The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2537 of the Three Kingdoms

The second thousand four hundred and ten chapters are full of life! A bold idea!

The Taihan Son took the lead with a hit Guoda. The Taihan Qunchen also begun to follow it.

All tigers in the scene are also tiered with a rumor, and it is full of solemn feelings.

Everyone is alive, and the future people will send Xu Da 's Spirit to the Emperor Tower.

Wait until the end of the cumbersome ceremony. Xu Huizu went to Liu Wei to push Jinshan poured the jade column and fell to the ground. "When the father of the father, only hate can follow the squadron to create a unparalleled minister, and all will be a bloody Your Majesty, I'm going to die! "Hey!

"Congratulations to the loyalty of the host Xu Huizu, full of extra award worship, the current Xu Huizu, the king of the king, the death of the father, the special attributes, and the character will receive additional lifting L"

Xu Huizu, a second force, intelligence, political system, special skill, Xu Huizu, from the young, middle school, Taiwan, Taiji, his father's demonstration, deep-mightworthy army.

Xu Huizu rate + L stunt. The father said: Xu Huugu is working, adhering to his father. When you turn on the Book, its characteristic attribute will get additional improvement.

I heard the system prompt, Liu Wei, calm, put a hand: "Get up, Xu Huizu Xu Huizu, your father, you want you to be Yaozu, you enter the dynasty, don't bear your father's hopes, and there is still war, I hope that you will learn to be the dynasty. "

Fucking father is no dog.

In history, Xu Huizu's light was covered by his old War's War Lenon, and he was also a rare talent.

In the Ming Dynasty, Yan Wang Zhu Xi was rebelled. Xu Huizu has alert to Jianwen Emperor in advance.

Unfortunately, I didn't listen to Xu Huizu, I didn't listen to Xu Huizu, so I was successful, and I regretted that I didn't use Huizu's words.

"The Tai Han Dynasty has such a wise Shengming's emperor, I can wait for the match!"

The military in the scene will look at Xu Huizu, if you can't help but sigh.

He saw a will star. It's rising.

Lu Xun, Xie Anwei Wen Zuyu

After such a group of Dynasties, a group of Wang Dynasties will be the Taihu Han dynasty. Li Jing, who was called the small war god in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, also got Liu Wei's thick seal into Bai Xiangsheng, and Xu Huizu can do, in the future. Naturally, don't say tons more

After sending Xu Da's spiritual position into the Emperor's British Soul Tower, Liu Hao returned to the East Palace.


The Lord of the West Palace is actually

With Liu Wei's repair, although it can perfectly control your emotions. But the sixth sense of the woman is very terrible. The women still feel that they have a little low. After using the gods, they used to scattered, left to Liu Wei and Queen Cai Wenji.

After retreating the maidair in the palace, Cai Wenji relieved in Liu Wei's shoulder side: "People have a death, Xu Da, the old man, the horse, the brilliant, there is no regret, I don't worry myself. For the Queen of Good Experience. Liu Yulan smiled, firmly took the treasures of Cai Wenji. "What is going to do is that there is no one to go, and it will never be there. The road "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Liu Wei hugged Cai Wenji Wangji, and the heart was getting striped.

The Dynasty immortal promotion of the heavens

Among the West Palace.

The beauty of the beauty, "His Majesty and clearing the **. Siders is the most love. Xu Da is the old general, so I am deeply impressed. '

Cai Mei is thinking about it, "I have never seen it so long, I have never seen it, hehe!"

The harem has no doubt that all have a beautiful woman, but there is a common place.

The mind of the people. All are all in Liu Wei, and the joy of worry is happy, not outside.

The atmosphere is stuffy, and the West Palace He Wei suddenly laughed:. "To make your majesty, I have an idea."

"What is the idea of ​​my sister?"

He Wei smiled and smiled: "Life and death, such as the spring and autumn run, but I heard. Xu Da Lao's home has a young girl named Xu Yi Huasheng's posture, Duan Zhuang Xian Shu is all known, just it is Holy Emperor If you don't want to marry. If you call Xu Yi Hua to enter the palace to choose on the side of the king, it is not beautiful? "

Bai Lingyu's beautiful said: "If you really think that the sister is really feasible, the Xu family must, there will be the benefici. If the old general, the old general is also enough to comfort the people, a too big idea, I am in my heart.

After the old, Xu Da has never affected the operation of the big man.

The first is that the little war god Li Jing and Xu Huizu have entered the military courses of the Dynasty Xue Xue Tihu Tang.

4 Then, the big man in Wuzhu also has a smooth threshold to participate in the Wuzhu in several worlds.

Up to the Sanxion of the Ten Old Web to the quad boy, they have participated in.

It is just that the [] Low, but also more attention to the weight of the qualification and the qualified layer screening, but more. Stain.

Zeng Guofan wore a product to serve high, and the light is looking at everyone, and the past

Light. ,

The military will have to go to the state that there is a brave man.

After the first test of Wu Zhu, I also had to test the steps of the knot in the army and killed the army. So the stone lion fierce male who can raise a hundred pounds is eligible to enter the next round. This has been eliminated a Taijun to put the Wuzhu candidates under the platform, and it is naturally emerging. It is unfolded that the unfolded off-site examination is carried out in an orderly manner.

At this time, I saw a strong man of the nine people's male body, and the tiger stepped up and smiled. "This martial arts Yuan Wang Fuzi is going to be."

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The twenty-one chapter of the next chapter is Xue Li, the expression is kind!

? "This is afraid not to be crazy?" "" The madness relies on him to take a statement? "

In the crowd, everyone laughed. I looked at Wang Fuqing waiting to see his jokes.

Zeng Guofan is calm. Landless; "Ying Yuan is not to rely on his mouth, you are also coming, you will follow the rules."

"Thank you for the main examiner." This is called Wang Fuzhen's height of 9th. The body is rushing to the mountain after Thanks to Zeng Guofan, he tried to the stone lion, but he shakes his head and smiled. Where is the common people raise? This is what you have to grow up. It is too light!? Wang Fuzi Tiger and glance just see that the two stone lions under the stage will have a good fortune.

"You are the one!"

The arrogance is too laughing, and the Yu Fuzhen is going to go.

The candidates on the field have a big mistake and sighing that it will encounter such a enchanting.

This one of the arms is at least a thousand!

Wang Fuzhen highlights the stone lion is not angry, but the tiger is watching the scene. Going back to the ground on the stage, leaving the stone lion in your hand on the ground. Only heard a flooded dust and flying.

Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang's two major main examinations. Touching the first light and spit out one word:


One world in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Jade Qilin Lu Junyi Leopard head Lin Chong and other Tahan will supervise this world. The Northern Song Dynasty world has also experienced too cleaning, and the martial arts is either died in the Dynasty. Either it is either surplus the Tai Han. The opportunity to appear in the next round is still not coming. But it is good to be a powerful figure.

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