The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2546 of the Three Kingdoms

The Emperor of the Emperor is unpredictable.

The Dynasty Tiger is, if you respect the gods, I will give them a bear, and I don't dare to think that the woman under the Emperor's Majesty is.

"At the end of 4, Ma Wei, see the Emperor of the Emperor," I have just arranged the emperor's account in advance. I saw a youth to kneel down the door. It is a lot of mature than a few years ago.

In addition to the force of force, the two-term attributes, the growth of Ma Wei, has also stolen the scar behind a few wars, and there is some steady intersection.

"Let's get up."

Liu Yulong went to step forward, helping Ma Wei, smiling: "Blood battles Rome, but who is hard to pay?"

Ma Wei's spiritual looks: "The end will be, willing to be ahead of the head!" Three Kingdoms will take the same time, it is that Ma Wei and Wei Yan Wei Yan still die in the hands of Ma

"Okay, ok, good!"

Liu Haoyi smiled and took his shoulder. Asked:. "Mark's one is all over, and it is very comfortable."

I of the first morning and more stable and updated the bookmates. Seeking money to enjoy the ticket, evaluation tickets support the mountain!

| PI timeline is not necessary.

The second thousand four hundred twenty-one chapters are not described!

The Taihan Emperor account.

Burning a deep and smell of sandalwood hidden hockery.

Cleopatra is sitting on a soft Persian blanket, her shoulder, the waist is straight, and the long trample is overlapping, slightly tilting to the left.

The chest is full, and the body is migram. There is a very awkwardness between the face of the exotic style, and it is an unpleasant beauty.

It seems to hear that the outside of the house is a very horrible cat, and it is a frightened cat.

then. A man with a hero, a man. Push the account [I came in. The deep Shenwei is, such as the world, overlooking the world, giving people extreme stress Cleopatra breathing.

Intelligent, she already knows that this is the emperor of the Oriental Han.

Liu Yu's eyes, a bright sense of mind, the frightening and uneasiness of this Essenger, the first is that intimate is directly lost.

After Egypt, Cleopatra, a force, intelligence, politics 4. Charm! Stunt officer: Cleopatra specializes in the power of the situation

Zhijiu + Politics + L Stunt, Essence: Moi, Mo, this L

Cleopata charm + common people see it, the initial good feeling + QL "After the Egyptians?"

Liu Wu got a woman who was strongly calm. The hearts have emerged in her heart.

This is a great woman who is controversial. ,

Some people say that she appeared ugly, like a snake, disorder: Roman Empire. Liu Wei is nose.

This is obviously nonsense.

Men chasing beauty is the natural Cleopatra is really ugly, Roma, Tani Caesar, and Anthony are the eyes and fall down to her skirt !?

However, the maid has checked the Egyptian and still finished, Liu Wei looked up at the chin of Cleopatra looked at her chu. In my heart, I hit a lot of fire, and I said that Liu Wei pressed the beautiful, and the light is hot.

The emperor's wind flows almost.

Mountain mountain

I omit a five words

, Imagine

"Too Snow Wolf Ride Antos Mountain Run Spa (Bibal" "Huanglong Water Show is defeating the Western Navy before defeating the entire Sparta,

Chen Qingzhi pointed to the map decisively gave the final battle strategic deployment. The five tigers will be gathered in the Tiger Kowloon.

Everyone sinks and half his life, and I agree with Chen Qingzhi's arrangement.

"As long as you get the hot spring, the marathon plain, Wiusi thousand miles is too snowy wolf to ride a few days. You can kill the Roman Wangcheng will not be called the Roman king of the eternal city."

At this time, the development of historical trajectories has taken place. The Roman Empire, which is facing, is the most sharp Emparta in the West, and Sweden is the most sharp two claws in the Roman Empire.

"Lu Bu, Ma Chao led Tai Snow, wolf, ride, Antos, rushing hot spring!" Han Shizhong leads Huanglong water teacher to prepare a waters, and the Swedish Navy "" Uncommered, Follow! "

The military will also recognize Chen Qingzhi's strategic arrangement.

After the soldiers, the Military Military Order issued the Daxan dynasty as a precise war machine, running.

Liu Wei greeted the fresh sea breeze on the Huanglong Boat.

I look at the blue sea. Behind the Huanglong Bayer ship is strictly arranged in the entire sea. The boat is full of Tai Han Tiger, and the armor, the gun is too big, and the front side, just wait for Liu Wu to kill the tiger.

"The Ministry of Ji'an is ready!" Too will be aunt.

The Minister of Ji'an is the most elite attacking force inside the Huanglong water.

"This war is supervised by the Korean army." Liu Wei smashed his hand to sign Han Shizhong issued a command.

The Water Battle is not a war in the Han Dynasty, Han Shizhong, leading the big man, Huanglong Water, the war, the war, the war. "Leading!"

Han Shizhong smashed the king of Boxing and waving: "Jin Yizhou front drive L blows the angle. Ready to attack."

Ming Zhen Ming ~ "The horns whispered the horn suddenly sounded on the sea!

Number-taking the warship crossed the sea area, just like thousands of huge Huanglong reach the sea to start.

The Huanglong Navy is advancing in front of the front.

There is a sharp scream that has a sharp sound. "I found the enemy warship! Jintan is ready to attack!"

Liu Wei stood in a high place and heavily seen that there were several tilles of the sea line to rely on the striker of the Huanglong Water.

Kill L

It is reasonable to look at the distance in the cold and swayed.

kill! Kill kill!

The pawns of the Jami Minquan chests. If a mad tiger.

Western battles come soon. However, they have not been close to the Tai Han Huanglong Navy, and they are slammed into the formation. Second Fly Radle L

The Dynasty 's scientific and technological developed rapidly. Flying Leisons a few technological innovations are no longer a fly random car.

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