The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2445 of the Three Kingdoms

"Well, you discuss yourself, you have government affairs."

Liu Wei put his hand. The two people trusted this kind of thing, once the first is mainly broken, that is like a broken mirror, I want to recover again, almost impossible. Li secretly asked the silence of the silence: "The geese, the plan of the intertwlock, how do you think the Han army learned?"

"In the Han army, the Qi Gong has a lot of money, far in the secret imagination, the Yanjiao body is in a vibration:" The secret does not have to say, after leaving Luoyang today, our main contest, this is broken, Jianghu Road is far away, please pay more. "Li Zhang is a black, Shen Sheng:" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Shen Luo Yan silent did not speak Li Mi whispered half a ring, but it was only too fun. Her hate in my heart,

This sheet

If it is not early to collide with the Hanmaster, how to come this day today! I thought that the body of the satellite of the sorrowful geese was in the body of Liu Yuxiong. Li secret breathing is a bit more than a point. The forehead green rib jump almost couldn't help but hit the depth geese!


Can't bear it. Can achieve too much thing!

Li secretly biting his teeth, the temples were burned into the palm of his meat. After all, I was still responsible for the gods.

At this time, I dare to get my affairs in Luoyang. It's really a lot of life. The Tai Han Jinqi, who is holding a hand door, will not be in love, when I arrived, I killed him as a butcher. After making a decision, Liu Hao had a letter, but not only let Li Tuan left Luoyang, but also sent him a set of chamels, a horse.

The original garment has been destroyed in the war, and it is filthy to lose his eggs by the people.

Li Tuan lived in a new raise raise to the city, galloping in the southeastern direction.

After confirming that there is no one behind him, Li Mi holds the rock back to the direction of Luoyang, and the eyes are grievances.

After reading half a ring, Li Mi smiled and laughed. "Hahaha! After this, let the Tiger return to the mountains. Today, it will be a must!" "

Speak on




"Li Mi went to the Wei"


Liu Wuyang refers to the radiative of the roof of the end of the eye. The smile road "is given to Wang Jingli, so that he must deploy a fullness, I don't want to see any accidents."


The old manager Cao Zhengyu low his body to hold his fist.

Liu Wei stood up and pushed the door and went to see Shen Ruo geese's hands shoulders, and there was a self-friendly grievance.

"All this is what the Emperor is planned early."

Shen Luyan took the sound of the sound of the sound, and looked at Liu Wu in a quiet place.

The Beauty of Waggang Village claimed that the Snake is beautiful, and everything helped Li Xi's step by step.

But she has a feeling of unclear feeling in the face of Liu Wei. Liu Wei Road;


Make a chess piece. . Since Li Mi is in the bureau, I naturally can't get out the fate of his chess pieces?

It can be said that if Li Secret does not have the special attribute of a special attribute, Liu Wei, can still spend some minds to use him. After all, the talent is a lot of benefits, and there is a good king to strengthen the Dynasty.

Unfortunately, he is definitely not a long-term person, and the enemy before the Supreme Dao is. Naturally, you have to eradicate.

Shen Luo Yan Yan said: "What about me? I am also a chess piece of my Majesty?" Liu Wei moved softly and picked up the sorrowful road of Shen Lu, Yan Yan, "famous flower beauty, self-enjoying, The strong desire to do it is going to see the flowers. "

This sudden gentle whisper seems to have the sharp spear to the heart of Dali, calling her heart to shock!

"Congratulations to the host, Shen Luo Yan's good feeling of the host + please continue to work harder!"

"Congratulations to the host, Shen Luo Yan's good feelings of the host +, please continue to make persistent!"

Shen Luo Yan has been smart from childhood. It is even more than a very wrist, and it has made a big thing in the rivers and lakes, but there is no love in love. Now I have encountered Liu Wei to fall into the geese.

On the talents, the martial arts Liu Hao is all strong to make it difficult for him to have the status of its noodles. Wanzhong Yun from a woman. Yusheng will surrender more stronger.

In the face of Liu Hao, Shen Luo Yan has always been calm, and I won't know where I have left.

"His Majesty Huili 3,000 people, burial in the wort, how to get into the eyes?"

Shen Luo Yan He is aromatic and jumping. I don't dare to touch Liu Wei. The shackles are too small. Liu Yiba took the back shoulders of Shen Lu gee, pulled her body and said: "You are too young to see yourself." is serious. "

At this time, the good feel has broken through the mark, Liu Wei hesitated. Plus, gently kiss on the fragrant lips on the sinking geese.


"Congratulations to the host, recruiting the task of the beauty military division. The reward has been issued in advance, the task has no punishment. Please know!" Liu Wei smashed the beauty of the beautiful people and the famous pair L stepping! tread!

The horseshoe sounds like the official road. A team of cavalry swept tooland, rushing.

The first member is too will, wearing a heavy height of the majestic. The bronze long knife took a look at the two people who came to the face, flustered, and pulled the martial arts.

The cavalings in his hand stopped going forward.

"See Secret"

Waigigsha was too long, and walked to Li Missao to push the jade column in front of the mountain, the misery: "Secret Jin Yucheng was attacked by Yu Wenhua and the old thief, yet The son is too grand as death.

"what! ?"

Li Xi Wen said that it is too shocked, and it is incomparable.

The second, stable and updated, seeking books, book friends, subscription, evaluation tickets, support Fei Lu remind you: reading three things

The second thousand and ninety-nine chapters of ice mysterious, the land is falling!

? Painted, after listening to the matter, Li Tuan pointed to the meat deeply. Bite and teeth, said: "Yu Wen's wife dare to attack Jin Yucheng when he attacked Zun Luo Cang, I don't kill you, I am involved in this standby life. No one is idiot. Li Mi is in Xinglo Cang At the same time, Yu culture and also in the Waigang village.

Li Mijian took the forefront of the Tria Wine, and the risks were really too risks. Now it is when he pays a price.

"How is the secret now?"

It is not a wisdom of the wisdom.

Li Miyan gods. Sinking half a ring. Tao, "Yu Wenhua and this will definitely instinate, I know that a mission is from the city to Jindu City, kills back, and retracts the old thief, and returns the golden city!" As long as it is unresolved to kill Yu Wenhua and. Less than the middle of the reserved city, I can repeat the military and horses of the imperial valve again!

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