The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2796 of the Three Kingdoms

On the bank of the water, I finally got a blow to the water.

Two passions of this Ghost Valley, finally the sword.

Yuan Yunjian Jianfeng, referring to the river, the river, Nie Changfa danced his momentum every moment, and the horizon mouth of Yinfa black robe was also a scratch, a detached shark, the sword, started to spread bloodthirsty Dangerous breath.

The shark tooth and Yuanhong swords are the enemy in the fate. The two people are also destined in the fate of the fierce death battle, which is still not so massed, "Xiazhuang, I can't see it in a few years, I can't think of your swords, I have high enough. "

The two people who have masked the swords and the thrilling swords, the martial arts is definitely the first-class master of the world. Weizhuang can lap the western people in the second enemy, and the martial arts will become a few years of the past. "Amaten you, enough." Weizhuang also said. The figure gradually dissipated on the water, and the void was brushed over a series of silver and hair, the residual shadow shark sword sword was condensed, and it was a fierce huge shark in the deep sea. Suddenly licking Nie

Xuanzang's eyes are unhealthy. This sword seems to be placed, but the murder is more convincing (Wang Zhao is good) compared with his black and white sword, even better!

The sword is in the sky, and there are countless swirls in the water. Every vortex has formed a sword column Diteng, and violent violent.

"Xiaozhuang, killing will never become a strong reason. If a person proves that he has already lost your sword with the defeat others. The murder is too strong."

Gen Nie God wiped the blood of his mouth.

Just made a hundred-step flying sword defeated the six-pointed man with Xuanzang, the two generations of high-ascending high-haired things were not easy. The cover is also slightly injured.

But when the mouth of Wei Nie's mouth is not complyed to a smile of a smile.

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A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

The second nine hundred and forty chapter Weizhuang battle, Nie!

He remembered the scene of the two people in the ghost valley in the ghost valley to attack the king's skills, in order to ask for a profit, it is. It is it. Invincible, the world is invincible!

Two pounds swordsselves hit together with the unspeakable swords, and they were blown up on the water. They were blown with countless water columns. The scene is spectacular!

On the water, this black gray two movements, rushing to each other, fighting above the blue waves.

At this time, the surprised festival has been injured, and the six-finger black and the ink family master will win. Wu Guang and his farmhouse, the high-end high-handed heart, the heart of the gods, the sigh: "Two people will be in the battle. The high priest martial arts is not a second person. "

"This Ghost Valley is in the world, there is no pair in the world. The sky and Wei Zhuang two people are really the top only, I am afraid that I will not lose the nine sword."

"But the brothers of this teacher, the difference between the king's different camps, the sword, I don't know who is winning" Yuan Hongjie mat, the throne, the rain, running through the void, and the fierce violent slag shark wants to hit Between the heavens and the earth, the sword is ignorant. The next person couldn't see clearly, only six refers to the black biography, and he knew that these two vertical swordsmen were confront to make a thousand swords.

Every sword is the horror sword that is shocked!

Emotioned sword gold waves to tear the void, and she fried in the water, there were countless water columns. "If it is a vertical and horizontal sword

Which swordsman do you dare to cross the sword in front of the two? "

Gao passed away from the cold sword.

The cold sword is also a sword in the world's famous swords, but he faces the sword and shark tooth, but there is a feeling of convinced, I really want to spend a song for them. The six-pointer black man is gradually lighter, and the mysteries are coming to the mysteries and the princes are afraid of living and the world is extinguishing. These two people can go to the situation of the gods. I have a fortune to see the holy. After the emperor, I can see such a talent. "

The six-pointer Black Man holds the ink home in the chaos to be able to protect the world, and his eyes have their own unique.

At this time, the battle between the cover and Weizhuang has entered a white heat.

The two men go out, for each other's swords. Naturally, it is familiar to unable to be familiar with the unreserved shot, with a hundred step flying sword, the sword is swaying, and the clouds of the sky are drooping, and the water of the four seas is so magnificent and sigh.

On the shore, the killer of Luo, don't say that the way to enter the non-view line is stirring with the water mist, which is not clear, and the specific situation on the river can only hear the dragon and the tiger, the sword, the sword, the ear, the ear mountain cover Nie Wei Zhuang seems to have a sword in this instant, the two swords, LGZ, two swords continue to confront until the night is full, and the Eastern sky has bloomed a golden bright, the sky, the sky, the sound of the Sword, the voice gradually saved, everyone All the breathing is full of breathing, and it's a lot of white winds that have been lighter with Gairi, and the breeze is straightforward. Also floated.

"Hey! I will defeat you every day."

Wei Zhuang face is cold, still staring at the cover, said: "However, you can't go."

Gen Nie looked at the clothes on the ground. You can't stop. "

Weizhuang's mouth frozen a fragrant micro-curvature, spit out two words:

"not necessarily."

The Wei Village has just fallen, and the Jie Yin's eyebrows wrinkled into two mountain characters. I saw a young man in the Lishui River sounded a bright footsteps, and the young man in the Qing dynasty will be acute. "The gold fire cavalry full army! Qin Guofi big yard last night capture Jinyi Gui to catch up with Luo Ying Yu Xie Xie Xiyun, the sound of the sound, the sound is like a lion, the sound of the Jiuzi Sword, the dragon sword Bringing the shock of the four wild water, there is a sparkling wave!

Jin Qiwei's high Qi Qi Qin Shenxian, work repair and other people's swords, won the sheath, cover Nie Huang Huang, and the heart sinks. It turned out that Jin Yiwei did not know when Jin Yiwei did not know when to quietly entered the venue, and the soldier of the Spring Knife can only see the dense Ma Ma. Rendering the seafloid will be surrounded by the water of the battlefield of the Minute River. This year, the young Confucianism did not thank Xie Xuanjun, such as Longfeng Hui Pehan is the repair of the Jang Taibo!

A woman wearing a green shirt on the river. It's just that the double eyes are bleak the stars. ,

Her hand put a blue long sword cover Nie's pupil, she has already recognized this scholastic monarch L.

The more the female sword broke out! The sky is slightly bright.

Changan Jun became a mouth of the South Martial Arrow Building. The shoulders are full of dew. He is still unhappy here, and his legs are numb.

Since the former Japanese army ride, the last fortress of this empire. It has also begun to become safe. In these few days, the messages sent to help were like the sea, and no news.

The look of Chang'an Qin army is also very solemn.

The Han army under the city is only stationed in the town, but it is dare to move.

Changan Cheng Bing is less than 30,000, only the 220,000 Empire recruits of the old Yang and Dynasties and the Golden Fire cavalry led by the two brothers.

At this time, the ground started the crowded cavalry on the horizon of the shake!

Changan Jun became the left and right of the court, "Hahaha! This is inevitable is that the Monteres brothers returned to the teacher. There is 100,000 gold. The world is too cavalry, the district Han Yu He Fun!"


I Time Line has been confusing

. Therefore, the sword is that the other masters of Qin Guo enrollful people are not in the original drama of the fields of the natives. Don't pursue some details. ]


"Second, stable and more

New, seeking books to subscribe to a lot of rewards and invoicing tickets, etc. All support, Fei Lu reminds you. Three things in reading

The second thousand seventy hundred and forty-one chapters of Xing Fire, the original Changan is shocked!

The left and right will be attached to the road: "Congratulations to the Lord | Meng Yimeng, the two people are the imperial dragon tiger, this will inevitably cut off the Hanjun Food Road, since there is no food, then the attack pad must not last long The day of the dismantling is not far from L "

"The Han army soldiers shocked the world. Wu'an Jun, Wu Chenghou, Taicheng and others are still unable to stop, all rely on the main male! Jun must reuse the main public" "The main public The king will go to the championship, who does not respect the public? "

The words of Auntie are like a tide Z water. The Changan Jun in the political ambition felt that there was a little fluttering. At this time, the city of the city was exclaimed: "It is the Han army cavalry not good enemy! Enemy! L !

These two words are shocked by heavy iron shoe, and the laughter is so laughing in the city, falling into a dead!

Everyone is pouring 'two sigh, I can't believe my eyes! This is the mother, what is the end of the sky, but not the Monteres' brother's gold fire cavalry is a big red Tropal rims on top. It is the Tai Han Tie Blood Trepid Banner!

The Han army cavalry in the mountains is wrapped in the mountains and the mountains and the mountains are swept, and the horses and the heavy horseshoes are remembered. The city wall of Chang'an City moves L

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