The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2447 of the Three Kingdoms

"The military division has long, and I have reached the Jin Yucheng, I will wait, I will sneak into the Golden City, I don't know if I don't know the ghost.

Wu Yun called croishes: "Yu Wen's old dog is dead!"

The cold drink in the palm of the palm of the earth, the silver, the snake, the land, a silver mad dragon wrapped, Wu Yun called the jade killing, killing.

"I am evil, , " " , ,

The aerial water was in an empty culture and intake, and it was condensed into two ice shields with extremely cold, and the cross-arm frame was in front of the treasure culture. boom!

The fierce gun hit the mysterious ice shield, the gun was tired. Heavy puncture, instantly, the sick shield in front of this piece of ice Xiqi is bombarded into the broken end. Wu Yun called, but the fourth good man in Sui Tang is only in Li Yuanba, Yu Wen Chengdu, Yanyuanqing, such a beautiful.

At this time, I launched a crazy momentum to achieve the peak. The essence of the wolf smoking from Wu Yun called the hole in a poorer, like the wolf pen straight and shot the clouds.

l Send "kill kill!"


It is not to talk to Yu Wenhua and prolonged. Run your hand again and a shot, the gun tip is red. Zuo Le Silver Bun, the gun mat swept the entire void being torn.


Bao Wenhua and just being shocked, it is already propylene, and he has already born in his heart, and his feet is connected to Z. Down is crazy

Returned, hit a large piece of house wood chips

However, Wu Yun called the whole person to jump from the horseback, the long guns, such as the dragon gas, has completely locked the cultural and chasing him to the end of the world.

The two knocked down for how many wooden houses. Bao culture and arms have a horrified, you want to put on the roof. But only heard Wu Yun called madness: "Old dog, where to go |"


When the feng, the silver snake, the spleen, the sound of the wind, the wind, the wind, the sky, the silver dragon melon pestle, the uritance, the vest, the whole person nailed to the eaves


Bao Wenhua and a moment, there is no death, and the trembling finger pointed to Wu Yun called the death:.

At this moment, everyone in the long street was silent, and he was in a mistake, and the dragonfly Li Mi, the Baowen Valve, which is not a hammer. Talking about Ten Ten Tung Ten?

However, in this cool night, I died in this long street.

Wu Yun called Yu Wenhua and his head, suspended in the horse killing (BIBF), Yucheng, drink: "The murder of the Yumen roll tonight!"



The Tai Han Tiger is a continuous city of the city's midway passing into the golden city insects like the Tiger into the flock, and the Yuwen Rat Soldiers will be thrown in the golden city. "News!"

The town outside the treasure chest of the city is going to the in front of Simma. "Tai General is not good at Tai General Han Jun steals Jin Yucheng, killing people everywhere. Please speed up! Justu The city is not necessarily naturally, can't accommodate too many soldiers Madao, who is not ahead of the army, the soldiers in the southeastern part of Jindu City, just in the number of golden cities.

I heard the news of the scout. Sima's almost spit out a bite!

I feel that there is a feeling of extremely injuried.

Have you made a mistake?

Stealing in Jinyu City overnight !?

Why didn't I see someone in the city?

Is it a heaven?

Sima Deu is forcibly shocked, it is awe-in, and he will wavy, and he is said: "The leader will be, and the soldiers and horses are prepared to kill the golden city."


The scorpion will take the army.


When I was getting the army, I suddenly came to the thunderous horseshobus in the distance.

"what sound! ?"

Sima's horses were invited, and they looked at it. She saw a black-pressed cavalry on the horizon! It seems like an unsuccessful ant. The group is vast and loud and the sky begins to vibrate. Rolling smoke is like dragon

The heavens and the earth are full of suffocating terrorist murder

"My God, wolf! Many wolves!,"

"Hey! What is this?"

"The wolf is riding, it is terrible to see that the flag is the iron hematology of Taihan!"

The army is the elite and strong battle force.

However, why did they have seen such a magnificent side !?

The fierce crazy wolf of the tens of thousands of fierce, the mouth is still in the mouth, and the wolf ruthless wearing a gold cracking jade.

"Dafang Han Zihu is here, the thief will quickly get ridiculous L"

The old man who is headed by the two people will make a knife, only to see that he is more intimate and is exactly the old, the old, the old, the old, Han Han!

The first morning and early morning, the first is more stable, seeking books, Taiyi, Jiang reading, seeking votes, evaluation tickets Support Fei Lu remind you: Three things to study

The Emperor of the Blood, the Supreme Over! - Convenient book friends to read

One hundred and three hundred and one chapter, the three major !

? "It is Han Qi!"

"General Han Dynasty has dropped the Taihan."

"Hey! I am the soldier of the old general, I don't dare to raise the old general!" "I am also"

Han Yuhu led the pong for a lifetime, this Sui Dynasty army system. Soil and six soils are the soil soldiers in the beginning. It has not yet been able to open the war.

Sima's face is gloomy as iron! "Bao Wen Zhi and where!" Wu Yun called the boobs allocated blood, and a shot has provoked a treasured valence is the soldiers, and the silities.

The hate of the family, the hopper, the whole, and the outbreak of Wu Yun called naturally to kill the Yuwen valve, the way to explain the hate. Liu Wu also knew that the old things between Wu Yunzhao and Yuwen Valve, who sent Wu Yun called a general of Raiders Jinyu City. "Earth Jiu San"

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