The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2453 of the Three Kingdoms

The second in the morning is more stable and updated. Seeking the books of books. Ask for a visit to the monthly ticket, evaluation ticket support.

The second thousand three hundred and seventh chapter old monster is born! Luoyang is unlikely orchoes!


The atmosphere is abnormal.

Today, the first morning valve is the alone.

Luoyang City has even have a rumor out:

"The solitary valve is the Lord to make the lick to the Holy emperor, it is really looking for death!" "Solitary valve English is alone with the dragon Triao, ordered the killing of the Emperor, and all the people were all being taken!" Luoyang: City rumors Political winds are not right, the solitary valve is in an instant to passively.

The bones of the entire family took half a member instantly, which is definitely a heavy blow to the solitary valve.

"Do you want to be directly

Di Tong Tianlun, rescue the valve owner? "The Director is alone in the Duo. This person is the only pale with a solitary festival pays the family's homework.

Solitary valve everyone he said that he is facing each other. At this time, a deep voice of a Weiyi was passed:

"evil creature!"

"Old goes out"

Everyone is oscillated, just because of talking this person. It is a solitary valve, an especially Chu Hong!

Silent heard: "How do you go straight?"

The voice did not drop his eyes,

His face has given people to the palm of the palm, and the whole person turns a lot of cheeks, the five fingers of the pigs are clearly visible.

Solvering and smashing the face: "You are playing me for it" "Solitary valve is the hand of this group of things!" You Chu is cold and cold, and he is sitting on the Hand of the Tower. The ground is embarrassed.

Some people don't accept it. The opening said: "Old ancestors, for hundreds of years, the solitary valve is deep, business is all in the world, the emperor is good for us!" "Yes, the luxury can be the world, the world is essential. The emperor does not want him to destroy the rules! "

Everyone is deeply awkward.

When Yang Jian Dang, the queen's motherner, the motherner, the solitary valve can be exceptionally to be exception, even when Yang Guang is in the position of the valve, there is a solitary surrounding army.

It is just the later Yu culture and rebellion. Jiangdu blood fire, the second master of the solitary valve is alone, and it is also buried in the crush. "rule!.?"

You Chu's red face, smirk and shook his head. "Hey. The rule is made by strong people (BIB) don't understand this reason, this Tai Han Han is the dragon, and it is not more than Yang Guang. "You Chu Hong is a hundred years old. After three Dynasties, you have experienced more than the meals that these people have ever.

Her heart is a so-called rule, in fact, it is made by strong people and then follows. Mo Dare to reverse.

Talk network

When the old valve owner sent a Hilton, it was a cold, and no one dared to ventilate. (



Yusuhong faucet turned into the ground. Said, "You go to the list of solitary valve home, take half a gift. In the past few days, I entered the palace in the old man."



On the red side, accompany the exo proud woman in the age of 10, nodded slightly, immediately pumping the work, do not drag the water.

Several generations of solitary valves have accumulated that the world is so strong, the bodies are strong, and the property is a wide. It's hard to imagine!

Now Yushong is half a family!

"That is a few generations of heart, hundreds of millions of families, please the ancestor thinking!"

The hall plumd in the hall and poured too much, and the squat slammed.

Solitary valve, in his heart is simply blood.

You Chu Hong and the light swept away a cold, Shen Sheng said: "How many generations accumulated, is it for your group? Who dares to define??"? "

"If this point, I am afraid that the holy emperor can also see it."

Solitary valve said that it is true to control the overall situation after the first place is true.

Her faucet is knocked in the village, which is still talking about half a sentence?

Essen, the solitary valve is seated, and the phoenix is ​​so fast to come out of the valve. Then I organize a gift list.

Liu Wei received a little surprised by the news of the news, "So fast?"

Put the solitary peak into the sky, actually just releases a signal.

To eat such a too powerful force, you have to slowly deploy only the skeleton of the solitary valve, the political sensitivity is high or forefinger.

"Your Majesty, the old valve owner, especially Chuhong, send a name. Do you ask her to go to the palace? Let her wait outside the Palace, kill her sharp?"

Small Guizi is in the mouth.

Liu Wei raised his hand and was stressed. Refuse.

What's more, Liu Wu also wanted to learn some secrets from Yuhong here.

"The old man is alone, especially Chuhong, see the Emperor!"

"Single phoenix, see the Emperor! You Chuhong, I only brought a solitary phoenix.

"The old people don't have to be more ceremonial."

Liu Wei thoughtfully moved. I know that this is a loud sleeve between the live fossils in the rivers and lakes. When the emperor of a soft group, the emperor emperor was empty, and there was an intangible giant hand to hold an invisible giant hand to stand up.!

Congratulations to the Lord Tian Di Long Yi's imperiality, successful use!

Solitary and phoenix. Intelligence political charm charm L

Stunt, English phoenix, solitary phoenix is ​​super-funded, is the material!

Every ten years, solitary phoenix + intelligence + L

If it is obtained, the properties of the phoenix are obtained. Will be flying! "Yes this little girl is good. Liu Zhen nodded. Come up with this bright woman who wearing Hongrui.

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