The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2570 of the Three Kingdoms

One Feiwu reminds you: three things to study

The second thousand four hundred and fifty chapters of the horrible supreme nine robbery!

"Tian Ruo hurts the sky!" Liu Wu Eye, Jinmang, the wind, the cold, the cold, the wind, the wind, the wind, the body, there seems to have no power, the breath is like the Yuan Gu Cang Dragon Liu Wu Yixian. Guard him! Bang Run! !

It seems that the trend is like anger to anger, the purple cloud is rolling, the thunder is constant.

The two purples of the Northern Pole, the irrehamedly thundered, weaving Cheng Leihai, to swallow Liu Wu to kill.

"Huai Wan! How can I have such a terrible person to rob about L? 4"

"The poor" remembers that the ancient books have an ancient Taoli. After the robbery, it will become a cactus on the bones, but this day, it is also to be horrible to kill everything. "

"It is a bit" three soils ", the gas transport is too strong!" "" Not bad for the Holy Emperor. It is too terrible. If you can take a thunder. Dynasty Dragon. The three emperors of the times are not impossible! "

Trinity is really cold, because they know. The ancient books are contained. Even the three emperors of the ancient times. I have not triggered such a terrible day robbery. boom! Boom! Boom!

Endless purple lightning like Li Tianyin, covering the world into it. The thunder sounds the masters feel the eardrum pain, and the heart is shuffling.

Wan Leiqi's ice and snow directly destroyed into a merchant powder, and the lights between the void flashes. All the purest murder of the world will be completely covered by Liu Wu.

Liu Wu is in the Lei Hai's gods, and he played the Boxing of the World of Boxing. Reverse killing!

First heavy robbery

Two heavy heavens were robbed to the fourth round of thunder and clouds, Liu Wu, was unpopular, fighting Tianlei but the first emperor to Baishi Rite began to collapse.

The treasure is extraordinary but not universal industrial tribes can absorb thunder but the lack of robbery is the purest force between the heavens and the world. Continuous Razite has reached the ultimate changing powder.

The fifth round of thunderous clouds, contains the land of the glutinous play. It is also robbed by the sky. Overnomatology.

At the sixth round of thunder, the clouds, the gods, the Buddha, the gold, was bombed. Hard to rush to the sea. Fusang god is completely bleak. From the air fall, Liu Wei is connected in the palm. "Force is the extremely heaven

There is a last two thunder robbery to see how you break the mysterious god! "Said,

The Tiangong is surprisingly surprised, and the violet electric is tide. Liu Wu is not afraid of today, and the power consumption value opens the brilliance of Xuanwu Shenmun's sucking the spirit of the artifact. It is not an ordinary treasure. It is the imperitation of the Qing Tiankai, and the mighty is broken. prior to.

Boom! Boom!!

The first heavy robbery of the sky is willing to end, and Zuoi and others are lame. This kind of robbery is what they are only afraid of being killed on the spot!

However, the top heavens robbed the sea. But was completely blocked by the Xuanwu Shenmun. The Xuanwu Mining Tide is roaring a shadow, and the sky is gradually dissipated, the wind is calm.

"It is terrible to defend the martial arts. It is really terrible!" "Your Majesty this is

Well !? "

Everyone stared to have two awe-in-laws.

Tiandi thunder, this is the purest is the corruption of heaven and earth, and it is incredible. If an ordinary person stands so, it will be able to make him fly ash.

Liu Xing was successively suffering from heavy heaven, standing between heaven and earth.

"Not good! The ninth day of the sky is coming!"

It is said that Nanshang's old fairy has discovered Ni, and she hopes that the sky began to tremble. The number of jade. Nine is extreme. Nine is the number of supreme Liu Wei to do it without God, the persons are actually caused to the respect of the robbery!


The ninth, the ninth, the thunder, the world's horror, the thunderstorm is full of heavens and void !! The unclear thunder is falling in the original ice cold Arctic to become a purple.

"The absolute defense of Xuanwu Shield, actually no resistance to the last two thunder !!"

Liu Wei stands in Xuan Bingshi on the stone, and the eyes are very bright as the stars and the gains!

Jiangshan Society is fascinated by Miles Mountain, and the air is coming.

Purple Thunder crazy slammed the void, and the last piece of suspended Xuanbi is covered.

Liu Wuru, a lonely boat in Wang Yangli, was swallowed.

The unbrehensible purple mad, such as Jiu Yun, the silver river, but Liu Wu Bao, solemn, two-wheeled, blood, blood, he is immersed in a strange situation.

Regardless of whether it is unjust, it is never hardened with the world with lightning. "The thunderbow of the people in the merits will come to the gift, and the body of the freshman is more powerful in Tianlei."

Everyone on the venue shocked on the spot.

Yulei's power can be small

Turning a martial artist mortality into a slag but Liu Wei is too enchanting, the Yulong Shen is hard, the hard-fighting resistance of the body is strong!

Gradually. Amazing scene has undergone Liu Wei's head of the old skin, and the new born body Baohui flashes contains extremely strong power.

warm bodies. It turned out to be in the light of the light, and it was gorgeous, and every two points contained unity of light.

This moment, Liu Wu reborn! Experience the body after Tianlei. Bloom blooming. The gods, the giant giant to the unimaginable martial arts, completely sprayed!

Long Qi Fei is long.

Every hole in Liu Wu is glowing, like countless gods, singing in passing through. In shining. Filled with the Northern Light.

Liu Wei took the sword on a piece of mysterious stone. Square, one foot. Xuan Bo Petrochemical made a powder.

Next moment Liu Hao is like a Pengpeng. Welcome lightning. God is up.

The second second more stable update

The friend is subscribed. Ask for reward, ask for a ticket to support the fly point to remind you, reading three things

The second thousand four hundred fifty-one chapter Yinyang is extremely extinct! Reverse the sky!

? "The nine days of robbery and bluffs and the sky."

Liu Hao is like the only master of the world, but he has not emitted two points of power but let people go straight into the impulse. The nine-five Tianzi, the southern sword blooms the dragon sword sound, and even the thunderous sound of Jiuweido robbery. "The Holy Emperor is actually.

Actually, the sword, the sky, "" reversal! This is too crazy! I heard this sword, the rock, etc. It is the true fairy sword! The sword is like a dragon, and the empty electricity is also rich in unreachable. Ice is touched by the world. There is a black too hole above the Tiangong, so like the Optoeng's cover will cover all the purple lightning in the world.

"Tiandi Xuanhuang Universe floods today to create this one-knife to the fairy!" The nine-five Tianzi Sheng Sword is like dragon. Liu Haozhuang's worm, golden purple flashed one by one. Send a long hanger. Saturn Knife Tomb jumped into Liu Wei's left hand.

Aerial gorgeous Arctic muanuang adsorbed on Saturn knife. Creating a knife of the knife. "The Zhenyang is extremely extinct!" After a long-awaited long-awaited, the two knives were smashed, and the underground infinitely snowfast was grained, and there were countless purple lightning moments. Then this imperfect knife is to surpass everything! The two knives kill everything in front of it, all must be annihilated.

The ultimate knife is just on the purple clouds of the sky, the infinite star is broken, and there is a black crack in the void. It is turned into two halves! The jade palace purple clouds. Floating like Huakai. No day, no day.

"Congratulations to the host's removal bone breaking the void certificate. Basic force attributes increases to the point, and the world is promoted to the thousands of worlds"! "

"Congratulations to the main refined and changing bone to break the void, the certificate of the fairy. Self-created people killed the law, the blindness of the anneland is extinct!" "Congratulations to the main certificate Taoist immortal from triggering the fairy mission: Canglong Tudu Secret 20 The host will be enforced into the world to complete the main line task can be opened. Return to the main world! "

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