The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 250 of the Three Kingdoms

Yuan Zhong helplessly Yuan Shaoao.

"This will not want me ..."

Yuan Shao instant is forced ...

The mother of this mother, Yuan Shu, do it to work for him to make his stick?

Yuan Zhong put his hand and said: "This is my first, don't worry, don't worry ...

The meaning of the owner is to let you first solve the things of the horse, the rest of the money, he will plan to put it ... After all, the road is now the face of Yuanjia, this thing, must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise Lost our Yuan's signboard, which is also unfavorable to you ... "

The four-year three public, the hero is full.

This is the big signboard that Yuan's hanging out. At this time, Liu Wei is only secret to Yuan Shu. If this news is passed out, Yuan Jia's gold signboard, directly in Yuan Shu's hand ...

What will the world say?

Yuan Shu is famous for the name, and Yuan Shao is named with him. It is also a general manager ...

Yuan Zhong's words, Yuan Shao is unwilling, and must be considered.

Because the rights given by the family are relative.

The twenty-fifth chapter Luoyang shake, Dong Zhuo's shadow! 2

Yuan Shao recruits to buy horses, playing Yuan's name, at this time, Yuan Shu has a problem, he can only listen to his owner, to give him a fart with Yuan family's identity | shares ...

"War horse, I am just so 2,000."

Yuan Shao caught in the entanglement, is it guilty: "Uncle, there is no other way, these war horses are very important to me ... Why don't let the master play, ordered Liu Wei to put the road?"

"You are in Hebei, I don't know Luoyang situation." Yuan Zhong sighed: "Now Luoyang City, the Dongfei pig's shackles, the master of the house, actually, even the emperor is difficult!"

I really don't know if Dongfei pigs have filled what the soul soup, now everything is, Dong Zhuo is responsible, Luoyang Qunchen, I only know Dong Zhuo, I don't know if there is a child ... "

Don, Yuan Zhong continued: "The owner's meaning is to let the first first use the battle horse, first give the road to the back, and then accelerate your own strength ... When you are in the road, one South, one, North, I don't even have something wrong with it. "

Yuan Shaozhen wants to say, Yuan Shu, this pig, become your sister! ? Still don't rely on Laozi! ?

However, the order of the owner is all, Yuan Sha is only helpless ...

After all, Yuan Shu is also his biological brother. If you don't save him, you will have a good reputation in the Ri Nationality.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shaoqiang is heartache, saying: "Uncle, these two thousand horses, I will find a way! But hundreds of millions of money, the North Sea can not get it, can only let Yuan Shu's Nanyang County, I will be responsible!"

Yuan Shao in his heart, hated Liu Wei, more hated Yuan Shu!

These two thousand horses, but he has worked hard, ready to set up a cavalry! Now you have to give Liu Wei now!

All of this, weird Yuan Shu, even tired of the speed of the development!

Luoyang City.

At this time, Luoyang City has been bustling before the moon, the vendors in the streets are almost no, a little quiet depression.

" ...... urgent newspaper ..."

A fast horse rushed to, the horseback on the letter made the whole person on the horseback, go straight to the Taishi House on Suzaku Street.

The sound of the horseshoe " " emerged, breaking this tranquility.

"Haha, you, come full of this cup."

The Taichi, in the Chamber of Commendation, at this time, a grand banquet is working, Dong Zhuo fat body is squeezed in two beautiful people, and will lead the wine in the hand.

"Taishi is now in Luoyang, 100,000 big army tiger, and it is far away. It is a great trend. Congratulations!"

In the hands of the sea, the gods, hands and drinks, to Dong Zhuo Zhuo.

"Haha, the same happiness!"

Nourishing ~~

Dong Zhuo took the wine in the glass into the throat, secretly!

"I want to respect the world, I will pretend to be a cup. Thanks to the first, I will help me get together the big army of the West, I have today!"

Dong Zhuo body is a means of hion, and it is natural to come.

After he was on the drink, he personally filled the wine for Lu Bu, laughed: "I have already invited the heavens, the will of the emperor, and the will be the universal general of the gods. I hope to continue to defend Luoyang. The country kills the enemy! "

Lu Bu Huai did not meet, anti-dwelling, now it is already the top of Dong Zhuo's hand.

Li Ru, even the military division came toast, said: "Taicheng has a peer-free army, from this, then there will be no longer need to be afraid that there is no double Liu Zixuan."

Dong Zhuo smiled and said: "Liu Yizhen is really mad, last time we have a bad luck, next time, can you so easily let him go!"

"Liu Wei destroyed, why did the Taishi people do your hand? I heard that Liu Hao has been eye-catching by tens of thousands of strong stories in Yunnan County.

"Also, Nanyang Taishou Yuan Shu, recently, is also a troops of five or 60,000 people, and also stare at the fat meat of Sichuan, I want to bite Liu Wei!"

"There is a difficulty in this second side, Liu Wei after the Warron Wars, the soldiers are not enough for 10,000, where to stop,!"

"Yeah, Chuanchuan County thousands of miles, easy to attack, Liu Wei wants!"

The public will talk about, and all the words are all in a gloating.

Hearing Dong Zhuo Lianlian, eyebrows opened.

When everyone was painful, Liu Wei, the Director, a spoon is far from the beginning: " ~ ~ ~ ... ..."

"It's coming soon, is Liu Zixuan, this kid, was hit by Yuan Shu with Mu Kezhai, was defeated?"

Dong Zhuo excitedly stood up and hurriedly asked.

"Meet the Masters ..."

Single knees, said: "Liu Wei hits the most powerful Mu Kezhai forces in the county, and then we have received more than 10,000 intensive, and the next trip is light ride.

The Taishi Directors Directors, a boiling:


"Looking for death, your mother's lie military situation?"

"Liu Wei also made a moth !?"

Many of them will kill this probe.

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