The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 2337 of the Three Kingdoms



Forbidden City.


Zhu ignored and finally sat on the Golden Temple.

His head Dai Pingtian is wearing a dragon robe. The two faucets of the red chair, the face of the born gold dragon chair, and the face is dignified, asked: "Is there any news in the world?" Zhu ignored that the year was hurting No wife and child. Duan Tianya is he raised, or it can be an album. The second ruling mountain villas were holding boxing, said: "The emperor used all channels in this time, and the news that he has no seoum, but he received a letter seems to have a few days before the war. "" "The last time in the end of the world is to find the relationship between the Zijing Palace and the Han Dynasty" "

Zhu ignored the brow and frowned and frowned, I suddenly thought of a terrible result. The face is too changed, muttered "Is there any hand of the world? Huo Wei, Huo Wei is not good

In the case of a moment of the palace door that is ignorant of Zhu, there is a rush of footsteps.

It is also a sound of the Longshan Villa. I entered the single knee and fell to the temple, I hugged the temple, and the trembling said, "Your Majesty, the big gap is not wonderful, Yongjiahou, Qingzhou Tuho Gong Tianzhao, the front and reappearance of the pigeons. Send a scientific report"

This news can really blame the king of Tianlei shock.

Zhu ignored the moody face, but also revealed the shocked look, and cleverned the handle of the red gold chair, holding a million Taijun, which can be said to be the foundation of Taiming . But just a few and the general of the East China Sea defeated the East China Sea, and the Qingzhou Yongjia is in a hurry, and the world is smashed. The entire Taichi gradually has a leaving a torch. This is what Zhu is impossible to have an absolutely unable tolerance.

"It is also a rare good, and the military five five can be held in the city.

Zhu ignored the darkness, "But this Han Dynasty, it is absolutely unique to the purple palace. I have to call the remaining a few towns and the princes to enter the Beijing, otherwise the Jingshi. I am afraid to fall into the storm.

He is thinking about the countermeasures, and there is an emergency news:

"Kaifeng Xia Mountain! All the court supervisors, the gold medal, the gold medal of the ruling, Zihu, Zi Hui, is intercepted by the Han army, please add the Taijun to the Taijun to help the army will be afraid. Change! "

In the temple, the death of the people, the beads are getting up to the ground, they don't dare to confuse! Zhu ignorant Hawran stands up with the forehead green ribs, the chest is qi and the bones, the skeleton

The eunuch served on the side. Holding the dust, she scared, did not dare to say that the emperor who came with the tiger, Zhu, and the emperor of the Siki, the murderer, and the murder. It is not a play, and this air cushion has burst out more than the hoist. "Waste on the Waste, the waste is too much, L"

Zhu ignored the slightened eyes shot a blazing as a blazing, biting his teeth, "At this time, I will pay for aid to pay for it. What is the use of L? Mailing the military department Shangshu Baqingqing and others. Admire the public will be ready to enter one Level Taiwanese warfare! "

"Lower minister, obey!"

I climbed up and ran out to run out.

Zhu ignored the next ordered: "Biowing the Zhuang Shanzhuang Tiandi Xuanhuang Four Too Mi Dynamics Always Lo"


Another exploration is fast, I'm going out "Zi Yan Palace, the emperor of the Tai Han. Hello a bureau,

Look at the whole Han Congress will not collapse after killing you. "

Zhu ignored his eyes, and his face was blinded.

Taking his heartmaking city, he has been laying out in the dark, and everything is in hand.

It seems that this is the case where the nose is taken today is still the first time. How can Zhu ignorant?

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The second thousand and sixty-three chapters killed the wolf mission! Shangguan Haizhen's spring dream! [Fourth, seek full order]

Mountain rain is full of wind.

The strong rise of the Taihan Dynasty, and the number of signs of Taiming Tili will gradually sweeine with the original situation of the world.

Taiming New Huang Zhu ignored anger. Down a series of orders from all walks of order. When the atmosphere of the sword, the Taiming soldiers were completely integrated with the princes of the Town of the Town to Jingle.

Twenty thousand elite division pillow is ready to attack.

At the same time, the world is the first. The atmosphere is gradually tensioned, and the official sea is wearing a junxun dust. It is the first in the world. It is still awkward. It is still awkward, and the heart is serious. "The righteousness suddenly changed the yellow robe. Sitting on the emperor is paramount. Why didn't my feelings? "

Iron god Hou self-born, I mighty, I mighty, the idea of ​​protecting the emperor, said that it is very deep. But now Zhu is ignorant to the right to make a violation of the vows of the year.

If she supports Zhu ignorant, she is nature is hitting: her heart resistance. I want her to resist Zhu ignorant. But 4 is a bit hesitant, after all, for many years.

"Fun San Donghai, the war has been chaos this world, and it will be chaotic. The Zijing Palace was born again at this time, and he was at home.

Where is it! "

The brain of the sea is insects, which is not coming to the scene of the day. Black Swords, Shadow, Musk. Killing the whole sun and moon, the gods, with one person, the singing party can be said to have changed the pattern of the whole rivers and lakes! Haishu wants to hit the head of the head, and play a simple and vicissitudaic turtle, The mysterious road, "Zhuang Lord is thinking about people?" The sea is coming back to God, and he is playing a red-drafting fan. Strong calm tracking: "No.


The wife smiled and said: "The wife is coming over. I used to be a water for the water, a spring dream, no trace," God's mother-in-law, don't talk! Haishu shy.

The world's first Zhuang gathered in the world, the world is standing in front of the world, the world's first goddess mother-in-law!


Heavenly underground

I don't know, I'm occupying. Insidy the world's hidden in the world.


It is best to transfer the topic as the relationship between the sea, the relationship between the sea, and the relationship with God's mother-in-law, asked: "Mother-in-law, I" can question? "

"One day, today's z z z z z,,,.. ."

The sea is sinking, "I want to know. The Zijing Palace is the relationship between the Emperor of the Taihan Dynasty, can the mother-in-law help?" Her heart actually faintly a guess, but finally, I can't believe that I can only gather Mother-in-law.

God counts the mother-in-law, and the mouth has a word. Decocted the moving movements, the salad fell in the ground. I broke into a fragment of her face, but I didn't talk.

Shangguanhai humens urgent channel, "What is going on?"

God counts mother-in-law shook his head, mysterious: "Can not be said, can not be said., Wait for you to see that person. Everything knows, God does no longer say slowly.

Shangguan Haibang is determined, dark road: "Mind is a kind of parenting, but he misuses, but he can't love the stack of stacks. It is wrong with him, or wants to find that person." Chen Jiang Wei, fortunately, not to humiliate the dedication of the soldiers, and there is no one of the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty Tai General, there is a head of the court, and the Emperor! "The Taijun is currently driving to the escort, the Jiang Wei rushing down the horse with a bloody man. Down to the Kowloon Tianyi car outside.

"I didn't look at the wrong person, and BRO is really a world!"

The mood of the second loud laughter Liu Wei was obviously good.

Killing the wolf will have successfully completed the star task, Deng Ai Zhonghui, Jiang Wei three did not live up to their potential to play a beautiful victory of personal property capabilities, also achieved corresponding improvements. Juvenile Jiang Wei one, one-one force, mental power, talent!

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