The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2511 of the Three Kingdoms

Originally, the battle of the night is moving toward the favorable direction, and the result was blown by this wind blow ~

"There is such a person in the Han army array !?"

Yuan Tianzhen feels that the riots of I are aura, and the dream is moving.

The road law was repaired by him. This is the way to induce the sky, and the Wolong Zhuge Liang takes the way of sacrifice. Can you notice?

This is the true world as a chessboard, and the scholars will be chess. Two people play a game.

The first time the work is more stable and updated. Seeking the books of books. Ask for a look, and the ticket is evaluated.

The second thousand three hundred and seventy-nine chapters of the saint of the masters! This world is big, where there is room for retaining!

? The truth between Taoist lives with the literary masters, although there is no fighting star, but also affects the heaven and earth gas.

Vehicle, drop, excited.

In the grassland, the white swept is spectacular and human is at this time, it looks a little small.

It is even if it is the attack between the Safang Taijun, and it is also in the heavens.

Mourning, the scream is not dry, Yuan Tianyi must send Zhang Yang, the road law reminds the ultimate, there is ghosts and gods. Wolong Zhuge Liang also welcomes the way of Hao Ran's vanity, the air-haired clouds, but from time to time, there is from the voices of Jin iron, this fight, the battle is like, the heart is fascinating.

Although Liu Hao did not follow the warfield of the battlefield, the war of the system panel was like the Gods, and the battlefield was also held before and after.

Taoism, the attack of the Saint Wen is more focused on the spiritual aspects, communicating the heavens and the earth. Observes are to use, and murdered with the soil of the martial arts. But it is very different. However, the Taoism and Holy Wen's way can be used by heaven and earth. It is also like a fish in the battlefield. Almost the situation of a war. Zhuge Liang and Yuan Tianzhen this demonstration. With the premiegest time, the prostitutes killed, and the attention of the wind rolls all the attention of the two people. The mad thunder is very flash, and the Dynasty List of the Dynasty Yang Yongli fluttering, joined the battlefield.

"Some to help the Wai Dragon Missionary"

Wang Yangming is also the genius of Wen Dao, and the voice is like a saints.

At this time, I have been broken when I have broken the balance between the strong helper, and Yuan Tianyi has a means, but it is not as good.

The Xilaang Master was in the air, and it was rolling, and finally pressed Yuan Tianzhu's way.

Yuan Tianzi can't prevent it. He was attacked by Wolong Zhuge Haoran, such as a heavy hammer. Spiritual shock, spit out a bite of Yinhong blood. a long time. The spell cigarette elimination has finally restored the calm calm. Li Jingguan Wang battlefield judgment is a sufficient order, "Dao law is abolished, drums and slammed the Taiying Wuli Military Executive Dagger Plan," Dithry, the martial arts must prepare the Taoist Taoist to take Li Shimin's first level] "


The military will be in the military. Suddenly led. And at this time, the Supreme Suspentry of the Turki and the elders, the main minister, the two people have been stupid.

Looking at Yuan Tianzhang Leaf Blood, I have a little bit of understanding.

I am shaking in my heart!



too frightening!

The Changling of Saints, although the Hao Ran is not visible, there is a feeling of feelings and shock from the depths of the mind, it is difficult to speak A


The angle of the murderer sound suddenly sounded.

At the command of Li Jing, the Tai Han Tiger, the slap, started to have a fierce offensive.

The soldiers of the two sides hit together, and the people in the vast wilderness boil horses, the screams were in the ear!

Dragon Scales, the rigging, and the five lines of rumored gold cone were formed. Just like the sharp sharp knife, the evilness poked into the tutenant.

With the symmetrical cavalry known as the cavalry, it is stuck in the ground, and it is directly killed by the heavy cavalry.

Tiger is also a strict array, such as tide. Following the Dragon Scales and the ripples launched a frenzy.

Listening to the increasingly near the ear, Li Erli is unique to the whole person, and the squat is on the ground. The grandchildren did not have a sleeve, and the face was tightly pulled, and the rush of the rush. "The main bus is going, and I am not only afraid to fall in the shares!" Li Shimin sighed: "Where to go What is the too much of this world?? "?"

"Your Majesty. What is it?"

The beauty of the beauty of the venue is slightly smashed, and it is slightly surprised to see Liu Wei in the emperor.

After the marriage contract with Liu Wei, the business is naturally two members of Liu Haohou.

She used the entire second horse pasture as a dowry, gave Liu Wei (BIBH), but also arrived at the front line and was responsible for Liu Wei's living meal.

"The military machine has passed the latest battle report, Li Pharmus successfully wins, returning to the four soil five tonights to launch a gratitude, trapped in the camp, I am going to be in a boy!" Shang Xiwei put the plate in his hand On the table, gentlely tailor the crown for Liu Wei, "Congratulations," Congratulations, "Congratulations," Congratulations, "I have to take care of the military, and I have to take care of the body. This pigeon minister is slow and delicate."

Liu Yulan smiled up a white jade bowl, and he had smelled a fragrant scent of a trainee.

It is also a non-polite, and there is a lot of bones in the case of too many cases.

The business show is a smile, and the most joyful thing is to look at Liu Wei to eat her.

This makes her heart have a strange feeling.

Unfortunately, this warm moment did not last too long.

Liu Yucai put down the tableware. There is a short and very urgent footsteps outside the account. Yu Wenzhao's rolling cloaks have been stepping out, in the county of Liu Wu. The knee kneeling, she felt the tricks, "Chen Meets to see the emperor, Your Majesty, the emperor, Your Majesty!"

Liu Hao placed the hair and asked "The military machine has a push?" Yu Wenzhao respectfully handed a hand-in-law newspaper, said: "Your Majesty, last night, the king, the killing, the killing, the killing Tens of thousands of rides, even the murderous criticism, and the gold wolf is now playing a shief mountain! "

what! ?

Liu Wei is slightly oscillated. Last night, he watched the battlefield of the front battlefield. Li Jing was controlled the entire front battlefield, but did not pay attention to the giant breakthrough on this side.

I took the battle report, a rough sweeping, Liu Yu, can't help but hang a lightweight curvature: "East Turk"

The martial arts is crazy

The Mount Wang Mountain is the last barrier of Turki Wang Ting.

From the beginning of the development of the strategy, the wolf ride, such as broken bamboo is almost chiseling the entire Turki Wang Ting's side, straight to the Huanglong! Open the system panel, see if there is a series of information.

, ,,

The force of the force of the force, can be called the unioneer, which can be called unparallert, and the martial arts will reach the martial arts.

"The so-called Gai Shi will, is the martial arts."

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