrait of a trigem is a trigemine, and the wilderness is swallowed and the wind is connected.

The Wen Hou Lubu, the general of the Taihan Dynasty!

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