The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2474 of the Three Kingdoms

boom! mountain

The Yulong god naturally turned, and Liu Wei thoughtfully walked around a layer of Golden Mang.


Liu Wei stepped out of the two steps in the air to make up the dragon and the dragon is weak. Self dissipate the leaves and broken into the jungle, the air floating down, the stone, the heart, the mortar, the same, the phantom, the void, the distance between Liu Wu It's a palm of turning over, and it is in the heart of Liu Wu.

This is what the magical magic stone in the world is in the same year, with a non-dead and red milder. From the Buddha's four major holy swords, I escaped that I didn't have the reason for the unreasonable Liu Wei, the whole body clothes flying hunting, the body was slightly pour, it was like an unflammation, and the hit. "Let you pick it up"

Liu Wei stepped into the sky. From the empty, you can start

It's like falling in the sky.

The Emperor of the Fairy Palace, Jun is in the world, the world is full of people!

Turn five-printed overbearing, even weird BR

Li Yuanba is hard to stand.

Fly meat

The Xuan suddenly went to the jade palace to fall into the sky.

Log This hit. It is too horrible, so that he has a terrible feeling that he creates a void fragment!

The trap is several times, and the surrounding air seems to be solidified in the emperor. The magic magic law leader is also several times.

: Boom!

Eruption. Inviting the thousands of broken Tu Richang Xuan Jade, there is no door, only bite teeth, there is no deadline. Hard this palm. The violent gas is like an anger rolling and relieving.

Liu Wei is quite surprisingly glanced at the Xuan Xuan.

Do not die, weird. Hey, Yang Gang is typed! It's glory until the pole or the rumor or the yang. Two-phase communication seems to have a strange pulling force, and the black hole in which the majestic flourishing force is introduced.

However, it is impacted to the Yin Yin God. It is not necessary to quit the scholar of the stone. I hit a few ancient books.

"Since it is here, I will leave it!"

The evil king stone is sinister. After the end of the disease, Liu Wei did not grant the martial arts in order to chase Li Shimin at this time. Suddenly open] armor. Gossip the gods in the gods.

body. Born, injury, Du Jing is shocked, open the door to open to the door, Liu Wei's momentum suddenly climbed to the unimaginable point.

"What is the martial arts !?" I feel that Liu Yao gas mat is unlimited. The evil king stone is shocked to the heart of the gods and trembled. The combination of times of increase is terrible than any magic work. ,:


Gai Shi Dragon, crashed to it.

Jade murder fighting star shift! La killed the dragon snake!

This punch has touched the world's murder, and the leaves on the ground were arrogant. It also condensed into a mad dragon to kill the stone.

"No soil"

Shi Zhi Xuan's face is finally killed in the bottom of his compartment.

The palm strip has become a maschang from the armor. It is also turned to the cold changes in ice cold. Only stone Xuan can combine the two extreme non-dead printers to live and die. It can become dead, and death can become born. It is not true to life and death. Hard anti-Gay Dragon Pun.

Taizong Master is in full swing, and the fire is bursting on the ground, and there is countless fallen leaves, falling down.

Gai Shi Dragon Boxing and the unsteady were in an instant, and there were countless boxing of stone.

The illusion of the magic is clearly solved by the jade, no matter who is right, it is in an invincible place. But in the Liu Yida field. After the near, it seems that there is a mud, who is in a dark, will be the same as the madness of Liu Wei.

boom! boom! Bombard

The two people have a flash of enthusiasm, and they are mad, and Lin Zhonggu is broken. The opportunity finally appeared, and there was a slice of flawed in the world without death. It was a punch to wear the nautical body of the stone, and he brought him a half of the body. This is not a bombing. It is a meatcake, which is a crucifish.

Rao is the inner and outer inside and outside of Shi Zhi Xuan, is also half-dead in the realm of Taizong.

Liu Yu Yuyao, the body of the law, did not give the stone's thoughts, and he made all the eyes and the vocals, and then he seiled a few emperor's death. There is no way to have too many secrets in the evil King Shi Xuan. Even if you have stopped him, you have to treat it.

Otherwise, in the way to chasing Li Shimin, he found the opportunity to escape, it is the third and more stable update of the blood loss.

The second thousand three hundred and thirty-three chapters of the peaks of the peaks are sad!

? Ming and empty cool water. After Liu Hao, the master of the Taihang Dynasty was all dispatched after the command of lover Li Er.

Zhennan public cloud knife Song led the martial arts army. When you are in the northwest direction, you will stop when you have passed a hillside. And the color, the four faces of the vicissitudes of life are more than four directions. Sedimentated above bluestone. "Amitabha. The donor is a slaughter to kill, why not let go, the butcher knife in the hand is freed out"

The sound of the sound is like a compassion of the Buddha on the sky. "Four big holy, really don't come out"

Song went down and fell to the day, snorted, cheering: "Tonight is just slaughtering Buddha dilute, Li Yifang can't escape! This Buddha's four holy swims are the most violently fierce, and then asked the gall. "Song Show, who is the Lingnawa, is it. Why is this Today, I'm going to this, the Song Valve is a heavy loss in the day. "Song smiled and smiled:" You think that the Buddha is representative of God "


Jiaxiang Taishi is full of chest, said, "Tianyi Zhao Zhao, since then, I will wait until I have been born today. Song Shi is still a good fortune. Li Shimin still has a lucky luck, I should not be absolutely good."

Tong Peng Zhongzhong is blunt, Ling smile, "Life is the older, the bow is first, first, two knives!"


Round and bending the knife, the vocal vocal sound of the ruthenium, this Qianqiu's magic knife, blooms, unilaterally scratching the void vertical. "Strong magic! The donor enters the magic, today's old Jin Jincheng!" Emperor came up the Buddha L body, the Zen Village in his hand was like a Diamond Buddha. The golden is just a hit. The faint Buddha is like Jin Mang, covering the sky, and the horrible devil knife with the air.


I only heard the gas and arrogance, the Buddha's body was killed by the terrible magic knife, and the Buddha was one foot. Magic is one!

Kill L kill! Kill!

Thousands of knives have been crying. ! ..... . . ..............

These two big holy swords, we have already slammed the wind of the murder's temperament.

[Hit "Magic Gate, when did this surprised young people !?"


Regional district


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