The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2513 of the Three Kingdoms



l Surprised the sky, the ghosts and gods


L Probably last for half a time, the end of the court gradually calmed down the dust. ,

All Turkic cavalry frightened stunned eyes, the heart's beating suddenly stopped.

The battlefield is. There have been more than ten meters of deep pit.

A majestic as the figure of the gods stood in his hand, holding a bloody man.

The flesh and blood is blurred. However, it can identify his appearance and is the war of Turk. , Wu Zun Bi Xuan!

Wind blowing grassland, grass is depressed.

Kowloon Tiandi's chariot is parked outside the center of the battlefield.

Liu Hao is full of hands on a mountain. Watching the Turkic Open Battlefield Haohao Qingfeng blowing him Zijinyu robe hunting.


Jinyiwei forces in the military machine will go over, single knee. I hit the loudly said: "The Wolong Mission is too broken. Li Pharmigus commands the Taijun to promote the Taijun, and the final line of attacking the Turkic Army" "The newspaper monk letter the generals of the tricks and shoulder and shoulder Wang Zhen, our army is rustic!" "The newspaper Yuan Tianzhang has been defeated by the Wolong military division. In the incombuders, it has been transferred back by Wulin Jun Master Xiao Qian. Learning to hear a long-term source of arrival!"

At the close of the ministers on Liu Wu, the people who bought the championships and buddies.

The front battlefield has made breakthrough progress. The Turkic Shuangshi Army is the defeat situation of the landslide tsunami. It is in the near future. Liu Hao opened the system panel at this time. I also discovered a series of Scorpio system prompts that sounded in the ear:

"Congratulations to the host,. Li Jing commander, hit the Queen Turki Taijun's additional reward worship point, cumulative rewards double the value

"Li Jing's battle between five bones and affiliates have received additional improvement, please know that the host L"

Liu Hao was free to open Li Jing's personal property. Sure enough, Liu Wei has increased the value of two points. "The mountain Zhuge Liang took the vast way of vast Holy Wen, and the Taoist live people Yuan Tianzhu is in the sand field, and the victory congratulations. The host is well-known! "" Looks Wang Yangming, helping Wolong Zhuge Liang and Taoist real people Yuan Tianzhang done in the sand field. And achieved victory, congratulations on the cultivation of his Wenyao, please ask the host! "

Liu Wei observed the scene of consciousness of holographic projection. This looks at a grand movie to be addicted.

Several battlefields were carried out simultaneously. The squatting between the Safang Taijun. Blood and must be woven into a magnificent battle of Jin Ge Tiema.

This kind of cold weapon kills the blood band, which is definitely not a film and television drama of the world.

"Your Majesty, get up."

The emperor saw Liu Yan looked at the battlefield of the sky. . It seems that a gentle little wife moves softly to Liu Hao on the white fox.

At this time, the Taihang and the thate warriors have continued to have a lot of colds in the winter. Liu Wei held the ...................... The shadow fan shrouded in Turki Wang Ting scattered.

Liu Wei saw two shocking scenes.

The martial arts Tianshi's second hand holding a double hook spear, holding a hand, a gods, a horses, hanging a man who is still dripping.

"Wu Zun Bi Xuan people blocked myself here!"

The brilliant city in this grassland is a wolf whispering, and the slogan of Turkic language.

East rumored

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The second thousand three hundred eighty-two chapters Less Shuai Dragon! Yanyang Dafa!

? "Wu Mei Tian Wang Rui Rounted to kill the Turkovo Road Taizong Master Wu Zun Bi Xuan extra reward worship points, merits the value point. I got an emperor rating hidden treasure chest. Please know L"

"Too Snow Wolf attacks the Turkic Wang Ting, Huang Wen, Zu Wei, etc. will experience the iron blood battle, the risk of the risk!" The system has passed a series of Jiji. Liu Wu's spirit of the spirit of this war has been completely dumped with blood.

The ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm going to my wife. Just look at it, I know that Liu Hao is very good at this time. Liu Wei pointed to the grassland in the mountain. Like smile: "After a few days, here will become the territory of Taihan, plug in Taihang Banqongqi!" The wind is like a knife L.

Li Shimin fell on the horse. Dragon arrows in the deep horses in the depths of the grassland! The wolf is a tremble with the tail.

Liu Wu was steadily sitting on the Diaoyutai. He is like a funeral, and he fled in the grassland.

From time to time, the most terrible ear, the wolf pointer, the ride, there seems to have endless chase, crazy chasing.

The horror is like a tide called Li Shimin, simply suffocating.

The grandchildren did not even went to his legs. The two arrows were tightly tightly followed by Li Shimin.

"Speed ​​back to Wang Ting led soldiers to withdraw the depths of the desert!"

Li Er in the end or Li Yixue is desperate, but also stabilizes the mentality of only hundreds of mysteroid ride behind him. This hundred triethical ride broke the gallbladder by the jade iron ride, just like a funeral, there is no hierarchy of the war's war. And night gallop. The slightest dare to stop the Turki Wang Ting finally hopes. Li Erzhen suddenly laughed too much: "This is the sky. It is too difficult to get it. It will never be lost in the future. It will be in the mountains and the mountains and the main public Dongshan!" " May the Lord Chang Mountain will then start! "Li Erriegel's cavalry was invited by infection. Rhymes are slightly excited. However, at this time, the grassland came up with the sound of the horses, a long hacking," He is here Li Shimin Downower death


It is only seen on the horizon in the horizon. Black pressure cavalry appeared! People L;

/% O,

It seems that it is like a group of unique ants! Log:

The horseshoe started on the ground to shake the rain, the smoke is swept, and the heavens and the earth are full of suffocating terror.

Li Erzhu Pakistan Zhang Wei fell into the eyes. It is desperate. After the war of the East Turk, after a period of time, the end of the end curtains. Li Jing used the soldiers and odds, with Wu Roun Wang, Qi, thousands of miles, and the army, the army, and wear the entire main battlefield.

The slaughter of the martial arts. It is completely about God.

The entire line of Turki is arranged. At the same time, I simply shape the dummy too snow Cangwang riding, and the Turkic tribe of the blood and slaughter. The adult green is all killed, only mentioning the name of the wolf ride to let the grassland's three-year-old child stopped at night cry!

The battle of is crazy. The heroic protrudes, directly entered the Turki Wang Ting, and finally took off the head of Turki Khan.

In addition to the Zhuge Liangfu Fighting, Yuan Tianzhu, Liu Wei also received a surprise. Cao Shaoqin rolled the wind, holding this scorpion, walking from the distance, singing, king, king, king, Liu Wei, a few steps, a few steps, a boxing: "Kaiji Xiu Xiang Zhong Yi Li Pharmacist layout ratio White horse cavalry soldiers opened outside Kill Li Erte offers ahead of his first level

"Third, I finally did Li Er."

Liu Wei heard that a rocky stone in this military report was. Finally landed. Li Shimin is also the world of the world, this should have never been planted in the hands of the stretch. . When I got the wooden box of Cao Shain, I saw the people of Li Er, and the poorer of the eyes. Stop the last moment of despair.

"Li Er was killed on the spot by the murder, and the single knife was killed, and he killed hundreds of Xuanjia riding. Since this sound, the army said that it is a small handsome. Li Erzi's master grandchildren. It is also difficult to fight He listened to the news of Cao Shaoqin's news Liu Wei's wooden box. Handed back to Cao Shaoqin. Sapphire, said, "This is also a generation. The passing of the barters, the burial, Li Er, and the long sun is afraid in Li Erqing to do his monarch. "


Cao Shaoqin's office is the meaning of Liu Wei. The head of Li Wei left.

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