The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2548 of the Three Kingdoms

The two sides have a tacit challenge to the end of the silence.

Altemcia cheek : "After you surrendered, I will not let the Wang brother inferee. When you are, the king of the East, Liu Wei, who mentioned the Jiulong jade belt:" You can rest assured that Rome must stay Your family life. "



Liu Wei, the sword, sweeping all day, can be said to be a lotus, and he has never been eaten in this area.

Alte Missia weddy and breathed, the beautiful eyes did not dare to confuse the round, and even the mouth is too k. Stable and update to ask the book to subscribe, ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, and evaluate tickets to support you. Three things in reading

The twenty-three chapters of the chapter of the seven sea rival!

? Angry!

It seems that it is essentially condensed into an antiyan flame. I have to get thinly from this pair of beautiful eyes!

Altemcia in the Roman Empire. It is the emblem of honor and elegant and elegant. All the dream of the Roman Empire man hooks her finger, and the countless men can die.

But Liu Wei is just this contemptuous attitude!

Altermia seems to be a kitten that was stepped on the tail. Suddenly fried: "You will definitely regret! The Roman Navy is 120,000, which has been preached. Enclose the whole sea area"

After the Egyptian Yan, who was obedient in the face, the Girl fell to the two countries. The Five-Fifth Army is fighting too much, and is it a boat shock?

Riding Long Ma Liu Yu back to the first hope to see Alte Missia angry, smile and swaying her, waving sleeves, floating, to kill this bobbied rose is invincible Liu Hao is not difficult.

But as the Dynasty, Tai Emperor has to be too emperor.

Liu Wei's pants did not recognize people, and there is also a confidence in the front of the Western Navy. Black cloud

This venue will be loaded into the history of the history of the history.

Alte Missia can use the woman's body, when the Naval commander of the Roman Empire is really extraordinary.

The Western Navy's ship array severely launched a rapidly rapid offensive from three different directions.

The sea is killing whizes.

Standing on a high-high landlord, Altemcia returned to absolutely exquisite and calm. Ordered to the Midhan Navy launched a fanatic offensive.

The Western Navy is in the three different directions to the Han army from the Han army from the three different directions.

The thousands of battles run through the sea is really a magnificent scene.

Han Shizhong according to Jian said: "Western Navy boat is not as good as Huanglong war ship, knows that avoiding flying thunder bombardment ~ also. Western naval warship stopped outside the sea of ​​fly ranks outside the sea, such as Wolf teeth Direct Direct Di Di To the majestic Huanglong warship.

Liu Wei smelled a fire oil taste, Shen Sheng: "Want to use it? From time to time, there is a sound of the water into the water, that is the Western Navy's water ghost force. They hold the sealed in the jar Fine oil. Jumping into the sea from the boat begins with the Huanglong war boat. "Jinfan! Ready!" LOQ

Gan Shi extends ravers like Tiger 4

Kill L Kill L kill!

When the cold cold knife, the Western Roman Navy is suddenly cut, the countless Jinfan is elite, and the play begins.

Talking about the Water War. The Minister of Jami also killed from the bloody sea of ​​the corpse. Facing Western Navy is also killing and unparalleled. The mourning of the Western Navy's mourning, the mourning of the Western Navy is the slaughter. However, there is still a water ghost, and there is still the edge of the Huanglong Boat. It will be filled with oil jars into the sea, and a pungent smell is turned on.

"Burning the Han people! The emperor of the Han Dynasty gratiforn, I want him to do my servant |"

Roman Navy Clearing Altemcia Yuxi Ice Link. Stat to wave the order. I thought that Liu Hao's thin and strong tooth itching, it is not good.

This is obviously the Western Navy's shelling a warming means.

Roman soil makes the whole body's strength to throw it out of the lake.

Bear! Bear! Bear! !

The blazing flames quickly burn the watergow in the sea into the fire, the blue sea, also became a fire sea. "This mother is really awkward."

Liu Wei smiled.

The strategic implementation of the Western Navy is not bad, but unfortunately they are not a general watermaster forces.

They encountered the Huanglong Navy in the Oriental Sea

After the Huanglong Boat Festival passed through the department, the iron knife gun that had already been wrapped in it had not been entered. Natural is not afraid of fire attack, it is a solid abnormality.

This sea must attack the people, but it is also a Huanglong water teacher. On the Roman Navy Battle, I saw the Huanglong Navy fleet of the Weihai Tai Han, who is joyful to celebrate the upcoming victory.

Unfortunately, the scenes of the next thing have let their eyes fall away. I saw that the screaming fire sea, majestic and the Oriental dragon wrapped in all the momentum sweeping everything, rushing.

"How is the mountain? How can this possible.?"

"Even less burn!"

"The Battle of Oriental Han people is hard to suffer from God!?" The Shanghai army will be mourning, and the smile on the Alte Miscia face is solidified. Bitten ordered: "Talk three sides, hit the Taihan Battle boat !!

The screaming angle suddenly sounded the Roman Navy as a madness, and the god of the gods of the big man.

"This madman."

Standing at the heights to wait and see the battlefield Liu Wei behind the hemon of the wind, the wind, but can't help but laugh.

This is a typical self-injury one thousand killing hundred play, Alte Missia also wants to use people's tactics. Active pile of death Han army.

From time to time, there is a Roman wars to fly the fierce offensive (Li), but after all, there is a battles crazy. Gan Ning is universally pentium, such as a tiger, whispering:. "The shackles came to send themselves

Its Ning people loudly in the bow, and a knife with a long-term rice, suddenly won, the boat of the Western Navy Battle of the Western Navy Boat of the beast, smashed into the western half on,

The warning of the repeated trend suddenly brought the Western battles. Gan Ning has jumped and falls on the other of a warship. Zhou Tai Jiang Qin Chen Wu, Dong

Waiting for the work, it will also take Qi Qi Weihu Wolf to intercepted the Western Warcraft.

The two sides have fallen into the fire in the side of the blood.

The second morning, the second, more stable and updated, seeking the book, Taiyi, Jiang Yu. Ask for a visit, evaluation ticket Support Fei Lu remind you: reading three things

The twenty-four chapter of Liu Wei Shen Wu shot! Son of the Son Sword, Chihai Pingjiang!

? Altemcia's beautiful wreath does not dare to confuse everything in front of you. Roman Empire, conquering the West.

The Roman watermaster also dominated the entire mid-to-middle seas and did not know how many enemies.

However, today's number of people in the enemy is actually revealed by the Oriental Navy! The combat plus of the Oriental Hanjun watermaster is terrible to be unimaginable!

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