The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2450 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wu has made Yulong Camp prohibited the army.

. The teacher looked at Liu Wei's back, and he had a strange obstacle and the news of the San Han dynasty Ding Ding Zhongyuan. The whole world, immediately triggered Xuan slow


Wang Shunqin, Li Mi, learning culture and these three Tai Xiong, can not be ordinary LP

One of the martial arts five can have a place in this chaos. Liu Yujong is sending troops, picking back to Luoyang LQX

I don't enter the merits of the company, I will attack the world with a definition of the world, between Jin Yucheng, the Emperor of Tai Han



After the killing of the three majors, Liu Wu and Shangshu Tai Chi Chen Chen Chen secret. Guangfa heroes call the world of luxury. Get together in the worm, four Ming Mountain, open the passing of the Taihui!


Rely on the Mountain Palace.

Relying on the King Yanglin sitting in the tiger skin seat, holding the roll, suddenly shooting the table sigh

"The world is impermanent, and the mutual name" The emperor of this Han Dynasty has killed Jingchu from the squat, and then Cong Chu killed the Central Plains. Yu Wen dog died in his hand. But also unfortunately

Qingzhou is a thousand miles away from the Zhongyuan battlefield to Qingzhou, it is already two months later.

Yang Lin is Yang Jian Yu's relying on the king. It can be said that it is a column of the real Optimus of the Sui Dynasty. For Yu Wenhua, which is desirable in the Sui Dynasty. Naturally, it is a quick kill.

Unfortunately, the bureau is getting too fast. The news is not smooth, Yang Lin has not responded in Qingzhou training, Yu Wenhua and launched a soldier, killing Yang Guang.

At this time, a green dress is

Loan, a deceivement: "The old king, the Han Huangfa hero saved the jade, gathered in the Si Ming Mountain, is the rise of the old king!"

Yang Lin sideways asked: "How is this voice?"

The soil that is called the torque is talking. Tao, "Han Guo sits at this time. Such as Shen Tian. It has also pressed the Guanzhong Li valve, which can be said to be the leader of the world. At this time, the Chinese emperor called the group of the group of the four Ming Mountain will inevitably Passenger gathered gathering. "

"If the old king is led to the rush, the Qingzhou soldiers will kill the Si Ming Mountain. It is not the first to let the world, the neighborhood, the old prince, the old prince can pull the tide. Merit

Dedied by Yanglin, Yanglin nodded, obviously, the tiger is moving in the mouth of the tunes, and the body is majestic, and the gods are obviously the people of martial arts.

Yang Lin took the palm: "Mr. Qi, killing the hero of the sky, lonely Wang admire!" At this time, there is a chaotic to Tai Sheng Ding Dingdong Duoyang. There are also Yu culture and support for Qin Wang Yang Hao as an emperor. Li Yuan's soldiers in Taiyuan also supported a small emperor called Huangtai Lord.

Later, the banner of the Taiyi's banquet is to get rid of the wind, and now the whole city is descending. They have already fallen into Li Yuan's hands. After entering the master, the Li valve has become a big trend. It also supports the support of insect luxury valve, the little emperor will be kicked by Li Yuan, claiming to be a hundred officials. Changan, the palace.

Tai Tang Wenwu Qunchen gathered together and is discussing fierce.

"The minister thought. Si Ming Mountain will have to be fraud, please be careful!" "Yes! This Han Dynasty emperor, sinister, one, three male majesty, don't misunderstand the arms, L"

"If I want to say, I will send people to attack and the Hanzhong, grab the Hanzhong area, is the king."

The monetary group of the temple is in the fierce discussion of the hero order to the Taihan Dynasty. Only some people think that go to the Si Mingshan participated in the jade, the Tai Some of the princes, the courtiers, advocated the panacea, and completely occupy the strategy.

In the empty temple, noisy is very Li Yuan listening to the heart, I can't help it.

At this time, Li Shimin slowly came out, worshiping the ritual loudly, "the father, if it is in the four Ming Mountain, it is not the heart, and Li Tang officially became the world of the world?"

The four words in the world, as if there is endless magic. Attracted Li Yuan.

The second thousand three hundred and four chapter cold noodles cold tights are preparation!

? History can sweep the world in the shortest time, and only Li Tang is natural, Li Yuan is natural. Prince Li Jiancheng stands out of the way to hold the boxing "Although the words of the second brother are reasonable. But when the four-party cloud can be said to be a fish dragon, I don't know what emergence occurs.

"The child thinks that the father can do not have to rush to the Si Ming Mountain, but can take the opportunity to deploy Hanzhong Raiders as long as they occupy the Hanzhong. Let's take a harmonious land.

Although Li Jiancheng is not as strong as Li Shimin, it is not a simple figure, and the heart of the city is also the choice of people.

Seeing that the brothers have a bit of a trying, Li Yuan lifted his hand and pressed the hand, said: "Okay, don't quarrel.

Donned, Li Yuan, "Wen Jing. What do you think?"

Li Tang Master Liu Wenjing came out, "His Majesty, Shengming, but also feeling that the emperor of the Western position is reasonable. This is water, I dare not say.

Liu Wenjing also really didn't dare to say. Li Jiancheng is Li Tang Prince, Li Yuan's heir, and Li Shimin is the Taigong, who is led to fight, and the prestige is also on the army.

In exchange, this is the difference between Li Jia family.

Two foreign ministers participated in the emperor's family. How many can you have a good end? Li Yuan put his hand. Said: "For the matter, since the matter is the princes of the jade. If the four-party princes, if it is able to urge the princes to improve the reputation of Li valve in the princes," "Since the people are present, let people mentioned Bring someone to the Si Mingshan, build you prepare for the military, preparing to use the soldiers in Hanzhong.

"Children's leadership!"

Li Yuan, this emperor, is still very stable, and Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng will have no words to say Qi Qi. North Jing, Youzhou.

The boundless desert.

A White Asian Teenager is in the sky.

The five hook flying gods, the gun, the rifle, the five thousand There are a few rides on the side of the knight watching on horseback, these people are all wearing a heavy height. There is a pair of eyes left outside the whole body. "Less master martial arts Tianshu said that it is" like the world "L!"

"The fifteenth year old martial artist comes to the future, it is not limited!"

"I don't know who the Central Plains is comparable to the world."

These days, the male genus is in the sandy sand, is ignorant

Not guilty.


I have a group of cavalry in the abnormally, I will kill Huangsha.

The three thousand riding of the north of the north is looking for death?

"Jingyun ten rides ready to attack. Protect the young master!"

The head of the majestic cavalry he raised his hand. Look smile.

A few procedures are like the ghost cavalry drilled in hell, which is laid into the direction of the tapered cavalry. And the light is cold.

"Kill the junk dog!"

Just when the two sides were only a hundred meters, it was originally in Luo Cheng, the sky, the sky, and cold, and the horse looked up. I will kill in the direction of the Turkic cavalry. Homewhere

When I am going to fight, I reflect the power of Luo Cheng's five hooks and flying guns.

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