The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2640 of the Three Kingdoms


The nine-five, Tianzi, the holy sword, steep off, and burst out a burst of gorgeous Huaguang swords, such as the dragon broke out in an instant, and the sword of Tian Guang's heroes. Tian Guangfou standing roots still can't stand it. Pour the body and push out more than ten feet.

The ground on the ground is a plowing out two deep footprints. "Tian Guang, can you have a answer this sword?"

Liu Wei's negative hand, the nine-five, the sacred sacred sword is hidden into the sheath, it seems to have never sprite.

"The sword of the emperor, there is no strong power, I have to fight all my best," Tian Guang put the bloody swallowing the throat. " There is still a licking at the bottom of the heart. :::: :::: Just take the way to kill, the gathering, the peak, the sword is just hitting the sword of the emperor.

Western hits each other.

The brave and unsatisfactory scholars are like a mud into the sea. Completely dissipate. Tian Guang was shocked by the emperor's sword, and now I am still afraid of the gold rhyme of the emperor.


Absolute overbearing

Emperor sword out. Never there is no six wild. Only my alone!

This miles of the swordsmanmad, Tian Guang understood the gap between the two had to be in the heart.

"In the face of the dragon in the gods, Tianmi, Tianmi, also dare to find a wind, it is dead.

In the face of the real emperor, what is the case, it will be in the middle of the road.

Tian Guangjian is standing and standing: "Han Qi, today's Warmada's heart is oral, but farm is also a saying for a friend. I hope that you can consider the strength of the Qin Dynasty, and I will be in charge of Zhao. It is hoping that it is hoping to combine with His Majesty to develop a anti-Qin plan "" farmer's raft of the banner of the world, in fact, it has already paid to the chess pieces of the princes, your friend, should be the crystal of Chu Ping Jun is leading this action in his back? "Liu Wei's mouth frozen, the world's time track has been separated from the original history but some plots, still happened.

For example, the Level between Qin Zhao also has Changping Jun's own dragonford's Qinglong plan "Changping Jun hunjacking and excellent, it can be considered, only this manual, only, I only dare to wait until the next step. After all, I will fall in this place to fall into the world, "I am arbitrarily fighting, what is the case of impression is just auxiliary means.

Real power. It is still too strong.

Only strong enough. This has a chance to play this game in the prostitute. Laugh at the end.

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The twenty-seventh chapter of the twenty-seventh chapter is a person, and the spirit is peerless!

The chaos of the chaos, there is no more than anyone who is the fist who is the truth, Liu Wei, the sky, the star understands and to implement this truth can be a lot of prosperity, but only in the princes. Between the princes. There is a place, and the pattern naturally cannot follow Liu Wu.

Tian Guang has a strange feel that is completely seen.

He wants to understand the Qinglong plan of Changping Jun. When the world is unmanned, this Han dynasty is really a fascination. How can it be a servant to see the mountain? Liu Wu saw that Tian Guang's appearance was slight smile. Tao:

"Waiting Changping Jun Zhenzi

When you have a country's authority, come and talk about it. Do you have any words today? "

Tian Guangjing said: "Today, the sword of the doctor, I have finished this, I don't want to kill, and the field is not too much to say."

Liu Wei fingers tap the side of the side. "The brave of the Xia Kuo is very appreciated, just after the Xia Guo, the farmhouse is all, is it too unfortunately?"

Killing Tianming is just a sword. ,

But after killing, remove more than one county, what is the benefit? Liu Wei is only a pros and cons. Tian Guang's face was stupid and cried.

Intuitive telling him. Liu Wu said that a network of farmholds is absolutely not talking. ,

The emperor is angry, the blood is thousands of miles.

The life of the farmer's disciples is in the eyes of the Xia Ku, but it may be treasured but in Liu Wei, but it is just a antity, and it can be destroyed.

"Today, I've been in the Royal Palace. It is a person in Tian Guang. How is it for the six disciples without a king?"

Liu Wei's mouth is now a detachable, said: "I heard that the farmland of the farmland is the four too to pass the inheritance, the mystery is endless."

Tian Guang said: "It's not bad in the four-story, the spring and summer secret winter, the four seasons are turned around,"

Tian Guangxin is very confident. If you give him a sufficient opportunity to arrange, you can fight against Liu Wu in the twenty-four.

"So, if you are in the King of the King, Liu Hao said lightly:" If you are lucky, if you are lucky, please, please, please Disciple, as you have as possible. I will never stop. "Take a person's big battle!?

Tian Guang shook his head and smiled: "This is not too much to win."


The land is twenty-four, thousands of people, together with the tacit understanding, and it is difficult to imagine,


Liu Wei said lightly: "The proposal. How is the Heroes?"

This rivers and lakes are undoubtedly a half-ring for the farmhouse. I finally nodded. "His a gas is in the end of the field, and then please ask the Han emperor" Liu Wei light smiles, "then." So. Xia Kui, please arrange it as soon as possible. "Tian Guang returned to the farmhouse six elite secret base. The owner is already looking through autumn water.

Tian Meng's appearance was called: "The Tema is successful tonight?" Tian Guang shake his head, smiled: "Learn to know what is called the sky, there are people, the Han emperor is high, has been It is the fairy heavenly difficult to measure its high. I am not the enemy of his sword. "

Zhu Jiayi's incredible gods also frown: "Heroes of the martial arts, the rivers and lakes are still the enemy of the Han emperor?" Not just a few farmhouse The disciples face each other, they don't dare to confuse.

Triad: "Heroes are boring, and the royal palace Hanhuang let the heroes are only afraid that there is nothing."

Tian Guang sighs, "Not bad, the emperor is full, with me, I have a gambling, I have to take one person, hard to resist my farmland, twenty-four too,"


Tianhu seems to hear the joke of Jade, called: "The Emperor Moother is not a joke of the twenty-four big arrays, which can be inherited by the old ancestors of the Emperor. The soldiers and horses are afraid that even the fairy can kill them | "

"The Du Ze is in the twenty-four days of the world, the Chinese emperor actually wants one person to be broken."

"I see that I want to die, I must first make crazy!"

"Then let him try to see it really dare, I am on the spot!"

The agricultural disciples of the farmer said that they did not believe. ,

Shennong Yan Emperor created this noctus, I don't know how much the enemy is killed? Liu Wei wants one person to break the king is the heaven.

Tian Guang lifted his hand with empty virtual, but the face was directly connected to: "The preparation of the array of the Hanhuang is already on the road. Liu Wei let Tian Guang go back to arrange himself later.

"Your Majesty, here."

The birth of the body and the mountains have stopped the car horse. Liu Wei opened the curtain and walked out from the car, and the Cantonese of the Ring Wan is a good place to stand up with the elite disciple of the farmhouse.

These people have a hand holding a long sword, and it is a person who has a flash of martial arts.

"Tooh has become Cheng, please Han Queen. Tian Guang has greeted his fists in the arch of Liu Wei.

The identity of him at this time is the prisoner, so I didn't get it.

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