The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 265 of the Three Kingdoms

"Yes, these people are handed over to Cao General Management, I am very relieved!"

Liu Hao was nodded, and it took the temper of the emperor. In the eyes, Jin Mang quickly flashed, and the loyalty of the descendants of the descendants of the kneeling.

Clear one hundred, ninety nine points!

All the mandate values ​​are all levels!

Sure enough, the name of the elite camp!

When I got through the body of Cao Zheng, Liu Wei felt some surprised:

Cao Zhengyu, Wuli 88, Intelligence 70 (+2), political 75, and is 50 (+9).

Stunt 1, Eagle Dog: Self-acting loyalty host, when he is in the position of the master of the owner, plus 2.

Stunt 2, fanaticism: Cao Zhengqi is faithful to the host, and there is a lot of heaven to the brainwashing, and it can quickly improve the loyalty of the mortgage after castration.

"It's amazing, my Cao General Management!"

Liu Wei, estimates that it is that the long-eyed English is too low, but only knows that Cao Zhengqi has the skills of training the dead, but it can't see that Cao Zheng is a fano-brain molecule.

True is a no two people choice!

"Hey, the old slave is doing, but it is a thin thing. It can be worried about the master's integration, it is not too powerful."

Got Liu Wei's praise, Cao Zhengyu opened the flower, and the sharpness of his body is bigger.

"Cao General Management, the elite camp is our secret card, and there will be more and more places used in the future, forty-six people, too little."

Liu Wei frowned, and he came to mind.

As the power is getting bigger and bigger, Liu Wei feels that it is necessary to strengthen the top cards of the collection of information and executive secret mission.

It's not enough to have a helpless.

Now, since Cao Zhengyu has a special skill of this near BUG, ​​you can expand the size of the dead camp!

Liu Wei said something to say: "It is best to maintain the size of eight hundred people!"

"... 800 people ..."

Cao Zhengyi's eyes have a touch of lifting, shaking his head: "The main public, now there are so many people, the recruits are not a problem."

"It is mainly to recruit eight hundred people, and the money will not eat! The training method of the dead camp is really harsh, often in the ten people, not two!"

"How is this training, so cruel?"

Liu Wei heard the words, but also shocked, this is the special forces of the later generation!

"The old slaves said this way of learning this training ... First of all, make sure it is an orphan of the unlikely, then it is also to be part of the ultimate desire, let them have not worried, transfer all the minds to the loyalty The main body is ... the last process is the practice of cultivating the "broken people, vexation" in the old slave ... "


Liu Haojing listened to Cao Zhengqi without retaining the training mode, and his heart was abnormal.

It turned out that the dead of the dead camp must be self-hospital, nor is it that simple.

The eunuch is inadequate, and the practice of Cao Zheng is more evil door, which specializes in yin.

The key to the key, to make a negative precious drug, pump the last yang in the human body, and to quench and give the bones.

After the merge, each manification achievement is also different, and Cao Zhengqi and Cao Shaoqin are very different, and they can achieve first-class master.

Most of the kiliers, too bones, is more powerful than the elite soldiers, almost the meaning of the big master.

"Cao Bo, that ordinary soldiers can you directly go directly to the end of the hardening, the step?!"

Liu Wei moves in his heart. If you really can improve your strength in one step, many things are simple.

"Don't, the main public!"

Cao Zhengxun urgently said: "I have not experienced the front steps, directly quenching the bones, the most likely, the spirit of their spirit, yin and yang is dead!"

"That is."

Liu Wei was quite grateful to read Cao Zhengyi, continue to say: "Then, by Cao General, you will be able to recruit three hundred people, money drugs, don't worry, go directly to ask the military division!"

Liu Wei is now a wealth of money.

Now this Maotai fairy is already completely opened, fighting 100%, and if the Qin is proposed, it has got some deposits from those of the moods.

It can be said that now Liu Hao, squandering so money, there is no feeling!

Money is no longer a problem, there is no longer in the future!

Cao Zhengqi is very exciting, and hurriedly under the military order: "Since the Lord's Mission is responsible, the old slaves fight, but also within half a year, the number of death camps will be five hundred!"

"Very good, Cao General Management, this time I went to Xuzhou, I am going to take Qi Qin. He is very good, Luoyang City is driving, saving Tang Ji, also a big job."

Liu Wei saw Cao Shaoqin stood in the white hair, he was a sentence.


"Congratulations to the host, Cao Shaoqin is taken by the host, the loyalty is greatly improved, the current loyalty is one hundred points (never betrayal), the extra reward is 666!"

At this time, Cao Shaoqin, although it was first revealed, there was a little Cao Director's style, but it was still a young youth.

He was excited by the Liu Hao committed to the heavy responsibility, and it was difficult to say.


Cao Shaoqin Xin Yue Chengwei, directly pour local, said: "Cao Shaoqin, willing to listen to the main public, and live for the main public!"

Yes, you will take this full value loyalty, Cao Shaoqin can be reused!

Liu Wei nodded slightly, suddenly wonders, hitting the villain:

"The name of the unfortunate camp is too difficult to listen, since then, it will no longer call the dead camp, it is called ... East Factory!"

"Extremely designed, rename Jinyi Wei!"

The 239th chapter of Xuzhou people, welcome

Time is like a sap, it is fast.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

Liu Wei handed over to the military division to the military division, and he was responsible with Zhao Yun, Xiwei, Xu Wei and other generals, led more than 3,000 people, will be with the caravan of the boy, and set off in Xuzhou.

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