The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 263 of the Three Kingdoms

Zhong Wei proposes: "The main public can write a letter, consult with Tao Qian, according to the sacred desire ... This is not enough ..."

Only, I took the opportunity of Xuzhou, and I discuss it in my hand.

Liu Wei also frowned.

Liu Bowen,, Xu Wei three big think tanks are calm, sitting quiet, no words yet.

I have discussed it for a while, and there is a voice that is in the door.

"Zi Xuan is not ... I am Zi Zhong?"

Is this not nonsense?

Nowadays, in Kawaguan, who doesn't know the mozzarellation, is Liu Wei's friend?

Liu Bowen and Yan, Xu Wei's three military divisions got up, smiled: "The main public, help you into Xuzhou people, come, I will wait for the first time!"

The military commanders in the hall, the brain speed can't keep up with the three wisdoms, but it also understands that it is always wrong with the smart people.

So the people will also get together, hold the box: "The main public, I will wait for the first time."

Lei Hao station outside the Chamber of Commendation, waiting for Liu Wei to go out, all of them, and went into the hall, covering the door.

Liu Hao has no vague: "Zi Zhong, your might of God, what?"

As a result, from his own arms, I took out a secret letter and handed it to Liu Wei.

: "Zi Xuan, Xuzhou Mu Taoqian wants to ask you, see the next side."

"Tao Qian wants to see me? He must also receive the monet of Dong Zhuo, can't you sit?"

Liu Yinxin thought, and glanced at the content of the letter from the 10 line.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the era, the emperor of the emperor was transported, directly shocked the mood.

"Zi Zhong, thank you for your news."

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Just, I have just received the sacred descendants of Luoyang, Feng, I am Xuzhou Mu, Tao Qian is Yuzhou Mu, Zi Zhong, how do you see ?!"

Lao , a black face.

In the letter sent by Tao Qian, just ask the emoticon for the springs, let him be a middleman, invite Liu Wei to see the next side of Xuzhou.

Tao Qian did not say that the news that he was transferred to Yushu Mu, which didn't say it. Social to Tao Qian, not trustworthy ...

"Zi Xuan, you seal Xuzhou animal husbandry, Tao Qian is turned to Yuzhou Mu, this time is too clever, is there anything wrong with it?"

Among the places of commerce, I am more fraudulent, and the

"Don't be hidden ... this sacred, I am afraid that Dong Bao is! It's nothing more than wants to use Xuzhou Tao Qian's quick knife, I will kill me!" Liu Yuli laminated: "Since Tao Qian wants to follow I saw it, and I was probably this thing, then I will see him, and it is not! "

Liu Wei is a slighthead, and there is such a vote to force the younger brother, but it is really not afraid of Tao Qian to tear his skin. He is not a way to go to Xuzhou explore!

Lao Wei heard, but the feelings were greatly vibrated. "This is too poisonous, it is too poisonous! Now no know what the idea of ​​Tao Qian, you have to think twice, then make a decision!

Xuzhou Ma step troops tens of thousands, including more than 20,000 soldiers in Danyang, are all elite, and you risquorely go to Xuzhou, I am afraid that there is not small danger! "

"Danyang soldiers?"

Liu Hao-shi Zhongjinmang flashed, faintly laughed: "Qing, Xu Erzhou, from ancient gun soldiers, Danyang soldiers, want to be Xuzhou's ace army?"

Since ancient gunmen, fortunately, if it is a Dragon Scales, there is an invincible iron ride, and the Danyang gun soldier, what is it?

Liu Hao seems to have seen the future, and the champion of the shudder!

Tao Qian's business didzens of years in Xuzhou. It must be passed to the son. Is it true like an end? Let Xuzhou Fengshui treasure will come out?

To take the southeast, create a Base of Hegemony, it is definitely less than 2.1, who is better than him, who is big!

"Hehe ... When I arrived, I would like to be Zhong You."

Liu Wei contributed to his mind, smiled and laughed, but he born a feeling.

The more than a few people who have been with themselves have been stared at Tao Qian!

Tao Qian did not trust the , also specially passed his hand, invited himself, there is no calculation on this, Liu Hao is absolutely do not believe!

"Well, Zi Xuan wants to go, I will accompany you to Xuzhou!"

Lao Hao did not detect Tao Qian's dark intention, only heard Liu Wei to go to Xuzhou, not hesitated, and it is so delicious:

"When I arrive, I have a bidding Xuan to see the bustling of Xuzhou!"

[Baozi has been staring at the evaluation ticket, there is one hundred to 10,000, how can I have no rise for a few days ... I have anxious ... I beg the evaluation ticket! .

The 237th chapter of the rise of the rising, plotting Xuzhou

I want to see the bustling of Xuzhou, of course, I have to prepare in advance.

The eggs are not placed in a basket. Liu Wei will not think that the light of the lie has been thoroughly controlled by Xuzhou.

These days, Liu Hao and the hand smatched tank began to arrange the future of Sichuan County, and strategically strategically and strategically began to develop the Xuzhou situation.

"The main public, Zhangzhou urgent newspaper ~~"

On this day, when Liu Hao was secretly discussed with his hand, Cao Shaoqin stepped from the door.

He is one of the faster people in Liu Hao, which is responsible for dispatching, combined with the manda, and explore foreign information messages.


On Wednesday, the army is also quite curious, and Liu Wei also refers to the empty seat in the house.

"The main public, he received the news from the secret player of Zhangzhou.

Cao Shaoqin visited a roll of books from the sleeve, handed it to Liu Wei.

Then in Xu Wei's head, the fart is only sitting on the chair.

Liu Hao held a book, his eyes of ten lines, and finally passed the book to a few military divisions, said: "It is really a big thing. 13 ... This is a big change in this, Dongjun Taishou Bridge, the army withdraw When the Si Lishi, when the Xiyan Legioni was pursued, the bridge was defeated, and the bridge was in the hands of the people, the people were robbed, and they have been killed by the Huizhou

"Is there such a thing !?"

Liu Bowen, , Xu Wei three major military divisions, all of them.

Xu Wei said: "The Lord, this bridge is, is it like the King of Hanoi, is it a former general to convene to the company?"

"This is free, it is not enough, the main public pays attention to Cao Cao?"

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