The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2557 of the Three Kingdoms

Golden arrows have made a bright meteor, and the treasure cracks are straight in the Roman Queen.

Q This rod symbolizes the banner of absolute power, and crashes to collapse L.

"Han Shizhong Bow I Huanglong Navy is too defeated the Western Navy and the Tong Bing of the Roman language is too popular in the battlefield. The collapse of Caesar is too defeated by the Roman Legus. I didn't consciously brought some excitement in the sound.

The stron of thousands of miles with the most powerful empire of the West, finally arrived at the stage of the end!

Caesar is in the entire Roman Empire to fall into the chaos of the group, and the worker is in the madness of the Taihang. The first more stable update of the work in the morning, and the book friends are subscribed, ask for more than tickets, evaluation ticket support.

The second thousand and forty-three chapters will be also!

Liu Wei nodded slightly, said: "The password to the five tigers, the generals on the Tiger Tiger, whether you have to grab it to the West Coast's control right of the West."

"Lower minister, obey!"

Bao Wen's heart admires Liu Yumei's strategy. I am hugging, I will lead myself to go today, dozens of orders in the Roman Empire are gathered on the West Coast. As long as they go to the West Coast, the barriers of the Roman King City are completely collapsed. ,

Before the Eternal King City, it was a tank.

The cruel war is still continuing the West Coast has become a corpse of the Roman soldiers from time to time. It is no longer a blue, like a blood sea thorns and scarlets.

Altemcia is fascinated.

She led the Roman Empire Navy, the Western Sea area, which has never been a conqueror's posture. But now it is conquered. Alte Missia couldn't help but ask: "Caesar Caesar is really

What is it !? "

Liu Wei glanced at this spaghetti, a non-information hit: "You still expect Caesar to reverse the situation in the battlefield, as long as he appears, Million Army kill him!"


Absolute strong Taiguo absolute overbearing makes Alte Missia not to say. After all, she saw Liu Wei as a moon, and a sword of the fairy.

unfortunately. Million Army Picking the Strong Scene of the First Level of Templang is destined to have to see Liu Wei standing up the bow, the wind is standing.

It seems that it is the world to respect and hegemony, and the Westerners are honored by the Westerners, and the altar is just a bone of Liu Wei to the Gaoce. At this moment, Altermsia had a small strange feeling.

At the same time, at the same time, Altermsia glare, I thought that there was no shame on the sea that day.

The kind of conquerous pleasure made her feel a paratrophage, eager, and there is a kind of madness who wants to be bending the knees to worship Liu Wei!

The Roman War continued to burn into the West Coast from the West Coast, and even the war.

The famous Roman Empire will be killed by the generals of the five dragons, and how many soil, the Roman army, who is falling, was defeated, and it was taken by more than 50 50%.

The entire Roman Imperial man is called the Roman jade of the Eternal King City, and it has been completely fell into the fear. The terrible cavalry from the Oriental kills the Tani Caesar in their hearts.

I have made dozens of Roman Legion. The soldiers are in the city.


The sky floating the goose. Z Chen Qingzhi's auto-city wall, the sound of the white robe, and the depth of the majestic city wall, "

What is ""


? "

Xue Rengui holds the boxing: "Kai Chen Shuai has arranged a lot of time to wait, immediately broke the city!" After a arrow, Xue Ren Gui did not rush the city, but the wolf ride in Rome. The worm camp of Wangcheng waited for Chen Qingzhi.

Chen Qingzhi is also praised by Xue Rengui. After the scene, he took over the kingcheng attack.

The Dynasty Tai Army surrounded three missions left Wangcheng Ximen L

The suffocating iron blood shocks the pressure of the Roman defenders in the city, such as mountains.

The last star of Rome, Ogus chose to abandon the city.

He took the resilience from the West Gate to take the road.

"Available Oriental Devil! Just let me escape to the Germanic gathered ministry, there will be a 10-year-old chance," Ogus is coming back from time to see that the Han army did not chase and kill it. It is both fear and excitement.

It is fear that the Han army soldiers have done through the entire Roman Empire. Broken his courage

Excited is that he is about to escape from birth jade, there is a kind of flying bird to take off the cage. Just when he came out of the city, he said that the insects of Trendy suddenly killed a white robe.

"Dahan Zhao Yun here, leave your first level!"

Stepping! Stepping! Stepping!!

Stepping L stepping! !

The Tai Han Tiger is a slap in front of the pace, and the iron boots will be sent to the green stone floor. Liu Wei rides the dragon horse and walks over the Roman Wangcheng, and the heart is aging.

Chen Qingzhi, two-body white shirt, is still universal, welcoming the ritivity of the city gate: "Chen Gong welcomed the city! Liu Wu turned over the horse, and helped Chen Qingzhi to shoot his shoulder long smiled:" Qing really is not negative The name of the god of War God. "Chen Qingzhi's tribute to the Tai Han Tiger, and the king will not be in the Roman Empire of the world.

After several years of layout Ding Ding, finally, finally arrived. Chen Qingzhi has already stared slightly. Zhengqiao: "Chen is just a slightly thinner, the gods, the mighty, the three armies, the sorrows, and the peace of the West, make the world sunshine!" The two people smiled at this Eternal Wangcheng, everything is insects . When Liu Wei spends sleeve, sitting on the Roman throne. The magnificent sector is full of mountains and the mountains.

The sound is in the temple, but this feeling is too different from usually too different. Liu Wei stared in the hands of the group.

Taisa Taili conquered the entire Western Taihang Dynasty to conquer the current Liu Wei in Rome. Already standing in the peak of this world, lonely invincible.

The defeat of Rome. Means the call of power! It takes a vacuum period. The current primary task is to keep all the extinction of the Roman Empire.

Liu Wei is preparing to deliver this matter to Jia Yu, saying that the mind is not a second person.

(Zhao Lihao) When I was hot, Jin Yiwei was going to the temple.

"Qi Zhao, Zhao Yun, will kill Augustus. l l l

"Zi Dragon comes in."

Liu Yuxin is too happy.

Zhao Yun is really a timely rain Augustu this person is the third figure of the Roman Empire.

If he escaped is not born, it is really not necessary to kill more in the future.

How Zhao Yunhu has stepped into the temple. After the knee kneelted, it took the blood in the hand. "Chen Yu is not insulting. The first level of the enemy is here!"

"Zi Long is really going!"

The middle of the middle is no shocked Liu Wei.

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