The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2644 of the Three Kingdoms

"Is it that Tian Guang has led the farmhouse to invest in Tai Han L?"

Yan Dan, the more I feel that I am surprised, I feel that my three is completely subverted. In the morning, the first more stable and updated the book friends. Ask for a look, the evaluation ticket support fly to remind you: reading three things

The second thousand five hundred and forty-two chapters, six fingers!

? Yan Dan is shocked, even can't say it.

Said the farmer's farmer's far, stay away from the championships, there is absolutely not to participate in the princes chart

On this big man, but not only the farmer's Xia Ku, there are also a few halls of the farmhouse, but the face is very familiar, but Yan Dan is raised, he will force the heart. Zhending came down and greeted, "Yan Dan, met Her Majesty."

Liu Yurai asked interest: "You are expensive to make the Yan Guo Prince today to make the big man want to be an extremely important thing? Yan Dan is a hand:" Yan Dan is only for the Hall of the Hall of Hall. ""Oh?"

Liu Yuebi picked up, smiled, "Do you know what is your wish? How to fulfill?"

Yan Dan is arguing. "It is a hero's chest in the hero's chest in the hero of the Han Dynasty. ."

Liu Wei smiled: "You don't want to hold it. If you have something to say, I want to know what to let a country, a thousand miles, and the runway is the Tai Han Chao." Yan Dan's face is at awe, said: "Han The emperor is like a joy of Ji Yandan. "" Please see. "

He took out the two maps from the sleeves. Since someone will hang in the temple. The map is used to mark countries with a variety of colors and banners, respectively. Yan Dan came back to take a few steps, it seems to be prepared, suddenly said: "" If Qin Zhao's Baiyi Military Tun is Changping. The situation is touched, and the Han Emperor has lost the elbow. It is also the time of giving the sky! "

He pointed to the Guizhou Tang Domain. The force of the two countries, attracting Qi State, and is divided into it. It can benefit each other. "

It is said that Liu Yin is suddenly clearing the destination of Yan Dan to see him.

Yan Dan's intentions are obvious: I want to persuade the big and the Yan Guoji Han Yan two countries from two different fish to attack Qi, this is also a soft pinch which is decentralized. Now in the two countries of Qin Zhao, the Baifu Baijun is a few courage to borrow Yan Dan in the Changping blood. He didn't dare to take a ginseng. Otherwise, I am only afraid that it is, I don't even fight Qin Zhao Xiki, I will hit my mind on a relatively weak Qi. Qi Dang's national strength. It is no longer in that year, Wang Zhi, Qi Ji, is facing two [

This heat is difficult to support the country's pinch. "Say,

"I heard that Taizi Dan is a Mojia Juli [] Arabia, Mo Jiajin non-attack and love Yan Dan proposal


Don't you violate the ink?

Door rule


"Emergency obeys."

Yan Dan's face change> Face | GZ

Quiet. Tao, "The skin is not deprecated, the master will attach if the ink will be swallowed by the world, when the Yan Dan will become the most strong sinner of Yan Guo, in order to truly promote the Thought of the ink home to promote the world"

Yan Dan remained in the identity of the ink home, the Yansang Prince, a country, Jiangshan community, pressed on his shoulders. Liu Yu nodded. Said "Zeng Taiwanese work, since Yan Gui, you can see it very sincerity and accommodate people. Arrange the owner of the Prince."


When the night, the Bai Feng station came out to the Life, the Tai Han Dynasty will be brought to the story of Qi Guo. The general Wu rushed to rectify 30,000 Chinese and Wuzi, and the Danyuo army. The number of five points will be held in the military parade after three days.

This time, Liu Wei invited the Yan Guo Prince Yanshan to participate.

Yan Taizi Dan, just reached a short league, lived in the hall in Taikun City.


Tianfu is.

This house is originally a treasure of the Wei Guo.

Liu Wei is in the process of sauna in Wei Guo Tang. After copying the valuable home, then gave the farmer Kida Guangguang.

At this time, the night has been deep. Tian Guang is still in the practice of the sword.

The sword light Huohjian is qi After a war with Liu Wu. Although Tian Guang was frustrated. But it is benefited from a lot. At this time, there is a ghostless black shadow that has a ghost black shadow.

This person has come very fast, suddenly enters the sword of Tian Guang in an instant, with the field battle, the gods, the gods, the sound of the gold, the ears, "ugly brothers. Your sword method seems to be more than the top, and it is a bit more. congratulations."

This black man is floating and said.

Tian Guang also received a longjian, "Six fingertips, you or so ghosts, no rivers and lakes, the farmer's heroes Konda photographed" only six finger blacks. "

This person has six fingers on the left hand of the ink home. I also like the black cloak all the rivers and lakes called "Six-finger Black". The six-pointer black man is similar to the status of the field. The record is even still surviving, the yin-yang family is too old, and even 4 can't make him.

"The frost is heavy, it is heavy. Tian Guang received the sword, and he took the six-finger black man went into the interior.

This two old friends are sitting, looking at each other, toasting, sighing. Liu finger a black man put down the wine glass asked "Ugly and brothers, you have changed a lot, and the farmer is always in the rivers and lakes. How come it is also coming to the princes?"

Tian Guang smiled: "Six fingertips. The answer of this question Yan Dan is on the championship." "" "" Is there anything in the nesting? "Today, like a chess game, everyone is a chess piece. The farmer should not exceed the exception. "Originally, the old man was sent to Shennong order. It is to try to test the nature of the Han Emperor. If you have a long-wolf of the disaster, you didn't think of the six-year black man. "Tian Guang shook his head and smiled:" I personally shot, I can't resist the Han emperor. The Hanhuang has not made a full force. The farmer is extensive, and it has been arranged in the twenty-four fronts of the Lanze. It was even by the Han Emperor to break the high martial arts. "

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The second thousand five hundred and forty-three chapters have the crown of the world of the world!

"This is the mandatory monarch. There is also the heart of the world to choose to invest in Taihan. If you can help the Hanhuang end in the chaos, save the world is not a good thing." You have not blocked A sword, this emperor has not made full!? "

The six-finger black man shocked I "The Di Ze Twis Western Taiwanese operations the witch, you can sleep, the world is actually taken by one person?"

"There is still such a person in the world !?"

The six-pointer black man is similar to the old age, and it is all between the owners. It can be said that it is known. Tian Guang's martial arts and him are also between Jianzhong, even Tian Guang can't block the Han Qianjian to do it is that he is also the same.

"I have heard a rumor before coming to Han Dynasty. The legend of the Han Dynasty was in the Wei Han Taiwan. He God broke the Wei Army Wanjia. This is a proud of the exaggeration but the thousands of sorrows are true! This is true! The general figure. But I don't know who is the world who can block the rise of the emperor? "

"There is also a person"

"The Emperor is too invincible."

The two old brothers have a drink of Liu Hao while drinking. Suddenly, I called the name of Emperor Too many.

"Go back and have to persuade Yan Dan, it is best not to fight with Tai Han for the enemy.

"I must bring this." The six fingers solemnly nod. Finally, I still seem to have a confidentiality. "There is such a person in the world." The Han Dynasty is the dragon. "

Haohua's throwing day and the flying championship has been three days.

Today, jade is a Taiwanese military parade ceremony.

The 15th Temperature. Both gathered in the campus outside the Daliangcheng

The general Wu wore a heavy martial art. Second-hand, pressing the waist, standing on the tallest, and the middle of the golden mountains are looking forward to the distance.

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